89 Our daughter has news!
After get off work in the afternoon, Jiang Hao still entered the small world early. Today is Lou Xiaoe’s birthday. Jiang Hao is going to cook a large table of hearty dishes. There is nothing good in the supply and marketing cooperatives and grain and oil stores outside. After Jiang Hao entered the small world, he said to Lou Xiaoe, “Happy birthday!”
Lou Xiao’e covered her mouth and said, “How do you know that today is my birthday? I forgot it myself in the small world, and I can’t tell which day it is.”
Jiang Hao laughed and said, “I just know anyway! By the way, I’ll give you a birthday present and a cake in the evening!”
Jiang Hao took out the family bucket set meal, cola and snack gift pack, and gave the envious Juchuan Shizuka to the side.
Lou Xiao’e took Shizuka’s hand and said, “We’ll eat together later!”
“Are you going to eat the whole family bucket now or later? If you eat now, then I will make dinner later. Today, for your birthday, I will give Shizuka and I the feast to cook. You can just wait and eat ready-made! “Jiang Hao asked.
“Then I’ll eat the whole family bucket first! I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, and you only gave me two meals! I’ll eat it tomorrow!” Lou Xiaoe hurriedly asked for it while taking advantage of her birthday.
Jiang Hao shook his head and said, “I’ll give you and Shizuka another one at this time next week!”
“Okay! Then I’ll reluctantly agree, but don’t be rude, say you forgot!” Lou Xiao’e prepared the pen to write down on a sticky note and put it in front of the TV, reminding herself and Jiang Hao all the time .
The two girls began to feast on the family bucket. Jiang Hao worked hard to prepare the ingredients for the evening. Jiang Hao took an inventory. There are chickens, ducks, fish, sheep, pigs, rabbits, silly spores, and cows in the small world. Now there is only one silly goose left for poultry. Hao is going to go to the black market to see if there are big geese for sale.
Jiang Hao stepped on a bicycle and entered the black market with a transformation mask. At this time, it was just dark and there were not many people in the black market. Jiang Hao wandered around and found that there were not many things. The middle-aged uncle who had been there twice before was still setting up a stall. Jiang Hao went over to say hello: “Uncle, do you have any stupid geese for sale here?”
The middle-aged stall owner asked suspiciously, “I don’t think I’ve seen you before, right? The voice is a bit familiar, and I usually have an impression of those who have traded before!”
Jiang Hao reminded: “I brought a scarf before, and I bought a pig, a calf and a lamb from you!”
“Oh! I remember it, but your figure is a bit wrong!” The middle-aged stall owner shook his head.
“Uncle, do you have any goose?” Jiang Hao asked.
“Not today, do you still want the fruit tree you asked me to bring last time?” The middle-aged stall owner still remembers Jiang Hao’s request: “I brought it once before, but you didn’t come!”
“Uncle, you didn’t bring it here before. I have a lot of them now. If you have a walnut tree, I can ask for it!” Jiang Hao made his own request.
“That’s fine! I’ll go back to the mountain and look for it! Remember when you come next time!” The middle-aged stall owner was worried.
“Yeah!” Jiang Hao agreed and continued to browse the black market. Finally, in a corner, he found two pairs of big white geese and a few black fish. Jiang Hao bought them directly. Big white geese are more expensive, and the stall owner Selling at seven cents per pound, the price is the same as pork, and it is a whole goose.
Jiang Hao hadn’t seen it a few times before, thinking that the big white goose might be rare, so he could only buy it at a loss.
After walking out of the black market, Jiang Hao threw the two big white geese and black fish directly into the small world, and then went to the pharmacy to see if there were any seeds of Chinese herbal medicine, especially ginseng or something. Although he might find it when he went to White Bear Country next summer, but Jiang Hao decided to buy some first.
After spending ten yuan to buy a bunch of Chinese herbal medicine seeds, Jiang Hao threw them directly into the small world, and let the system dampers plant different types in the vacated acre of Chinese herbal medicine fields.
When he got home, Jiang Hao decided to make all the meat and meat all over again, but the wagyu hadn’t grown up yet, so he was reluctant to kill it. He would slaughter it after breeding a little more. As for listening to music, sorry, people in this age don’t have this condition. . I can only wait until Shizuka goes to Sakura Country to get some more.
After entering the small world, the two of them had eaten the whole family bucket. After the time accelerated, the digestion was almost the same. This time was equivalent to two meals for two people. Jiang Hao pulled Jingxiang to the kitchen and started cleaning the vegetables and meat. Jiang Hao did not need to do the slaughtering himself, the system would do it automatically, unless Jiang Hao wanted to experience the fun of slaughtering.
The two made eighteen dishes, one soup, half meat dishes, half material dishes, four dumb geese, two males, two females, the males naturally went to kill one, and the rest Just stay in the orchard to breed slowly, and after the number of them increases, put some into the breeding world.
It can be handed over to the biochemical person to sell everywhere in the future.
