308: Come up with an idea, send Hongxing Dragon Head to Feizhou for mining
“But I don’t know each other. It’s usually my father and brother who deal with them.”
Zhong Xingyun felt like she was about to cry.
Jiang Hao sighed and said, “I won’t help you directly,
I also won’t let my old man get involved in this.
I have family, uncles, and cousins,
I can’t bring myself a lot of trouble for you, the sky outside is gradually changing,
It’s just that you don’t feel it yourself.
I also persuaded you before, but you didn’t listen, so I can be regarded as a helping hand.
Now I suggest you think about it. Usually, you have a good relationship with your family, and there are a few who have the most contact with each other.
Hurry up and contact them and ask them who has the best relationship with your father,
Then quickly leave the relationship and let them see your parents’ contribution back then,
Give you a hand, if it really doesn’t work, you can give away the shares of your machinery factory.
Do you think that people will be tempted by gold alone? You take them too simplistically,
After your parents come out, you can ask him to meet me, and I will tell him some important news,
There’s nothing else I can do. ”
“Can I stay here at night?” Zhong Xingyun looked at Jiang Hao and asked.
“Whether your parents are in a hurry, you can measure for yourself, if you want to sleep,
You sleep in another room. It’s not good for you to sleep with me here,
Maybe Xu Damao will be even more crazy after seeing it! ”
“I’m still tomorrow, I can’t leave now, I’m my father’s friend,
They were already asleep in the middle of the night. ”
“Okay! Yu Li, please follow the arrangement, pay attention! Don’t live in our house,
Yi Zhonghai can live in that house, aren’t Jingru and Runye living there?
Just leave her there! “Jiang Hao warned Li.
If Xu Damao knew that his ex-wife lived in Jiang Hao’s room,
Jiang Hao doesn’t care, but Xu Damao will definitely deal with Zhong Xingyun’s family like a mad dog.
After Zhong Xingyun left, Jiang Hao entered the small world,
Lou Xiao’e and others saw Jiang Hao’s arrival and complained:
“Why are you here so late today? We’ve been waiting for you for a long time.
You have to know that here is ten times the flow rate. ”
Jiang Hao explained: “Today I went to the small courtyard, and the factory director Yang Jianguo came over first.
discussOn the electrical matter, on the way back, Ran Qiuye was surrounded by five gangsters.
Then I went to the patrol room to make a record and sent her home.
After you come back, your successor in the Xu family will be waiting there again.
She and Xu Damao divorced, and Xu Damao denounced their family. ”
Lou Xiaoe didn’t stay at Xu Damao’s house for a while,
I have no feelings for Xu Damao and Zhong Xingyun.
“There are really a lot of things going on this day. Is my sister with that Zhong Xingyun?”
Yu Haitang asked.
“Yeah! You are waiting for me, is there anything to do tonight?”
Jiang Hao looked at everyone as if something was happening.
Ding Qiunan said:
“It’s like this, after the gangs of our various groups were leveled up last year,
Now Hongxing people and Sixteen K people are very arrogant recently,
Pressured us to charge fees these days,
Yan Tong was also making small movements beside him. ”
Lou Xiao’e also said, “Yeah! They are making trouble recently, and our business has lost a lot!”
“That’s why they didn’t hurt before? So, what about Miao Er?” Jiang Hao asked.
“I’m here, master!” Jiang Miaoer appeared beside Jiang Hao.
“We were all out at night,
The Hongxing and the sixteen K (numbers are avoided, so as not to harmonize) several halls in charge, double safflower sticks,
All the safflower sticks knocked me out and sent them to the Feizhou mine.
Wonderful two! You and I will meet the surnamed Jiang and the sixteen K surnamed Ge,
By the way, let the old boy Yan Tong castrate. “Jiang Hao explained.
“Okay! Master, wait for me for an hour, and I will gather all the brothers,
Scattered to the leaders of the two gangs. “Jiang Miaoer replied.
“Are we going to go to war with them?” Irina became excited: “I want to participate too!”
Jiang Hao nodded and said, “Yes! Bring all the guys!”
“Let’s also participate, okay?” Zhou Xiaobai and Yu Haitang also pestered Jiang Hao.
“No, you are too young to see blood!
If you’re still interested when you’re an adult, then I’m not against it. ”
At about one o’clock in the evening, Jiang Hao first came to the door of Hongxing Jiang Zhen’s house,
Everyone agreed to start the action at one o’clock, and the Ge family and Yan Tong’s family were guarded by biochemical people.
Cut off all contact with the outside world.
Jiang Hao and the others used the Thousand Phantom Masks, which greatly changed their faces.
When the time was up, Jiang Hao, the ten cyborgs around him and Jiang Miaoer rushed directly to Jiang Zhen’s house with AK.
Shoot all his subordinates or knock them unconscious, and then throw them into the small world,
The biochemical people from Feizhou took them directly to the mine to mine,
As for their family members, they let it go this time, and next time, the whole family will go mining together.
Jiang Zhen was in a drowsy sleep when suddenly his door was kicked open. Then a group of people came in,
Just pulled him out of the bed. In the bed, Jiang was being bitten by a woman in her thirties.
Jiang Zhen was immediately stunned, but he still got his head and asked:
“Who are you? Why did you break into my house? Do you know who I am?”
Without saying a word, Jiang Hao came up and slapped Jiang Zhen more than a dozen times.
Then he said:
“Jiang Zhen! Haven’t you Hongxing been very rude recently? You actually came to ask us for a fee,
Are there too many good days? Didn’t I teach you a lesson last time?
So I think we are soft persimmons, can you take a pinch?
Take him, and the people around him, and go mining together. As for his two sons,
Bring it up for me to see! ”
Jiang Zhen was shocked, could it be from the Jiang family?
Recently, my gang seems to be planning the Jiang Group.
Seeing that his wife was about to be implicated, he quickly begged for mercy:
“Brother, I have eyes but don’t know Mount Tai,
We Hongxing will never be hostile to your Jiang clan in the future. How about we spend our money on jade and silk? ”
“It’s too late! Since your actions this time,
The fate of you Honghua and above leaders is destined to go to Feizhou to mine!
Also, is this your wife or Xiaomi? By the way, bring all his wives and Xiaomi,
The brothers in Feizhou are working hard,
Just let Jiang Zhen’s women help the brothers at Feizhou Base solve their problems! ”
“You bastard! It’s said that the wife and children are not in danger, you have now violated the rules of the Tao!
In the future, there will be no room for you on the Gangcheng Road! “Jiang Zhen said through gritted teeth.
“Are you sick? I’m not a person on your Tao, the rules on your Tao,
It’s about us! By the way, leave a black eagle logo here! ”
“Yes! Master!” Jiang Miaoer said respectfully.
After a while, the biochemical man came up with the two Jiang brothers.
Jiang Hao looked at Jiang Tiansheng and Jiang Tianyang who came up. Sure enough, they were a bit like the star, if there were more, there were still six or seven points.

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