Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1312 Replace this person

Patriarch Zeng stared at the place and said, "Stop resisting, it's useless."

"It's useless for me to resist? Patriarch Zeng, you should know how powerful I am, let alone this is my painting." The man said to himself.

But Lin Tian said with a smile, "Then try to see if you can get out."

But this person teased, "Can't I get out of my painting?"

"you try."

That person really went to try the effect, so he took a leap and rushed into the air, but just as he reached the air, he was bounced back.

"This is impossible." The man tried again, but he couldn't leave here.

This made Zhang Fei and both of them wonder why this person couldn't go out by himself.

Lin Tian laughed and said, "I have slightly modified the entrance and exit of the painting."

"Modification, when did you modify it?" The man flew back and stared at Lin Tian angrily, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "The painting, just a little modification is enough, and I just walked around when I was bored."

"You can change it just by walking around?" The man didn't believe it, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Don't underestimate me."

The man became anxious, "Boy, tell me about the import and export quickly."

"Are you begging me?" Lin Tian asked back, and the man smiled strangely, "Please? Do you think it's possible?"

Lin Tian said with a smile, "You didn't even ask me, so I don't need to talk to you."

Hearing this, the other party was annoyed, "Boy, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you."

"Kill me? How to do it? Come and try!" Lin Tian looked at the other party with a smile.

This person really did it, but he was seriously injured, how could he be Lin Tian's opponent, especially when he turned on the power of the Holy Spirit, Lin Tian weakened the power of the Holy Spirit before he warmed up, and this person punched Lin Tian weakly on the spot. body.

Zhang Fei immediately went over and knocked him into the air with a single slap, while Patriarch Zeng said to him, "Stop struggling, it's useless."

"You, you guys." Only now did this person realize how unlucky he was, so he took out the sound transmission stone, but he became angry when he realized that it was useless.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "Taste the pits you make yourself."

The man was anxious, "Boy, you, who are you?"

"When I take you down, you'll know." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he leaped to the opponent. The man was seriously injured, and he was not Lin Tian's opponent at all.

Especially Lin Tian's extinction made his life worse than death, and finally he said in horror, "Boy, what do you want?"

"Submit to me." Lin Tian said to him, but this person said, "If I submit to you, I will be wiped out."

"Oh why?"

"We are all under the control of the Qin State Yinshimen." The man said, and Lin Tian wondered what the Yinshimen was.

Patriarch Zeng said in surprise, "You are actually from the hidden affairs school."

Zhang Fei said even more solemnly, "The Hidden Events Gate is the most mysterious department in Qin State, directly under the ruler of Qin State, similar to the secret courtyard of our Water State."

The man said nervously, "That's right."

Lin Tian laughed and said, "Control? Is it the shackles of the soul?"

"Yes." The other party responded, but Lin Tian said, "Don't worry, I can easily break this soul shackle in front of me."

The other party didn't believe it, and still stared at Lin Tiandao, "Impossible."

Lin Tian ignored him, but stared at him and said, "Don't move, or I will kill you."

The other party had no choice but to stay still, because he knew that if he moved, he would really die here.

At this time, Lin Tian put his hand on his forehead and saw that there was indeed a shackle in his soul, but Lin Tian easily shattered it.

Not only that, Lin Tian also entered the soul seal, knowing his origin.

Gong Yin, a member of Qin Guoyin's sect, belongs to the three-star disciple in the sect, and is a small team member in charge of the southern border affairs.

From the memory of the other party, Lin Tian also knew that there were many small team members stationed near the southern border, and there was also a captain who belonged to the five-star disciple.

It's just that among these people, no one has seen anyone's true face, because they all use the shadow transformation technique to prevent one person from being caught, and the others will also suffer.

So Lin Tian didn't know who the captain was, but only knew that those who could transform shadows and take out tokens could prove that they belonged to the hidden sect.

Gong Yin on the side was stunned when he saw that he was taken down, "You, really broke the shackles?"

"Are there any fake ones?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, while Gong Yin said nervously, "Master, don't kill me."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "Don't worry, I've almost read your memory."

Gong Yin was startled when he heard this, and Zhang Fei immediately asked Lin Tian, ​​"Master Lin, can I ask questions?"

"Well, ask."

Zhang Fei stared at Gong Yin and asked, "How many people have you arranged for the Hidden Shimen on the southern border, and where are they all? As for your purpose, what is it?"

Gong Yin said embarrassingly, "A lot of people have been arranged for this. As for the purpose, of course it is to make trouble in the southern city and take you down."

"Where are they all?" Zhang Fei was in a hurry, but Gong Yin said, "Every day, we usually choose a time and a place to gather, and after the gathering, the captain will give us the next time and place."

After hearing this, Zhang Fei asked anxiously, "What about next time?"

"Next time, late tonight, at room 301 on the third floor of Nanyun Hotel in Nanbian City." This Gongyin explained.

Zhang Fei immediately looked at Lin Tian, ​​"My lord, I will prepare manpower to catch them all in one go."

"No, don't interfere, leave this to me."

"Why?" Zhang Fei was puzzled, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "If you intervene, it will be easy to leak the news, making them afraid to go to this inn, and I am alone, they don't know me, so that they can go with confidence."

Zhang Fei felt that it made sense, but he was still worried, "The people in the hidden affairs sect are full of tricks, I'm afraid you can't handle so many by yourself."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will find a way to catch all these people."

Zhang Fei made a sound, and Lin Tian returned to God, "Everyone, let's go."

The three followed Lin Tian out of the painting together, and Gong Yin wondered why Lin Tian could change his painting at will.

As for Lin Tian, ​​after walking out, he said to Patriarch Zeng and Zhang Fei, "Just pretend nothing happened, and go back to where you should be."

The two responded, and then left, while Yuyin asked curiously, "My lord, what about us?"

"I read your memory, you all met each other with the technique of transforming shadows, and you don't know each other, right?"

"Yes." Gong Yinen said, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "Lend me your token, and I plan to go for you."

"Ah? You?" That Gong Yin stared wide-eyed, while Lin Tian smiled, "Is there any problem?"

Gong Yin hesitated and said, "The first point of the meeting is to be able to transform shadows, and the aura on the token must be consistent with the person in the shadows."

Lin Tian smiled, "Then you look after it."

Gong Yin was puzzled, but at this moment, Lin Tian's body loomed, and finally turned into a black shadow, just like this Gong Yin just now.

Not only that, even the aura is the same as the bow silver of the shadow transformation technique, which scared bow silver, "How did you do it?"

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