Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1228 Five million airways, that's how it came!

Everyone was also shocked by Lin Tian, ​​and that Mo Zhong laughed even more, "There is still time, keep attacking."

Those elders all looked ugly, and this old five was in a hurry, feeling as if he was being insulted, so he stared at Lin Tiandao, "Boy, you forced me, don't blame me, I will kill you later."

After finishing speaking, the old fifth took out the talisman and the elixir.

The airway has doubled from 80 million to several hundred million.

The situation inside the formation is like a strong wind coming, and everyone outside can feel the trembling of the formation.

Someone took a deep breath, "How much has the Fifth Elder's Qi Dao increased?"

"No matter how much it rises, if this palm goes down, that kid is probably disabled."

Lin Tian deliberately prodded, "It's too weak, take more."

At this moment, when it is rare to be able to exercise his body and increase his Qi Dao, Lin Tian should seize the opportunity more often, but Lao Wu didn't know it, and thought Lin Tian was arrogant, so in order to repair Lin Tian, ​​he ate all the pills he could eat.

The Patriarch Jia and Elder Jia secretly rejoiced, even thinking that Lin Tian must surely die.

But the moment the old fifth rushed over and hit Lin Tian with a palm, Lin Tian's body was just blown away and hit the formation, but he didn't leave any wounds on his body, and there was no injury at all.

The only thing that changed was Lin Tian's aura, which changed from one million to three million.

Lin Tian didn't expect the sudden increase of two million, so he looked excitedly at the elders outside, "Elders, come together, I can bear it."

Lin Tian's provocation made those elders frown, and Elder Jia said solemnly, "Everyone, you have also heard that this kid wanted us to attack him, not that we deliberately made things difficult for him."

But everyone knows the enmity between Elder Jia and Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian said that on purpose at this moment, and it is hard for everyone to say anything, so they can only continue to be "notaries".

The disabled old man had an ugly expression, feeling that this was beyond the ordinary, but the devil was very energetic, and even stimulated the other elders, "Hurry up and go in, don't be silly."

Elder Jia was not polite, and said to everyone, "Go, go in."

As soon as these elders entered, the Holy Spirit was isolated one by one, making these people wonder why the Holy Spirit disappeared, but Elder Jia had already said calmly, "Use Qi."

Everyone listened to Elder Jia, so these people started to attack Lin Tian one by one.

Lin Tian, ​​with three million Qi Dao, stood there, motionless, but these elders were not reconciled, and took pills and used various runes. Not only was Lin Tian fine, but with three million Qi Dao, he kept winning.

It reached five million in one fell swoop.

Lin Tian was very happy with this feeling, "I knew that the trick of restricting the Holy Spirit is so useful, I would have used it long ago."

Everyone didn't know what Lin Tian was thinking, but the demon sighed, "This Emperor Lin, I haven't seen him for ten thousand years, what kind of ability has he learned, it's too scary."

Those elders were depressed, so they had to start delaying time, and Lin Tian saw that there was no movement in Qi Dao, so he had to say, "It turns out that you are useless, so I should take action."

"It's useless?" Everyone didn't know Lin Tian's meaning, but Lin Tian's meaning was very simple, that is, after these people in front of him had no meaning to him, he began to use Qi Dao Change.

The first change, red airway, 10 million, the second change, orange paint, 20 million, the third change, yellow airway, 40 million, the fourth change, green airway, 80 million.

The 80 million Qi Dao may be considered terrible in the eyes of ordinary people, but each of these people has 70 to 80 million Qi Dao, so Lin Tian frowned, took a deep breath, "Try the fifth change."

Lin Tian has not tried the fifth change yet, because the higher the level of air way changes, the stronger the physical body is needed to bear it, and Lin Tian already has five million airways, and he thinks that this physical body can withstand the fifth change.

So Lin Tian used the fifth change, the blue air way, 160 million.

With that powerful momentum, Lin Tian's muscles trembled everywhere, as if they were about to explode at any time, and there was a dull pain.

Lin Tian was shocked, "It's still too weak to bear such strength."

So Lin Tian hurriedly made a quick decision, and quickly hit a few shadowless palms, and the six elders were directly sent flying, and Lin Tian quickly lowered the airway to four to eighty million airways, so that his body felt better.

But those six elders were seriously injured and fell to the ground. After all, the brute force of 160 million airways is very terrifying.

"Are you still coming?" Lin Tian looked back at the six people and said with a smile, but the faces of the six people were all pale, bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and they couldn't even get up.

The people present were dumbfounded, and they were all curious about what happened just now, while someone stammered, "It's a change in the airway, rumored to be a terrible physical technique."

"This physical skill has long been lost, and someone can practice it to the fifth transformation."

For a moment, everyone present was dumbfounded, and the six elders were also dumbfounded.

Mo Zhong sighed, "My demonization and madness can be doubled at most, but this guy can double it dozens of times?"

"Why? Stop talking?" Lin Tian stared at the six elders who were still lying on the ground and stared at him strangely and asked with a smile.

The old fifth couldn't hold it anymore, "I admit defeat."

The other elders also conceded defeat. Elder Jia was the worst. He was repaired by Mo Zhong just now, and this time he was attacked by Lin Tian again. His whole body was about to fall apart and he said, "Okay, you win."

In this way, both Lin Tian and Mo Zhong got the Kyushu quota, but the elder Jia said, "Don't be complacent, you will have to get the approval of the leader later."

After finishing speaking, Elder Jia took out a sound transmission stone and said to the inside, "Leader, there are two people who have passed the test, please come and test it."

Then Elder Jia put away the sound transmission stone, and everyone waited there.

After about a while, a powerful aura came from the dark place, and then a blue shadow flickered in the dark place a few times before arriving in front of everyone.

I saw that the other party was a middle-aged man with a small beard and a ponytail. His eyes were narrowed like a line.

This person is Tianlong, leader of the Tianlong Alliance tribe, who is also a disciple of Shuiliu, also known as Shuiliu Tianlong, one of the most powerful disciples in Shuiliu. Therefore, even if the Qin Kingdom of Kyushu and those people from the Tiangu Alliance knew that he existed, they would not dare to come here to make trouble, because they dared not provoke him.

When the people present saw him, they had to respectfully say, "Leader."

The Flowing Heavenly Dragon put away his aura and turned into an ordinary person. He looked at the six elders and asked curiously, "Why did two people make the assessment, but six elders were injured?"

Elder Jia and the others showed embarrassing expressions, but in order to add confusion to Lin Tian, ​​this elder Jia said with a flash of inspiration, "This kid provoked us, asked us to go up together, and then wounded us."

After hearing that, the water flow dragon looked at Lin Tian. At this moment, Lin Tian had put away his aura and was still smiling at himself.

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