Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1023 Cultivate ghost flowers

In the hall, Lin Tian didn't care about her, but smiled at the stone-eating firebird who was waiting.

The two birds were brought into the temple, and after seeing the other holy beasts practicing and getting to know them, the two beasts were eager to move.

Until Lin Tian came in, the two beasts stepped forward, one black and the other white immediately fawning, "Let's call you boss too."

"Yes, let us follow you!"

Looking at the black and white, Lin Tian smiled and asked, "Are you sure you want to follow me?"


The two beasts nodded wildly, and Lin Tian quickly asked them to sign a contract with him, and then found suitable immortal beast souls for them to practice.

But Lin Tian stared at the ten holy beasts and said with a smile, "Before you practice, answer me a question."

"What's the problem?" The beasts were puzzled, and Lin Tian looked at the holy beasts, "Flying cat, where does it usually appear?"

The ten beasts were startled immediately, and Qin Shou, who was guiding them, was startled, "Is there really a flying cat?"

"Yes, I have seen these ten guys before." Lin Tian looked at them, and they became embarrassed, as if there was something unspeakable.

Qin Shou became excited, "Everyone, is it true?"

Everyone looked at each other, and finally looked at the flower fox, and the flower fox said depressedly, "Why is it me?"

"You are better at talking." The fire lion smiled strangely, but the flower fox said helplessly, "Okay, I will say what I say."

Lin Tian was curious, why are these holy beasts so embarrassed that they let the flower fox beast say it.

The flower fox beast took a deep breath and said, "It's like this, this flying cat is very fast and mischievous. It always fights against us in the southern wilderness, so we ten beasts often work together to deal with it, but this guy is too Being cunning, we always fail and suffer losses several times, so in the Southern Wilderness, many guys still laugh at us for not being worthy of being one of the top ten holy beasts."

The other holy beasts also complained after hearing this, "This flying cat is too difficult to catch."

"No, very cunning."

Lin Tian didn't want to hear their complaints, but asked with a smile, "Where is it now?"

All the beasts looked at the flower fox, and the flower fox explained, "This flying cat likes a certain kind of flower. I just need to take that flower out, and it will definitely appear within three days."

"Oh? What flower?"

"The ghost flower I planted only blooms at night, not during the day, and I managed to get this seed." The flower fox explained.

"Oh? You have all the ghost flowers." Lin Tian was a little surprised. After all, the ghost flower is a kind of flower that nourishes the soul, and it also releases a weird fragrance.

"There are some seeds, but it will take several years to bloom, so every few years, we can find a way to catch them, but they can always get rid of the flowers." The flower fox said depressedly.

"Are there any seeds left?"

"There's some left."

"Give it to me, I'll find a way to make it turn into a flower quickly." Lin Tian said, and the flower fox immediately looked forward to it, "Can you catch it?"

"No problem." Lin Tian said to himself, and the flower fox excitedly said, "Take us."

The other holy beasts shouted one after another, like a vegetable market. Obviously, these holy beasts have been tossed by this flying cat all these years.

Lin Tian knew that the ten great holy beasts had ten good helpers, so he said with a smile, "Yes, but you all have to listen to my arrangement."

"En." The beasts nodded, but that Qin Shou looked at Lin Tian and said, "This flying cat rests during the day and moves at night, and its power at night is thousands of times stronger than during the day, so if you encounter it at night, you must Don't rush to shoot, because there is no way to take it down."

"Oh? You know it well?"

"When I was in the fairy world, I learned about it from some ancient books." That Qin Shou said with a smile, and Lin Tian asked with a smile after hearing this, "Then what is this flying cat afraid of?"

"Flying cat, there is almost nothing to be afraid of, only it itself, and its power will weaken after daytime." Qin Shou explained.

The holy beasts suddenly realized after hearing this, and some even said, "No wonder this guy only comes out at night."

"That's right, every time at night, when I shuttle around, I disappear in no time."

Listening to these holy beasts talking, Lin Tian smiled, "I will arrange how you catch it after I get the flower out."

"Yes." All the beasts said in unison, and Lin Tian took the seeds and walked out of the palace.

The masked woman wondered, "Healed up so soon?"

"Not yet, but there are things that can help me speed up my recovery."

"What?" The masked woman was puzzled, and Lin Tian took out some seeds, "Ghost flower."

"Ghost flowers?" The masked woman stared at their seeds in surprise, but Lin Tian didn't explain much, but ran all the way to the Nanhuang Beast Mountain instead.

There is more aura here, and the flying cats often come to find the flowers of the flower fox, so Lin Tian chooses this place.

I saw that Lin Tian first arranged a formation in an open space, and then began to sow seeds, while the masked woman stared at Lin Tian strangely, "Ghost flower, it takes several years to bloom, are you sure you want to wait until it blooms, and then nourish the soul? "

"The ghost flower can grow faster by absorbing ghost energy, and with my formation, it will be fine within three days."

The masked woman didn't believe it, and said, "Three days for the ghost flower to bloom? Are you kidding me!"

Lin Tian ignored it, but started to take out the ghost ring, and then released the ghost energy.

When the formation was filled with ghost energy, the masked woman's eyes widened, "This."

"You don't want the ghost energy to invade your body too much, so go outside the formation quickly."

Naturally, the masked woman couldn't stay here all the time, so she hurriedly withdrew from the formation, but the ghost was very satisfied with this place.

Lin Tian said to the ghost, "The ghost energy is for these flowers, you can't absorb it for the time being."

"Boss, I understand." The ghost said with an embarrassed smile, but he sat down cross-legged, and then the black roots on his body began to spread out, and then these roots also began to release ghost energy.

All of a sudden, the concentration of ghost energy in the formation increased a lot.

After seeing how much ghost energy could be released by the ghost with the ghost root, Lin Tian smiled and said, "You have complete control over it?"

"Well, now I can pass through it and release the strong ghost energy together." The ghost proudly said.

Lin Tian nodded in satisfaction, "Keep going."


Afterwards, the ghosts and ghost roots released more ghost energy, but the masked woman outside the formation saw the darkness inside and said solemnly, "Why isn't this guy afraid of ghost energy?"

Naturally, Lin Tian would not explain this to her, but waited there for a day and a night before the soul-nourishing flowers bloomed.

The ghost also said excitedly, "Boss, look, these flowers are all blooming."

Lin Tianen made a sound, then walked outside, seeing that it was still daytime outside, he muttered in his heart, "If this flying cat appears within three days, then we have to prepare to dig a hole now."

The masked woman on the side asked curiously after seeing Lin Tian coming out, "Why did you come out?"

"The flowers are blooming." Lin Tian returned to his senses and smiled, but the masked woman was dubious, "Impossible."

"If you don't believe me, you can go and have a look." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he returned to the formation, and the masked woman also slipped in.

But after seeing the thick ghost aura everywhere, the whole person frightened me, especially seeing those ghost flowers, she was even more shocked, "It turned out to be really mature."

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