Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1246 Asleep in the street!

Su Jing nodded understandingly after hearing this, but Mo Zhong said with a smile, "Then where is this water country stationed?"

"Let's inquire about it." Lin Tian knew the general situation from the population of Qin State, but when it came to this small town, he couldn't figure it out.

Su Jing, Mo Zhong and others had no choice but to inquire with passers-by together with Lin Tian, ​​and soon there was a station in this water country.

But just when Lin Tian and others were about to go to that place, a group of people came out from the alley and blocked their way.

The clothes of these people are very ordinary, nothing special can be seen, but looking at the expressions of the three of them, there is something wrong.

Su Jing became alert, and asked Mo Zhong, "Master, why are these people looking at us like this?"

Mo Chong couldn't figure it out, and looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Are you from Qin?"

"Here, there are not so many people from the Qin country. I think they are from the Xue country." Lin Tian guessed.

Sure enough, these words attracted the leader's idea. It was a man with only one beard, which looked weird, as if it was glued on.

I saw the man stroking one side of his beard, and staring at Lin Tian and the other three like a boss, "Who are you guys? Why are you going to the country of water?"

Su Jing couldn't help but asked, "Does it have anything to do with you whether you go to the country of water?"

Those people laughed, and the "boss" said with a smile, "This town is not under the jurisdiction of any country, but there are spies from the country of water and the country of snow. As a person from the country of snow, I naturally want to know the purpose of anyone going to the country of water. Is there a problem?"

"Then why don't we tell you?" Su Jing didn't like these people when she thought of that Xue lore.

The "boss" smiled evilly, "Little girl, don't wear a veil, take it off if you have the ability, and let me see if your face is as childish as your words."

Su Jing is known as the number one beauty in the world, how could she show up at will, so she glared, "I'm used to wearing a veil, why should I show it to you? Also, am I naive? I think you are naive."

The "boss" sneered, and those people surrounded Lin Tian and the others, and the people nearby were already used to it. After all, this kind of thing happened every day.

Either people from the water country check people, or people from the snow country check people.

So everyone acted as if they were watching a play, while doing their own thing, while glancing at those people.

Su Jing stared at those people, "You better not do anything, or my master and ancestor will let you lie on your stomach."

The "boss" sneered, "Lying on your stomach? Do you know what the consequences will be if you fight us here?"

"What is it?" Su Jing asked tentatively, and the "boss" smiled evilly, "I will become a wanted criminal in the Snow Country, and I will never enter the Snow Country, so you all better cooperate, no problem, we will naturally let you go."

"If you don't go, don't go, whoever wants to go to your snow country!" Su Jing said directly, making the "boss" look ugly, "Whether you go or not, I will check today."

After finishing speaking, the "boss" encouraged a few people to go over, and those people went over, ready to do something to Su Jing.

Su Jing looked at Mozhong and Lin Tian, ​​but Mozhong laughed and said, "I'll leave this little boy to you, and I won't interfere."

Su Jing looked at Lin Tian after hearing this, and Lin Tian also said with a smile, "You should exercise more."

Su Jing was recognized by the two, and immediately said unscrupulously, "That's okay, I'll take care of them."

After finishing speaking, Su Jing made a move, and immediately cast the plum blossom water flow technique to entangle those people.

These people attacked wildly, but they couldn't break through, and the "boss" frowned, "What kind of magic is this?"

Su Jing smiled strangely, "It's a spell that can hypnotize people."

Afterwards, those people fell down one by one, and the onlookers became curious. As for the spies of the water country, they looked at each other, and someone muttered, "This seems to be the plum blossom water flow technique of the master of the water flow."

"Yes, it's the plum blossom water flow technique."

Then the spies from the Water Kingdom went out one after another, and the princess in the sedan chair not far away asked Hei Han, "Do you know this spell?"

"It's rumored that it's about water flow." Hei Han reported, but the princess was suspicious, "I didn't expect a little girl to be related to water flow. Could it be that guy is really the master of water flow?"

"Maybe." Hei Han trembled when he thought of Lin Tian's horror, but the princess said vigorously, "Then I will find a way to take him down, so that everyone in the world will know how powerful I am."

"Princess, do you have an idea?"

The princess laughed, "Yes."

After finishing speaking, the princess led the people away, and beside Lin Tian and the others, another group of people from the water kingdom came, and the leader was a young man, who was still shining with fire aura.

As soon as the young man appeared, he smiled at the "boss" and said, "Snow king, have you suffered a loss?"

This person named Xue Wang Ba shouted, "Sun Yan Gui, call again!"

"You can call me, why can't I?" The young man argued.

Su Jing looked puzzled, and looked at Lin Tian and Mo Zhong curiously, "Who is this group of people?"

"It should be from the country of water."

Hearing about the country of water, Su Jing became much closer, and asked the young man, "Excuse me, are you from the country of water?"

The young man turned his head and said kindly, "The spy here in Xiashui Kingdom, Yan Tian."

Su Jing said in a low voice, "Then can I pass your inspection and go to the country of water?"

"Okay, but you have to go to our house later to pass the test." That Yan Tian said politely, he was afraid of offending Su Jing, because he didn't know what Su Jing had to do with Shui Liu.

The "boss" snorted, "Today, this girl is not allowed to leave."

"What? Do you want to fight us?" Yan Tian questioned, while the "boss" shouted, "Just fight, who is afraid of whom?"

For a moment, everyone thought that the two groups of people would fight, but Su Jing made another move, and countless plum blossom water flow spells entangled those people.

After a while, those people all fell down, and the people in Shuiguo applauded one after another, and stepped forward to punch and kick.

Then Yan Tian looked at Lin Tian and the others with a smile, "Everyone, please follow me."

When these people left, the "boss" woke up in a daze, but felt his face was hot, so he curiously took out a mirror, and when he saw his face being kicked into a pig's head, he yelled, "Yan Guisun, you wait!"

Lin Tian and others have come to a manor, and the manor is patrolled by guards from the water kingdom.

I saw Yan Tian led them directly to the courtyard, and found a middle-aged man who was drinking tea in the hall.

The middle-aged man was admiring a painting, and praised it in various ways.

When Lin Tian and others came in, the man immediately hid the painting behind his back in fright, as if he was afraid that the painting would be seen.

At the same time, the man reprimanded, "Yantian, didn't I say that when you come in, you have to report? You, why are you always so frizzy."

Yantian said awkwardly, "Master Shan, these few people want to come for inspection, so I brought them here."

"Inspection, why don't you just go to the inspection house? What are you doing with me here?" The man named Shan Da was a little impatient.

Yan Tian hesitated, "They have special identities, I think you should meet them."

"Special? Why is it so special?" The mountain master was looking at the painting and was interrupted, feeling very upset and depressed.

"He, they are the disciples and masters of Master Shuiliu!" When he said this, Yan Tian felt that what he said was fake.

But he had seen the Plum Blossom Water Flow Technique with his own eyes, and he didn't dare to doubt Su Jing and others casually.

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