Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1155: Gauntlets Blessed With Runes

Everyone could hear Xilai's tone, which was completely mocking Lin Tian, ​​and some people also booed one after another, shouting above the canyon, "Come on, don't be cowardly."

Hearing this, Luo Hai waited for Xi Lai with glaring eyes, "Sooner or later, you will lie on your stomach."

"Luo Hai, I really want to lie on my stomach like you said, but my strength doesn't allow it, haha!" Xi Lai laughed, and at this moment Lin Tian walked out.

The drunkard, the turtle-shell old man, and the man with the hidden weapon all showed worried expressions. As for Luo Hai, who knew that Lin Tian had a change in his temperament, he felt less worried.

But Luo Hai has no idea if he wants to beat hundreds of people with 5 million Qi Dao to the ground, so he still looks dignified and watches silently.

For the others, when they saw Lin Tian go in, they booed there, "Look, he went in."

"This guy is quite courageous."

"Wait, he's dead."

However, those bronze men were all cold. Although they didn't speak, their aura was enough to show that they would not let anyone defeat them.

Therefore, the moment Lin Tian stepped into the canyon, these copper men immediately shouted loudly, and the moment each person with a strong air way yelled out of their mouths, the whole mountain shook.

That powerful voice hit Lin Tian's "small" 300,000 airways one by one.

Lin Tian stepped back a few steps in a row, that Xi Lai laughed out loud, and everyone thought that Lin Tian would be slammed away by the sound, but Lin Tian quickly stood firm.

Seeing that Lin Tian had kept a "safe" distance from them, those bronze men stopped shouting and stood silently. As for the others, they thought Lin Tian would give up.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian rushed over with an afterimage, and the Ling Yingbu quickly sped up.

Not only that, Lin Tian's Qi Dao changed, so everyone saw a red shadow, then turned into a yellow shadow, then turned into an orange shadow, and finally a green shadow.

After the four colors changed rapidly, Lin Tian stopped behind one of the hundreds of people, and then slapped the bronze man with his palm.

The bronze figure was blown away on the spot, but the bronze figure was fine, it just hit the wall below the canyon.

But even so, when everyone saw the aura around Lin Tian, ​​they all became curious, "Why did the kid's aura change color?"

Some sharp-eyed people said in surprise, "It's the airway change!"

"Change of Qi?" The scene was stunned. After all, this is a lost physical skill, and it is rumored that whoever gets it will be able to dominate the Great Barren Mountain.

The drunkard and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and Palace Master Bao was also startled, "How did this kid learn it?"

Not only Palace Master Bao, but also that Xi Lai was taken aback, and Luo Hai became excited, with a happy expression on his face.

However, the bronze figure who was hit returned to its original position, and although the other bronze figures gave Lin Tian a weird look, they were all ready to go.

That Xilai laughed immediately, "It's useless to have such powerful physical skills."

People around also sighed, "It's a pity that he is too weak."

"That's right, the basic airway is too weak, even if there is an airway change, it can't change his ability."

But at this moment, Lin Tian silently took out a pair of fists and brought them to his hands.

This glove is completely black, and nothing can be seen, but Lin Tian carved runes on it. Originally, he planned to encounter danger after entering the barren sea, so he refined it in advance.

I just didn't expect it to be used in such a place first.

But this caused Xi Lai to laugh, "Boy, in the Great Barren Mountain, any magic weapon is nothing."

There were also various laughters in the valley, "Boy, don't talk about ordinary magic weapons, even if you hold a fairy weapon, it's just a display in this kind of place."

Facing everyone's ridicule, Lin Tian didn't explain, but used Lingying Step again, reached in front of one person, and punched him down.

That punch hit the bronze man, and then the fist flashed with fire, and the bronze man was sent flying again.

But this time, the bronze man couldn't get up, but rolled on the ground, sweating profusely, as if in pain.

The people present were all curious about what happened, but the alcoholic said excitedly as if seeing something at a glance, "There are runes on the gloves."

Hearing that there were runes, everyone was shocked, and some people muttered, "Carve runes on the magic weapon?"

"It must be, otherwise this magic weapon would not have such power."

"This kid is really cunning."

Xi Lai became anxious, and shouted to the other bronze figures, "Don't just look, go up and kill him."

Those bronze men immediately stepped forward, and under the circumstances that the strength was not much different, these men could not hit Lin Tian at all, and could only see Lin Tian moving with Ling Yingbu.

However, Lin Tian can rely on this glove and runes to increase his strength by about five times.

But precisely this five times the power falls on these bronze men, which is the brute force of more than 10 million Qi Dao.

Therefore, the bronze men who were hit couldn't get up immediately, and could only feel uncomfortable on the ground one by one.

The drunkard and the others applauded one after another, while some people who were still in trouble immediately began to praise, and some even said, "This kid is not bad."

"That's right, it's too powerful."

Seeing that everyone started flattering Lin Tian, ​​Xi Lai felt annoyed, "You're not a genius yet, why are you so eager to flatter?"

Luo Hai looked at Xi Lai with a smile, "When he becomes a genius, he will be higher than you."

Xi Lai glared angrily, "There's still a long way to go!"

However, the fall of bronze men in the valley made everyone think that it was no problem for Lin Tian to become a genius.

Luo Hai said proudly, "Xilai, don't be dissatisfied, he is just that powerful."

Xi Lai was too angry to speak, and after Lin Tian defeated hundreds of people, one of the bronze figures threw a box and landed in front of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian opened the box, and there was a letter on it, "Passport to the Hall of Genius".

Lin Tian put it away and said, "Thank you."

Then Lin Tian walked in front of Luo Hai under the admiration of everyone, and Luo Hai said with all his strength, "It's too powerful."

Lin Tian said directly, "Where is the Hall of Genius?"

"Come with me." Luo Hai immediately took Lin Tian away happily, and the Palace Master Bao on the valley left after his eyes flashed strangely. As for the drunkard, he looked at the other responsible persons and said, "This kid is not bad."

"Let's go, go to the Hall of Genius." The turtle-shell old man suggested, and the person who hid the hidden weapon hummed, and then the three went.

After a while, Lin Tian, ​​led by Luo Hai, came to the so-called Genius Hall, and here, only geniuses and some people can enter, and others cannot enter.

So Luo Hai looked at Lin Tian awkwardly and said, "I can only send you here, the rest is up to you."

Lin Tian nodded after understanding, "Okay, I'll go in."

"Be careful." Luo Hai always felt as if something had happened, but after Lin Tianen made a sound, he entered the hall and gradually disappeared in front of Luo Hai.

But at this time, Palace Master Bao appeared from the outside and also went into the hall.

"What is Palace Master Bao going to do again?" Luo Hai was shocked when he saw Palace Master Bao disappearing.

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