Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 110 After learning her identity, she cried out in fright!

The wolf demon was also worried about Lin Tian's accident. After all, the two elders were very powerful. Even he was not sure about fighting the two, so he said to Lin Tian through voice transmission, "My lord, do you want me to take you away first?"

Lin Tian shook his head, didn't say much, but walked towards the secret room.

Xu Bai became anxious, "Old Ancestor!"

Tianbing also shouted, "Patriarch, don't go in!"

Nangong Yan panicked, grabbed Lin Tian with one hand and shook her head anxiously, "Big brother, don't, don't go in!"

Although Lu Da was usually dumbfounded, he knew what was going on at this moment, and even said aggressively, "Master, do you want to fight them?"

Lu Da's words drew ridicule from Tianyangzong and Heihongling, but Lin Tian smiled at him, "You guys wait here, don't move around without my permission, you know?"

"This." Everyone hesitated, and Lin Tian looked at the wolf demon, "Protect them!"

"Yes." Although the wolf demon wanted to take Lin Tian away, he could only respond without Lin Tian's consent.

Fu Xi, who was in the crowd, panicked, and Lin Tian had already started to walk towards the secret room. When he passed by Qiu Long, this Qiu Long sneered, "Boy, against us? You don't even know how to die!"

Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, and continued to walk on his own.

This smile made Qiu Long a little annoyed, "This kid is going to die, why is he still so crazy?"

Daoist Ziyun laughed there, "Finally, I saw this kid and Tianshuimen collapsed."

The Red Eagle King said proudly, "Let's see how they die this time!"

The onlookers were even more chattering.

But in the secret room, it was a different scene.

I saw that Du Baye had been suing the blood leader and shopkeeper Wang with the second elder there, until Lin Tian came in, and the blood leader silently closed the door.

Tie Laoku looked at the blood leader and asked, "Closed it?"

"Well, it's closed!" The blood leader nodded, and Tie Laoku looked at Gu Dan and nodded.

This Du Baye didn't realize what was going on, and even pointed at Lin Tian, ​​"Second elder, the Tianshuimen led by this kid has become lawless, and he openly robbed people and beat others! You must deal with this kid properly! "

"Abolish him!" Tie Laoku said three words lightly, Du Baye was overjoyed, "Yes, abolish him!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the blood leader took out his spear and swipe it, the spear passed directly through the dantian of Du Baye, and the Nascent Soul was shot through, so there was no chance of escape.

Du Baye's smile froze, and he stared at the blood leader, "It's him, not me!"

"It's you!" Tie Laoku's three words made Du Baye pale and look unlovable, "Why, why?"

Tie Laoku pointed to Lin Tian and said coldly, "Do you know who he is?"

"Who?" Du Baye looked ugly at the moment.

Tie Laoku said, "The third palace king is him, and you openly provoke the third palace king and slander the third palace king. Do you know what crime you have committed?"

"Three, the third palace king?" This Du Baye stared wide-eyed, and Tie Laoku nodded, "Yes, the third palace king who appeared recently is him."

Du Baye didn't believe it, "No, it's impossible, isn't the palace king from the Nascent Soul Realm?"

"Who said it was from the Nascent Soul Realm?" Tie Laoku asked back, and that Du Baye said anxiously, "But what he took was the King of the Nascent Soul Palace, why?"

"He can go if he builds the foundation." Every sentence of Tie Laoku was like a sentence, and he didn't give Du Baye any chance to stand up.

This made Du Baye's eyes turn red, and he cried anxiously, "I, I was wrong!"

Shopkeeper Wang said helplessly, "I've said it all, you can't afford to mess with it, but you want it anyway, and even colluded with the Tianyang Sect and the black and red collar!"

Du Baye stared at Shopkeeper Wang and the blood commander with wide eyes, "You, you already knew his identity?"

The two said in unison, "Yes."

Du Baye roared, "Why don't I know?"

The blood leader looked at Tie Laoku, and Tie Laoku said indifferently, "This matter is very important, and the fewer people who know about it, the better, but you have a bad personality and get too close to some sects all the year round, so we There's a reason I didn't tell you!"

Du Baye knelt down like a complete breakdown, and said with tears of repentance, "I, I was wrong! I beg the second elder to let me go!"

Tie Laoku took out a small golden gourd, "Go in!"

