Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1119 Encirclement and suppression by two masters

At this time, one after another sword energy turned into ten sword shadows.

Each of these sword shadows contains 50,000 Qi Dao, and ten Dao is 500,000 Qi Dao.

The sword shadow formed in this way is very powerful, but there are not many people who can do this, but now the cloud hole is displayed.

When the old gentleman and others saw this scene, they were already frightened, and even worried about whether Lin Tian could watch it, but Lin Tian didn't speak, and stared at the cloud cave silently.

When these sword shadows reached Lin Tian, ​​everyone thought that Lin Tian would be hit and died, but these sword qi hit Lin Tian one by one.

Lin Tian just took a few steps back, there was no wound on his body, and he was still intact and asked, "Is this your killer move?"

Everyone was stunned, and that Yun Dongzhi also frowned, and looked at Lin Tian strangely, "Boy, how did you do it?"

Lin Tian ignored the other party, but stared at the cloud cave, "Don't worry about how I did it, you just need to know that now you have to let Tiangu appear, otherwise, I will do it!"

"Boy, don't be crazy!" the cloud hole stared, and Lin Tian began to cast Wuying Palm.

Both palms were raised, and when he made a move, countless people were beaten into the air.

Seeing how terrifying Lin Tian was, the thousands of people surrounding him immediately dispersed one by one, and the people on the opposite side of Yundong shouted, "Quickly, go to the Devil's Desolation Palace and inform Elder Zhang."


Immediately, some people flew to some halls ahead.

Those halls are the halls of the Devil's Desolation Hall, and at this moment these halls have been surrounded by the Wugu League.

At this moment, in a hall, there are corpses lying everywhere, and behind these corpses there is a young man with scars all over his body, and holding a sword in one hand, sticking it on the ground, staring at the group of people standing in front of him, "Even if one person is killed in the battle in the Devil's Desolation Palace, we will not surrender you!"

Those people sneered, and some even said to the drowsy old man sitting on a chair, "Elder Zhang, it seems that this Devil's Desolation Palace has no plans to surrender, so why not kill them all?"

"The Devil's Desolation Palace is one of the best sects, why don't you submit to it, and insist on leaving corpses everywhere?" The elder was a bit sissy, and his lips were slightly red, and he smiled strangely with his eyes open.

The young man said angrily, "Old thief Zhang, let me tell you, we have many disciples in the Devil's Desolation Sect, and sooner or later, they will avenge us."

"Tsk tsk, little suzerain, what are you talking about, why are you saying such hurtful things?" The elder Zhang looked at the boy pitifully.

With disheveled hair, the young man grasped the sword Qi and said, "Hmph, anyway, I won't surrender even if I die."

"Oh? Is that so? Then I have no choice but to arrest you and torture you slowly until all of you outside the Demon Desolation Palace submit to you one by one."

"Damn, I'm dreaming!" the young man said angrily, while Elder Zhang smiled, "Dao Yu, use your saber to serve him well."

"Yes." At this time, a young man took out a knife and walked over step by step.

The young man's eyes revealed unwillingness, but at this time a disciple outside urgently reported, "Elder Zhang, it's not good!"

"What's wrong?"

"A few people came outside, and one of them said that he wanted to find the old senior, and asked us to call the old senior out within a quarter of an hour, or he would kill us."

Elder Zhang was stunned for a moment, "Kill us? Did I hear you right?"

"Really." The disciple nodded, and the elder Zhang smiled wryly, "What cultivation is so crazy?"

"Twenty thousand airways, but after changing the airways, it can reach 320,000 airways."

Elder Zhang heard the 20,000 Qi Dao, and when he was about to say rubbish, his eyes lit up, "The Qi Dao changed?"


Elder Zhang said excitedly, "A change in airway is a good thing, I have to catch this guy before we talk."

The Dao Yu asked curiously, "Then this guy?"

"Trap him up first and take him outside." The elder Zhang said with a smile, and after the sound of the saber Yuen, several people stepped forward and came to the seriously injured boy.

The boy was shocked, "What are you going to do?"

Without saying a word, they threw the young man into a transparent cage, and locked him together with the sword.

Then several people carried the cage out.

Lin Tian was fighting Yun Dongzhi at the moment, but Yun Dongzhi's sword energy could not hurt Lin Tian, ​​which made Yun Dongzhi curse secretly.

After a while, someone shouted, "Elder Zhang is here."

The crowd dispersed, a chair was lifted out, and the elder Zhang sat there and looked at Lin Tian with a smile, "You, the one who can change the air way?"

"Are you blind?" Lin Tian was performing Qi Dao Change at the moment, and the elder Zhang laughed when he heard Lin Tian's tone, "Boy, you are so crazy!"

"Don't worry about whether I'm crazy or not, you just need to know that I'm here to ask for someone."

"Oh? Senior Tiangu?" The elder Zhang asked with a smile, and Lin Tian replied, "Yes, it is him."

But Elder Zhang laughed, "Boy, who are you? What qualifications do you have to see him?"

"Me? Lin Tian, ​​the ancestor of Tianshuimen, who just happened to destroy his Tiangu Alliance recently." When Lin Tian said this, the scene immediately became heatedly discussed.

"This guy is that Lin Tian?"

"I heard that he led the Tianshui Gate and wiped out the Tiangu Alliance in the mainland."

"Because of this matter, Senior Tian Gu was furious."

When everyone was discussing, that Elder Zhang said excitedly, "Boy, do you know what order Senior Tiangu gave in Wugu League?"

"What order, tell me and listen."

"Senior Tiangu said that if people from the Wugu League see Tianshuimen, one case will be taken and handed over to him, and there will be a big reward."

"Heavy reward?" Lin Tian sneered, but Elder Zhang looked at Lin Tian with a smile, "Boy, you said you didn't hide well, why did you come here to make trouble?"

"I said, I want to see Tiangu, if you don't let me see, then I have no choice but to kill people." Lin Tian said coldly.

Elder Zhang sneered, "Murder? Just you?"

"You can try." Lin Tian smiled disdainfully, and Elder Zhang looked at Dao Yu, "Dao Yu, go and help Yundong."

"Yes." The Dao Yu came out, and Elder Zhang said with a smile, "Let me see how you alone can resist our Wugu League sword masters and sword masters."

At this time, the boy in the transparent cage was curious about who Lin Tian was, and why he dared to challenge Wu Gumeng alone.

Not only that, but the next scene shocked the young man.

I saw that Yun Dongzhi and Dao Yu, one with a sword and one with a knife, their attacks were very fierce.

At the same time, these two people still have 500,000 Qi Dao, but these attacks fell on Lin Tian, ​​but they had no effect on Lin Tian at all.

This made everyone in the Wugu League stare wide-eyed, and some even said in shock, "Is he a monster?"

"This guy is not human."

That Elder Zhang was not happy anymore, and said to the two of them, "Both of you, do you want to take some pills to make up for it?"

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