When Chu Hei heard Lin Tian's words, he immediately became nervous, "My master, his real deity is in the fairy world, and his clone phantom is in the Great Barren Mountain."

"The Great Barren Mountain?"

"The person who helped him restore his cultivation came from Dahuangshan, so after he became a fairy, the clone phantom followed that person to Dahuangshan, and returned." Speaking of this, Chu Hei looked ugly.

Lin Tian said coldly, "Say."

"I even encouraged Mo Zhong to go to the Great Barren Mountain." That Chu Hei was so frightened that he hurried out of the tray, and Lin Tian said coldly, "Then what about my disciples and grandchildren?"

"They are also from Dahuangshan. They assisted my master, defeated your apprentices, and captured many of them. Among them, Shuiliu of Tianshuimen was taken away by them." That Chu Hei said anxiously.

Lin Tiantian asked, "Who are these people from the Great Barren Mountains? Why do you want to help Tiangu?"

"This, I don't know, my master never told me." That Chu Hei became nervous.

After hearing this, Lin Tian asked, "What are the characteristics of the people in Dahuangshan?"

"This, I really don't know." Chu Hei was in a hurry, but Lin Tian glanced over, "I know that your deities are also in the fairy world, even if I destroy your clone, you can still be intact."

Of course everyone knows this, but they are afraid of Lin Tian, ​​especially knowing that he is Lin Disha, they don't even have the consciousness to resist.

So Chu Hei said in a panic, "Emperor Lin, even if this is the case, we still admire you very much."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Lin Tian glared, Chu Hei did not dare to say anything, and the others were even more afraid to speak.

"Tell Tian Gu in the fairy world that I have returned to the mortal world. As for everything he has done, I will definitely make him pay back a hundredfold!" Lin Tian said coldly.

Chu Hei nodded, and Lin Tian stared at them again, "Tell him, don't think that if he hides in the fairy world, nothing will happen."

"I, I will definitely tell him." Chu Hei panicked.

At this time, Lin Tian's body was full of black vortexes, and that Chu Hei was in a hurry, "Emperor Lin, you, don't kill me."

"If I don't destroy your avatars, how can I feel at ease?" Lin Tian didn't show any sympathy, and directly used the soul borrowing technique to destroy these phantoms.

When Lin Tian reappeared, he had already stepped out of the Soul Fighting Banner and returned to his physical body.

At this moment, Nangong Yan and the others were still bickering with the people of the Tiangu Alliance, but after Lin Tian came back to his senses, he put away the fighting soul flag, and the phantoms fell to the ground one by one because they lost consciousness, "Boom", all turned into nothingness.

Everyone in the Tiangu Alliance was stunned, but Nangong Yan shouted excitedly when she saw this, "Big Brother has won!"

The masked woman breathed a sigh of relief, while Tian Bing and the others were overjoyed, and Tao Xianjun and the others also cheered.

Thirty-six states and other people who watched the battle couldn't believe that all of this was true.

The Tiangu demons were frightened, and they all looked at Lin Tian strangely, "Boy, you."

Lin Tian walked towards the "Fairy Mountain" step by step.

Tiangu Demon said anxiously, "Boy, don't even think about coming here."

Not only Tiangu Demon, Changlao Pavilion, and those immortals all dodged in the mountains, fearing Lin Tian's arrival.

Lin Tian went directly through the protective layer of the "Fairy Mountain" and came to the Tiangu Demon, who said angrily, "Boy, if you take one step closer, I will blow you up to ashes."

"To ashes?"

"Yes, everything here has turned into nothingness!" The ancient demon said angrily, and Lin Tian sneered, "Really?"

The ancient demon gritted his teeth, "Okay, this is what you want, then you can't even think about living!"

At this time, the sky was dark, and a powerful force suddenly erupted on the fairy mountain, and the people on the fairy mountain screamed one by one in an instant, and then died.

The ancient demon himself was also faintly visible, and finally fell to the ground and turned into a corpse, and the soul of this corpse had disappeared.

The next moment, there was not a single living person in the entire mountain, but all of them were dead. Lin Tian looked at it, but found that there was a strong ghostly aura exuding from the mountain.

Not only that, those people also died instantly just now.

Nangong Yan and others outside the mountain were curious about what happened, and Lin Tiangang wanted to study those corpses, but the "fairy mountain" suddenly disappeared, only a pile of corpses scattered around.

Everyone was shocked and curious about what happened, but Lin Tian came to some corpses and said after checking, "These people have all gone to the underworld."

"Yin Realm?" Nangong Yan and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, but Lin Tian thought of the Jiuyou Ghost City and those members of the Tiangu Alliance who appeared in the Jiuyou Ghost City.

So Lin Tian said to Nangong Yan and the others, "You should rectify it. There are people in the Outer Heaven Ancient Alliance. If you submit to Tianshuimen, you can spare their lives. If you want to resist to the end, you can kill them all!"

Nangong Yan and the others took the order and said, "Yes!"

Then Nangong Yan and the others arranged for those recruited to search for people from the Tiangu Alliance, but Lin Tian walked around here, and finally came to a palace.

"Tian Qi Temple."

"This is Tianqi Temple." Lin Tian looked at the masked woman, and the masked woman knew that Lin Tian was looking for Chaoguimen, so she said, "Go in, maybe it's inside."

Lin Tian packed up his mood and walked into the hall, and then began to read the information here.

But the outside world has changed. People in Thirty-six States and other places never expected that the Tiangu Alliance would be destroyed by Tianshuimen, and in the end, all members of the Tiangu Alliance committed suicide.

At the thought of this, everyone felt that it was incredible.

However, Lin Tian ignored the crowd, but privately asked the ghost mother-in-law to investigate the whereabouts of this "fairy mountain" and the group of people who disappeared just now, while he himself began to look for Chaoguimen.

About a few days later, the masked woman got a scroll in the corner of a pile of documents, "here."

Lin Tian walked over, and then opened the scroll, on which there were some records about Chaoguimen, but very few, but the only thing that is certain is that this Chaoguimen is very close to Dahuang Mountain.

At the same time, the disciples facing the ghost gate have a characteristic, that is, the words "chao ghost gate" are engraved on their left arms.

"It seems that we have to go to the vicinity of Dahuang Mountain to find out." Lin Tian put down the materials and sighed.

The masked woman asked suspiciously, "So, you plan to go to the Great Barren Mountain area to the west?"

"Let's go outside the Great Barren Mountain to inquire about it first." Lin Tian calmed down and walked out of the Tianqi Palace.

But Nangong Yan and the others ran over in a hurry, especially Nangong Yan shouted, "Big Brother, the Five Great Immortal Mansions, the Zhongxian Mansion sent someone to look for you."

"Oh? Are you here to catch me?" Lin Tian smiled and asked, that Nangong Yan was surprised, "How do you know?"

"If they don't come, I also want to ask them something." Lin Tian sneered, and then walked out of the hall.

The masked woman looked at Lin Tian strangely, wondering why Lin Tian didn't even pay attention to the five immortal officials.

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