Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1309 The Power of the Clear Order

Everyone didn't expect these two people to be so unafraid of death, but Lin Tian looked at these two people and said with a smile, "But they have already surrendered to me, are you so persistent?"

Wen Yuanheng said, "We are not comparable to these people."

Feng Shaoying also said, "Yes, we would rather die than surrender."

Those people felt embarrassed instead, and Patriarch Zeng knew that Lin Tian was not from Qin, but Lin Tian didn't say anything, and he couldn't intervene, so he could only watch silently.

Lin Tian looked at Wen Yuan with a smile, "You said, what would happen if I killed you at this time?"

"Kill it, kill it, I'm not afraid." Wen Yuan said that he was not afraid of death, and suddenly a group of people appeared outside the forest.

The leader is Zhang Fei, and there are a group of guards.

Zhang Fei didn't know that Lin Tian was here, and he didn't know that Lin Tian had taken Patriarch Zeng down, so when he rushed in, he shouted loudly, "Drop your weapons, don't resist."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but Patriarch Zeng wondered why Zhang Punishment had come about.

Wen Yuan was overjoyed, "Boy, before I came, I made an agreement with General Zhang. If I don't go out within the specified time, they will bring people in."

Zhang Fei was stunned when he saw Lin Tianshu, and even asked suspiciously, "What's going on here?"

That Wen Yuan immediately complained, "General Zhang, this kid is from the state of Qin."

"It's impossible for people from Qin." Zhang Fei immediately vetoed it, but Wen Yuan was puzzled, "I saw it with my own eyes."

"You saw it with your own eyes?" Zhang Fei was suspicious, but Wen Yuanen said, "I saw him take these people down with my own eyes."

Lin Tian laughed and said, "If you take it down, just say I'm from Qin? It's too hasty."

"If you are not from Qin, why did you take them down?"

This Wen Yuan retorted, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "I also suspect that some of these people are from the state of Qin, so I attacked them in advance, but I didn't expect the people from your Youth Palace to be among them."

Wen Yuan was suspicious, "You doubt it too? Could it be that you are also from the country of water?"

"You can ask General Zhang."

Wen Yuan looked at Zhang Fei strangely, but Zhang Fei said affirmatively, "Master Wen, he is absolutely fine, otherwise this country of water would have been destroyed long ago."

Zhang Fei knew that Lin Tian was the master of Shuiliu. If Lin Tian was from Qin, then Shuiliu must also be from Qin, and naturally there would be no Shuiliu.

But Wen Yuan didn't believe it, "How do you prove it?"

"Can General Zhang prove that he can't do it?"

Wen Yuan was still a little unconvinced, and asked, "The Zeng Patriarch colluded with people from Qin, but he obviously listened to you, so how can this be explained?"

Zhang Fei also wanted to know this, and even wondered, "My lord, why are you with Patriarch Zeng?"

"Patriarch Zeng is a spy of Qin State, but he has been instigated by me, that is to say, he is now my person, not Qin State, and the people here are also the people that Patriarch Zeng usually wins over. Take it, is there a problem?" Lin Tian told the whole story.

Everyone exclaimed, because many people didn't know Patriarch Zeng's behavior, and after hearing it now, they all stared at Patriarch Zeng strangely.

Patriarch Zeng showed embarrassment, "That's what happened."

Many people immediately complained, and some people stared at Patriarch Zeng and said, "Patriarch Zeng, you really killed us."

Patriarch Zeng had no choice but to apologize, but Wen Yuan still didn't believe it, and still stared at Lin Tian, ​​"You belong to someone from the Water Kingdom."

"Who's banner?"

"Yes, you are not from the Hall of Youth, you should not be from the Hall of Guards, and you are not from the Prince's Court."

Lin Tian has never heard of these few, but he knows from the memory of some people that there are several powerful places in this water country.

For example, the Hall of Youth, the Hall of Guards, the Prince's Court, the Law Enforcement Court, and the Secret Court.

Among them, the Hall of Youth is a place to cultivate talents, and the Hall of Guards is responsible for the safety of the court. As for the Prince's Court, the place where some princes learn their skills, the Law Enforcement Court is naturally a place for law enforcement. Who, I only know that the people inside are terrible.

But Lin Tian was none of these, so he shook his head, "No!"

And Wen Yuan immediately asked again, "Then are you the Law Enforcement Court or the Secret Court?"

"I said, neither!"

Hearing that it was not true, Wen Yuan said anxiously, "General Zhang, listen, he is not even in the Five Great Halls, so he is not a spy of Qin State, what is that?"

Zhang Fei didn't know how to explain, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Do you really want me to prove it?"

"Yes, as long as you prove your origin and confirm that you are not from Qin, I will not pursue it with you. Otherwise, I will fight you to death today." This Wen Yuan is obviously not afraid of death.

Lin Tian admired this kind of backbone, so he smiled and said, "You and General Zhang come here."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian walked into a room in the courtyard, and after that Wen Yuan and Zhang Fei looked at each other, they walked in.

But Feng Shaoying was worried, "Master Wen, be careful of fraud."

"General Zhang is here, if he makes trouble, we can take him down together." Wen Yuan said confidently.

Feng Shaoying had no choice but to say grace, but everyone was curious about what Lin Tian wanted to say to these two people.

When Wen Yuan came inside, he glared at Lin Tian who was sitting on the side and said, "Boy, don't try to cheat."

Zhang Fei looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Sir, what do you want to say?"

Lin Tian released the Clear Order at this time, "Can this be proved?"

Zhang Fei and the two walked over, and the moment they saw the quick token, they knelt down in fright.

Lin Tian didn't expect this token to be so powerful that it could directly make two people kneel down, especially Wen Yuan, who was still proud just now, knelt down and said, "See the king."

"The lord? I'm not your lord." Lin Tian explained, while Wen Yuan explained, "The lord gave this token to Shui Liu Guoshi back then, and stipulated that whoever sees the token is like seeing Like the king."

"Oh, what happened." Lin Tian put away the token and said, but Zhang Fei said in surprise, "My lord, Master Shuiliu, actually gave this to you?"

"I heard that the country of water is not peaceful. As for me, let him deal with those dirty things." Lin Tianxie smiled.

Zhang Fei said excitedly, "If a lord takes action, those spies in Shuiguo will have nowhere to hide."

Wen Yuan looked at Lin Tian with some doubts, "Excuse me, my lord, why did Master Shuiliu choose you?"

Obviously, giving away tokens is a big deal, so Wen Yuan is very curious about Lin Tian's identity.

Lin Tian smiled, "General Zhang knows."

Wen Yuan looked at General Zhang curiously, "General Zhang, what's going on here?"

"He is the master of Master Shui Liu."

When Zhang Fei said these words, Wen Yuan was stunned, and Lin Tian stood up and said with a smile, "Okay, today's secret, don't tell others casually, otherwise too many people will know it and they will guard against it." If it catches me, it will be difficult for me to catch dirty things."

The two immediately said in unison, "We will never say anything!"

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