Liu Caokou smiled evilly when he heard Lin Tian's words, "Ask me to be incompetent? That's good! I'll make your life worse than death!"

After finishing speaking, this Liu Caokou made countless canes to wrap Lin Tian up.

Then he began to crush Lin Tian crazily, intending to smash Lin Tian into pieces, and those who surrendered did not know the situation, especially when they saw Lin Tian like this, they became worried one by one.

Nangong Yan and the others seemed to be very calm, but the masked woman frowned, "Aren't they worried?"

At this moment, those vines began to wither, and the aura of the treant gradually weakened, and even seemed to shrink, getting smaller a little bit.

"How could this happen?" That Liu Caokou was shocked, obviously he didn't expect this to happen.

At this time, Lin Tian suddenly appeared from the withered vine, and then stabbed the tree man with a sword, and then smiled strangely, "In the end, your power comes from that ring, and after I have absorbed the power of the ring, you will naturally have no strength to support."

"What?" After hearing that, Liu Caokou showed a shocked expression, until he returned to his adult form, and the aura on the ring really disappeared.

This made Liu Caokou furious, and finally gritted his teeth, "Boy, you, you are courting death!"

I saw Liu Caokou hitting Lin Tian with a palm, wishing to kill Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian was unmoved, and said with a smile, "It's your turn to surrender!"

Hearing this, Liu Caokou was not reconciled, and gritted his teeth, "No, I won't surrender!"

Lin Tian smiled, "You have no choice!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian entered a soul seal, ready to take down this Liu Caokou, but the soul in Liu Caokou's body suddenly detonated, "boom".

Dazzling for a while, everyone was blown away by a gust of air, and Nangong Yan's three daughters were also thrown to the ground.

"Big brother!" Nangong Yan yelled as she struggled to get up.

Tianbing was also in a hurry, as for Fen Qingqing, he hurriedly searched for Lin Tian's whereabouts.

The masked woman also began to search until Lin Tian appeared on a tree and smiled at them, "Are you looking for me?"

Nangong Yan immediately became excited, "Big Brother."

Lin Tian smiled, and leaped back, and the masked woman said strangely, "Such a short distance, such a great power, are you okay?"

"I change quickly." Lin Tian has the ability to exchange positions with the avatar, so he is naturally fine.

But the masked woman didn't know that, as for those who surrendered, they all became happy, while those who did not surrender were frightened and wanted to run away.

Nangong Yan and the others immediately chased them out, injuring the rest of them at once, until Lin Tian stamped their souls one by one.

After everything was over, Nangong Yan said depressedly, "How do you feel that these guys from the Tiangu Alliance are more terrifying than each other?"

Tianbing also felt the same way, "That's right, those hall masters are getting weirder than each other."

"I don't know what the remaining two hall masters are like." Fen Qingqing sighed, but Lin Tian looked at them with a smile, "No matter what, with me here, the Tiangu Alliance will definitely be crushed."

When the three girls heard this, they were encouraged again.

Lin Tian calmed down and said, "Go, let's go."

The army immediately followed, and the masked woman looked at the army and sighed in her heart, "This is not a stepping down, it's a house copying!"

After about a while, everyone came to a swamp, and there were no plants anywhere except the swamp.

"Swamp? Could it be the Earth Devouring Hall?" Nangong Yan couldn't help but ask, but Tianbing guessed, "It must be this."

The troops behind were discussing one after another, and some even stepped forward and introduced, "My lord, ladies, this is the swamp of the Tiangu Alliance. You cannot fly on it, or you will be sucked into the swamp."

"Can't fly? Then how do we get there?" Nangong Yan looked depressed, and the person said awkwardly, "This is very difficult."

Nangong Yan didn't believe in evil, and planned to try the danger with herself, but just as she took a step, her foot stepped on the mud, she quickly retreated, and said with a depressed face, "I really can't fly."

Tianbing had no choice but to say, "Try your freezing technique."

Nangong Yan felt that it made sense, so she began to freeze the swamps, but after freezing for a while, there was a strong aura under the swamps, which directly shattered the ice.

This made Nangongyan depressed, "Sister Tian, ​​there is no way."

Tianbing could only turn to Lin Tian for help, "Old Ancestor, what should we do now?"

"Call out the people below, don't you know what to do?" Lin Tian smiled, but Nangong Yan was puzzled, "Could there be someone below?"

Lin Tianen said, "Not a lot."

Nangongyan thought for a while, condensed a spiritual energy shield, and planned to sneak into the swamp, but Tianbing stopped her, "Don't be careless, there may be danger down there!"

Hearing this, Nangong Yan said depressedly, "But if we don't go down, we won't be able to get them out."

Tianbing hesitated and looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Old Ancestor, can you use that formation again?"


"Yes, it is to use fire to evaporate the swamp." Tianbing thought of the lake before, so he stared at Lin Tian, ​​wanting to see if Lin Tian could use this method again.

Lin Tian shook his head, "This swamp has mud and water. Even though the water can evaporate, the mud is still there, allowing them to hide in the deep mud, so it is difficult to use that formation."

Hearing such a thing, Tianbing suddenly said depressedly, "Then what should we do? It can't be like this all the time, can it?"

But Lin Tian stared at the mud for a while and said, "Facing this kind of method, it is best to restrain yourself with things of the wood type."

"Wood?" Everyone was puzzled, but Lin Tianen said, "It's the simplest way of restraining the five elements, wood restraining soil."

Fen Qingqing seemed to have thought of something, "I'm coming!"

After finishing speaking, Fen Qingqing had a thought, and one by one the vines fell into the swamp, and under the action of Fen Qingqing, these vines began to stir the swamp crazily.

Seeing this, the other members of the Wood Devouring Hall also stepped forward to cast wood spells one by one.

All of a sudden, the entire swamp was covered with wooden vines, and the people hiding underneath were forced to have nowhere to hide, so they could only climb out of the swamp one by one, and finally stood opposite the crowd.

The scruffy man in the lead, wearing a huge black bag, stared at the crowd with a strange smile on his face, "Amazing, he was able to force us out."

Those people from the Earth Devouring Hall all stared wide-eyed, ready to fight.

The people on Lin Tian's side didn't stop, they were on guard one by one, but Nangong Yan looked at Fen Qingqing, "Sister Fen, get out the bridge, I'll go over and clean them up."


Fen Qingqing and some people began to let the vines float on the swamp, forming a unique bridge, and then Nangongyan and Tianbing rushed over.

The people from the Earth Devouring Hall cast their spells one by one, and in an instant countless huge boulders fell towards the two of them.

Nangong Yan immediately froze, freezing all those boulders in mid-air, while Tianbing's water flow swordsmanship was all directed at the person carrying the bag.

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