"No, I don't want to go in!" Du Baye immediately turned pale with fright when he saw the golden gourd.

"If you don't go in, you will die, choose one of the two."

Du Baye was completely anxious, he quickly looked at Lin Tian, ​​kowtowed in front of him and said, "Lin, Mr. Lin, please, don't let me go to that gourd."

Lin Tian didn't know what this gourd was, but he wasn't merciful, and said with a smile, "If it wasn't for a powerful person by my side today, I would probably be dead."

Du Baye froze for a moment and shook his head wildly, "No, I, I really didn't intend to kill you, please, please!"

But it was too late, Tie Laoku pointed the little gourd directly at Du Baye, Du Baye began to struggle, and the last shadow flew out of Du Baye's body.

As for the body, it was lying on the ground without any breath, and Lin Tian suddenly realized, "It turns out to be a magic weapon for restraining the soul."

Tie Laokuen gave a sound, and then shouted to the blood leader and shopkeeper Wang, "You two go out and maintain order. We will go out and announce the result later."


The two walked out of the secret room, and Tie Laoku and the two immediately turned into old urchins again, and they even respected Lin Tian.

You Qi grabbed Lin Tian, ​​looked him up and down and asked, "Little brother, you, are you not injured?"

Tie Laoku even apologized there, "I'm sorry, we were late and made you suffer."

Seeing the contrast between the two, Lin Tian smiled wryly, "I'm talking about you two, you two are too different."

Tie Laoku blushed and said, "If this is the case in front of everyone, how can we still lead Fengyun City?"

"No, we are the second elders of Fengyun. If those old guys know, we will lose all face." Gu Dan also laughed awkwardly.

Lin Tian said with a helpless smile, "No matter what, you guys have helped me a lot today."

"Little brother, you are polite, that guy has no eyes." Tie Laoku immediately shook his head and said, while Gu Dan nodded, "That's right, that guy deserves his death."

Seeing the reaction of these two people, Lin Tian laughed, "I think you two don't want others to know that I am the third palace king!"

As soon as these words came out, the two became embarrassed, but in front of Lin Tian, ​​they had to admit it, and then explained one by one.

From the conversation between the two, Lin Tiancai knew that the competition among the big and fourth-class cities was also fierce, especially when there was such a genius in Fengyun City, they naturally didn't want Lin Tian to be poached by people from other cities.

"Little brother, that's how things are." Tie Laoku smiled awkwardly, and Gu Dan also nodded wildly, "Yes, little brother, if a genius like you is poached away, our hearts will bleed!"

Seeing the reaction of these two people, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as Fengyun City still needs me, I won't run around."

The two were overjoyed and immediately nodded wildly.

Outside, it was already extremely lively, that Tie Laoku hurriedly said, "It's better to go out and announce the result, otherwise your people will suffer."

Lin Tianen said, and the three of them went out.

Outside at the moment, everyone only saw the blood leader leading the two out, and thought that Lin Tian had already been executed.

That's why the Tianyang Sect and the Heihongling people frantically provoked Tianshuimen, especially Qiu Long laughed at that Tianbing and others, "Don't worry, when his body is brought out, it will be your turn!"

"Move your mother!" Tian Bing was furious, and Fen Qingqing watched anxiously, hoping that Lin Tian would be fine at the moment.

Nangong Yan looked at the wolf demon and asked anxiously, "Uncle Lang, can you sense the breath of big brother?"

The wolf demon shook his head and said, "This secret room is isolated from any breath and sound, and it cannot be sensed at all."

These words made Nangong Yan anxious, and planned to rush to find Lin Tian, ​​but was stopped by the blood leader and shopkeeper Wang.

Shopkeeper Wang comforted him, "Don't worry, he will be fine!"

"Really?" Nangong Yan asked worriedly, shopkeeper Wang didn't say much, but nodded, but that Qiu Long sneered, "Treasurer Wang, blood leader, you are all in danger, and you still want to comfort them?"

Shopkeeper Wang and the two didn't speak, and they didn't want to say anything more. After all, the result had to be announced by Feng Yun.

Seeing that the two were silent, Qiu Long looked at Daoist Ziyun more proudly and said, "Daoist Ziyun, it seems that Tianshuimen is really going to die today!"

"Against us? Court death!" Daoist Ziyun sat there proudly and laughed.

But the smile froze quickly, and everyone onlookers also showed surprise expressions.

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