Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1009 Phantom Outside the Tomb

Lin Tian's voice made Huahu Beast and Fire Lion happy, but Stone Elephant King wondered, "No, I obviously trapped him."

The Snake Charm King was suspicious, "Isn't he afraid of your petrification?"

The Stone Elephant King didn't understand, but it cracked at this moment, and then the stones scattered, and Lin Tian looked at them with a smile, "How is it, are you still coming?"

The Stone Elephant King has already used the strongest means, he has no choice but to look at the Snake Charm King, "You should do it."

Snake Charm King had no choice but to say, "It's up to me, stone soul art."

The flower fox immediately reminded Lin Tian, ​​"Don't look into her eyes, or she will petrify your soul."

But the Snake Charm King, a brown light flashed on his body, and then countless pairs of eye shadows floated around Lin Tian.

"It's over." When the flower fox beast saw Lin Tian still opened his eyes and stared at those eyes, he was stunned.

The Fire Lions were also full of worry, while the Snake Charm King smiled evilly, "Be obedient and be in a daze."

After speaking, the purple wolf king said with a smile, "It's my turn."

The next moment, the Purple Wolf King shot out a series of wind blades, targeting Lin Tian, ​​and the onlookers knew that Lin Tian was doomed this time.

But at this moment Lin Tian smiled wickedly, "Do you really think I can't move?"

Then Lin Tian disappeared from his original position, and all the beasts were startled immediately. Obviously, they didn't expect Lin Tian to be so terrifying, not even afraid of the stone soul technique of the Snake Charm King.

When Lin Tian reappeared, he was already standing behind the three beasts of the Snake Charm King and said with a smile, "Are you still here?"

The Snake Charm King and the three beasts looked at each other, not knowing what to do. After all, they had already used their skills, but they couldn't take Lin Tian down.

But the flower fox stepped forward and said with a smile, "Look, you can't do anything to my boss."

The Snake Charm King looked at the flower fox beast solemnly, "Hua girl, although we can't do anything to him, but he didn't beat us, so it doesn't count."

But Lin Tian laughed and said, "Are you really willing to let me take you down?"

"Yes." The three beasts said in unison, apparently not thinking that Lin Tian could take them down, but Lin Tian shrugged and said with a smile, "That's fine, I'll let you guys see it."

The next moment, countless phantoms dispersed, and these phantoms surrounded the three beasts, and at the same time, the trapping beast technique was cast.

The power of the three beasts was restrained immediately, and the three beasts were frightened on the spot, and the corners of Lin Tian's mouth curled up again, and the three beasts were trapped by earthen walls.

Then Lin Tian took out the seal and said with a smile, "I can abolish your cultivation immediately."

The Purple Wolf King didn't believe it, and said, "How is it possible."

Lin Tian threw the Xiujuan over, and the purple wolf king couldn't get out from the earth wall, so he could only be absorbed by the Xiujuan bit by bit under the Xiujuan.

In the end, the Purple Wolf King turned into a little wolf, circling in circles in fear, and at the same time anxiously said, "I was wrong, pay me back!"

Both the Snake Demon King and the Stone Elephant King were stunned, and the nearby beasts were even more stunned.

The flower fox beast is like a cheerful little girl, "If you don't believe my boss's words, you old wolf, now you know your mistake."

The purple wolf king was full of regrets, "I was wrong, and I dare not do it again."

"Then why don't you just obediently call him the boss?" The Flower Fox shouted as if thinking of something, and the fire lions also approached.

"Yes, sign a contract with him quickly, then you will be safe." Fire Lion urged.

Xiong Baibai also nodded, "That's right, obediently submit, he won't harm you."

Seeing that these holy beasts believed in Lin Tian so much, the Purple Wolf King had no choice but to say, "Okay then."

After a while, Ziwanglang also surrendered to Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian returned his cultivation base to him, and let him go, allowing him to regain his freedom.

The purple wolf king immediately looked at Lin Tian as if he had regained his life, "From now on, the old wolf will follow you, the boss."

"Don't worry, I won't let you die." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he looked at Snake Charm King and Stone Elephant King and said with a smile, "It's your turn."

The Snake Charm King asked strangely, "You don't plan to surrender us, do you?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Lin Tian looked at the Snake Demon King with a smile, but the Snake Demon King smiled strangely, "Boy, don't you know that greed has no good end."


"Yes, if a human being makes a contract with too many spirit beasts, the spirit beasts will finally eat that human being back, and look at how many contracts you have made now. If you make a contract with us again, it may be time for you The soul will be miserable." Snake Charm King started to scare Lin Tian in order to avoid disaster.

But this is indeed a fact, not to mention ordinary people, even immortals, dare not make contracts with too many spirit beasts, they can only untie one and make one contract, so one person, at most a few spirit beasts, otherwise they will be backlashed.

But Lin Tian is not an ordinary person, so he said with a smile, "Let's not talk about the two of you, even if there are 20,000 more holy beasts, I can make a contract."

The beasts startled, but the masked woman muttered in her heart, "How did he do it? He was able to make so many contracts."

However, Lin Tian didn't explain, but stared at the Snake Charm King silently, until the Snake Charm King was in a daze for a while and said, "This is what you want, so don't blame me when the time comes."

After finishing speaking, King Snake Charm made a contract with Lin Tian, ​​and then the stone elephant also made a contract with Lin Tian.

As a result, seven of the top ten holy beasts in the Southern Wilderness surrendered. The masked woman didn't expect it, and the other spirit beasts didn't even expect that their king would be taken down by humans.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Lead the way."

Those holy beasts led the way one by one, until they came to a valley, the Snake Demon King pointed to the phantom ahead and said, "See, it's all these."

Lin Tian looked at these phantoms, and found that there were some fairy stones in the phantoms, and there was an ancient palace.

"Is this the fairy tomb?" Lin Tian asked, and the Snake Charm King Ensheng said, "Yes, a fairy tomb, and these fairy stones are very tempting, but no spirit beasts can come out, and the same goes for other humans."

Lin Tian laughed and said, "Aren't you afraid that everything you see is fake?"

However, these words attracted objections from the Snake Demon King and other spirit beasts, because they had seen the fairy stone flying out of it.

Especially the stone elephant took out a few pieces from his pocket, "Look, I got it from it recently!"

The Purple Wolf King also took out some, but obviously not many, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "If this is the case, then I will go in and have a look."

"Are you really planning to go in?" Snake Charm King asked suspiciously, and the Purple Wolf King and the others also looked at Lin Tian strangely. Obviously, no one had ever come out of this place.

If Lin Tian went in at this time and died inside, then they would also be implicated by the death of the host, so these holy beasts persuaded them one by one.

But Lin Tian still took a leap and disappeared in front of these spirit beasts, but the Snake Charm King said anxiously, "If he is going to die, don't drag us down."

"That's not true." The Purple Wolf King was also very depressed, while the stone elephant had a mournful face, "I won't be able to eat any more delicious food in the future."

The fire lions and the others looked at each other, but the flower fox firmly believed, "Boss will be fine!"

The masked woman stared at the direction where Lin Tian disappeared, and found that after Lin Tian entered, not even a shadow disappeared, but the phantoms were still there.

"Strange, there is a phantom, why is there no figure?" The masked woman muttered in her heart after discovering this.

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