Lou Xiao’e saw a large table full of dishes, and there was a large birthday cake in the middle with nineteen candles on it. Lou Xiao’e was very excited. Eight or nine years ago, her family could still have a rich birthday feast, but after that, it was not as good as a year. In the end, she didn’t even have any cakes, although the cakes before were not as good as those given by Jiang Hao. it is good.
Jiang Hao found a USB flash drive, which contained a film and television that sang a happy birthday song, and composed the music together to adjust the atmosphere. Jiang Hao said to Lou Xiaoe: You can make a wish, and if I can do it, I will try my best to help you do it.
Lou Xiao’e thought about it: “I want to meet my parents?”
Jiang Hao nodded: “ThisYes, but not now, in a few years, I can make a video for your parents to show you. ”
Lou Xiao’e was a little disappointed, but she also knew that the situation was special: “Then I will write a letter to my parents, okay?”
Jiang Hao nodded and said, “It’s no problem, you can write a letter a week, but you have to add the phrase ‘burn it after reading it’!”
Lou Xiaoe naturally understands this, Jiang Hao agreed, and Lou Xiaoe was eager to write a letter, but he pulled him back: “No rush to write a letter, first dinner and birthday cake! Anyway, I have more time, I will give it to you in the evening. You can send it to the past, there is time to accelerate the function, don’t rush at this moment.”
Jiang Hao started to take out the camera and tripod, which can be set for timed shooting. After eating and resting, Lou Xiaoe began to light the candles by herself. Jiang Hao asked the system to dim all the lights and controlled the TV to play the Happy Birthday song. Lou Xiaoe was there. I burst into tears when blowing out the candles.
Shizuka comforted: “Today is your birthday, why are you still crying?”
Lou Xiao’e sobbed, “This is the happiest birthday I’ve had, and the easiest one. So I’m a little excited.”
Jiang Hao comforted: “Now for the past two years, it’s not a good thing for you to meet your parents now. Can you guarantee that everyone in your family can keep secrets? It’s difficult, you can return safely, but Your parents are in danger. After your parents agree to go to Hong Kong City, you can meet every day. I’m afraid your parents won’t believe you.”
After eating the birthday cake, Lou Xiao’e asked Jiang Hao to put away the excess, and the two girls kept it to eat slowly. In the evening, Jiang Feng and the envelope gave a piece to Lou’s parents.
After Jiang Hao came out of the small world, he used the Thousand Illusion Mask to change his image, changed his clothes, slowly sneaked into Lou’s parents’ door, and used an invisible card to slowly enter Lou’s house.
Lou’s parents have already entered the room to sleep. There are no entertainment activities in this era. Apart from eating, they sleep at night. If it was the previous capital and the magic capital, there would be night activities, but the environment in recent years is not allowed. , Jiang Hao put the birthday cake on the small table moved downstairs, and also put a stack of photos and letters from tonight. After that, I knocked on Lou’s parents and Lou’s mother’s room a few times.
“Dong, dong, dong…” Lou Zhengsheng heard the knock on the door, wondering why someone would knock on his bedroom door this day; “Who is it?” But no one answered.
Lou’s mother also woke up in a daze: “Zhengsheng! At this time, there is no one in our house. Who will come knocking on the door?”
“I’ll get up and see!” Father Lou put on his clothes, found a chair, held it in his hands, walked to the door and asked, “Who is it?”
Still no one answered, Lou’s father opened the door carefully and found that there was no movement, but there was a table and a piece of cake at the door. Lou’s father turned his head and called to Lou’s mother: “Xiao Tan, get up, we have a table and ran upstairs to the corridor, and also put a cake, it seems that there is a letter!”
When Lou’s mother heard it, she quickly sat up, put on her clothes, and went out the door. Lou’s parents looked around and shouted a few times, but no one was seen. Jiang Hao withdrew after taking a short video with his camera. 4.4 escaped through an open window on the side.
Lou Zhengsheng looked at the photo on the table, picked it up, and immediately shouted to Lou’s mother, “Xiao Tan, come quickly, there is news for our daughter!”
Lou’s mother also hurriedly walked closer, picked up Lou Xiao’e’s photo and looked at it, tears slid down her cheeks. Lou Zhengsheng opened the letter that Lou Xiaoe wrote to him:
dad! mom!
My daughter is now in a safe place. When she was robbed, she was actually rescued. The son of Xu Daguo, Xu Damao, is a sinister villain. When he got engaged to us, it was for our influence and financial resources in the rolling mill. The son Xu Damao is messing around outside,
He has long lost his fertility, is drunk all day, loves to beat his wife, and will divorce his daughter in the future. He even took the lead in reporting many secrets in our family such as gold, antiques, etc. shortly after the divorce.
They also seized the property of our Lou family and embezzled a lot of my dowry. You were even arrested and imprisoned for this. Finally, with the help of others, you finally got out of the prison and left the port city. Don’t ask your daughter why she knows, she can’t say it yet.
My daughter has been missing you all the time, but I am afraid of causing trouble to both of you. Today is my daughter’s birthday, and my daughter also took some photos for you. Do you think the place where your daughter lives is beautiful?

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