Lin Tian smiled, and threw the bag in his hand, and the old gentleman had a heartbroken face, "It's gone, it's just gone."

That Shi An picked up the bag from the ground, and then his face was hot, but the moment he opened the bag, a white light flashed suddenly.

Everyone didn't even see anything clearly, they saw a powerful white light flashing past, and they were all curious about what happened.

When the white light passed, everyone saw that Lin Tian had already stepped on Shi An, and not only that, he pressed his forehead with one hand, and the soul marks entered one by one.

Shi An was so weak at the moment, he was almost out of breath even with the strength to speak, "You, you actually put poison pills in the bag?"

"Do you think I will really give you something?" Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, but Shi An gritted his teeth and said, "You, you villain!"

The shopkeeper Shan on the side was stunned and wanted to leave quickly, but Lin Tian slapped him directly from the air, and he fell heavily from the mountain.

Li Fengxing hurried over to catch him, "You still want to escape?"

The shopkeeper was impatient, but he had already been seriously injured after falling from such a high height, and he didn't know what to do, while that Shi An was furious.

Until Lin Tian stopped and said with a smile, "Okay, let's have a good chat later."

Shi An never expected that he would be surrendered by Lin Tian, ​​which frightened him at a loss, but Lin Tian said to Li Fengxing and others, "Go back to the canyon bodyguard bureau and wait for me first."

Although Li Fengxing didn't know what Lin Tian was going to do, he still listened to Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian asked him to bring the shopkeeper with him.

That Li Fengxing beat shopkeeper Shan into a cripple, and then dragged him away.

Mr. Hu followed behind, but the masked woman and the old man were two followers, but they didn't leave.

This made Lin Tian smile bitterly, "You two, don't you want to follow?"

"Yes!" The old man said decisively, and although the masked woman didn't say anything, she stood there motionless and stared at Lin Tian, ​​obviously not planning to leave.

Lin Tian had no choice but to ignore it, but looked at Shi An.

At this moment, Shi An asked as if he knew something, "How do you know that I want green waste stone?"

"I have my way."

Shi An said depressedly, "So you took the bait on purpose?"

"Yes, I know you will let the shopkeeper trick us into coming here, so I came here on purpose, pretending to give you the stone." Lin Tian explained his doubts one by one.

This Shi An was very aggrieved, but the old gentleman said in surprise, "This guy actually deceived everyone."

The masked woman was curious about how Lin Tian knew that Shi An needed green waste crystals, and how did he know that the shopkeeper had something to do with Shi An.

Lin Tian stared at Shi An and said with a smile, "Okay, I've answered your question for you, now should you answer my question?"


"Where is Chaoguimen?" When Lin Tian said this, that Shi An was startled immediately, "How do you know?"

Lin Tian said with a smile, "People from Wanbianzong told me that there is a disciple of Chaoguimen in the deserted valley, but I didn't expect that this person happened to be you."

Shi An was startled, "So you kept arresting me because I was going to hell?"


Shi An was frightened. He didn't expect Lin Tian to hide so deeply, and he kept using the grievances between himself and Laifeng Escort to make himself fooled.

Lin Tian looked at his panicked expression and smiled, "If I didn't do this, you might have slipped away by now?"

"Yes, there is a regulation towards the gate of ghosts. Once someone finds out that they are heading towards the gate of ghosts, they must quickly change places to prevent being targeted by others. It's just that I didn't expect it." Shi An gritted his teeth and said in disbelief.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "From your memory, it seems that there is not much going to hell. Why?"

"The management of Chaoguimen's disciples is based on the relationship between superiors and subordinates. That is to say, even if there is a Chaoguimen disciple by my side, I don't know who he is. I only know who is in charge of me."

"The person who cares about you?"

"Yes, when this person needs me to do something, he will show up and let me do it. When I'm not doing anything, I'm the same as ordinary people, no difference." That Shi An explained.

After hearing this, Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "So, you don't even know where Chaoguimen is or who the other disciples are?"


Lin Tian didn't expect that after the security of Chaoguimen was so strict, Lin Tian asked again, "Then do you know where the person who contacted you was found?"

Shi An shook his head, "That person, he was always looking for me, not me looking for him."

"What does it look like?"

"In order to prevent exposure, he has a disguise technique, so what he looks like doesn't make any sense." That Shi An said.

Lin Tian was puzzled, "Then how do you know if the other party is someone who cares about you?"

"It's simple, that person will pat me on the shoulder, and will communicate with me through sound transmission, using coded words to connect." That Shi An explained.

After Lin Tian understood, he sent a voice transmission to Shi An, "When we leave, you should act as if you haven't seen me. If that person finds you, you can contact me through the soul seal, you know?"

"Yes, sir." Shi An said helplessly, and Lin Tian continued to keep Shui Piaofei by Shi An's side, but Shi An didn't know it.

Then Lin Tian asked Shi An to leave, and Lin Tian himself returned to the foot of the mountain.

The masked woman wondered, "Just let him go?"

"You heard it too, he doesn't know where Chaoguimen is, and he doesn't know who is in charge of him, so what if we don't let him go?" Lin Tian said casually, and the masked woman was suddenly speechless.

But the old gentleman asked curiously, "Little guy, do you really want to know where Chaoguimen is?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Lin Tian asked, and the old gentleman persuaded, "This Chaoguimen is different, I advise you, it's best not to mess with it."

"I can't afford it without you." Lin Tian walked away after finishing speaking, but the old gentleman wondered, "What kind of grudge do you have? Do you want to find this Chaoguimen?"

Lin Tian said while walking, "You won't understand."

The old man was puzzled, and then looked at the masked woman, but the masked woman didn't speak, so the three had no choice but to leave the formation together, one behind the other.

Returning to the Wind Escort Bureau in the city, the shopkeeper Shan at this moment has already had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and said with a depressed face, "Our Shi family will definitely not let you go."

"The Shi family? Which Shi family? Why don't I know?" That Li Fengxing didn't take it seriously at all.

Shopkeeper Shan said anxiously, "The Shi family in the Great Barren Mountain."

Li Fengxing didn't know him, so he ignored it and said, "I haven't heard of it, so don't scare me here."

Shopkeeper Shan became impatient, but Lin Tian said to Li Fengxing, "Let him go back."

"Let him go? Why?" That Li Fengxing was puzzled, but Lin Tian said, "He's just a servant, I don't know what happened."

Li Fengxing could only feel depressed, and stared at him and said, "It's your fate."

Shopkeeper Shan immediately thanked Lin Tian before turning around and fleeing, but Li Fengxing asked curiously, "My lord, what about this fake medicine seller?"

"Run away." Lin Tian said calmly.

"Escaped?" Li Fengxing stared wide-eyed, and Mr. Hu didn't expect that the other party could escape after being caught by Lin Tian.

The masked woman and the old man were dubious, because they were there at the time, and they only saw that Shi An disappeared as soon as Lin Tian lifted his leg. They don't know whether Lin Tian let him go on purpose, or if the other party really escaped.

But Lin Tian didn't explain, because he knew that Chaoguimen was too weird. In order to prevent Shi An from being exposed by his secret, he could only say that Shi An escaped.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly rushed in from outside the Wind Escort, and countless people from the Wind Escort were sent flying.

"Who is making trouble?" Li Lai, Patriarch Li rushed out of the hall in anger, and Li Fengxing also hurried out.

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