Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1316 The First Floor of Shuiyun

Bai Jue immediately kept a certain distance from Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian laughed strangely.

That Bai Jue felt that the smile was a bit weird, but at this moment, Bai Jue's body was suddenly uncontrollable, and he walked towards the gate of the city to guard.

Before Su Jing could react, Bai Jue went straight up and slapped a guard in the face.

Everyone present was stunned, especially those who entered and exited, as well as those patrolling guards, all of a sudden swarmed up.

Bai Jue shouted one after another, "No, it's not me."

"It's not you, you think I'm wooden?" The one who was beaten was the head of the guard, and his eyes were about to fly out, staring at Bai Jue.

Bai Jue said anxiously, "It's really not me."

Everyone didn't believe it, and the chief guard said angrily, "Beat me."

A group of guards went up to beat him, but Bai Jue couldn't hide, he was like a log, allowing the other party to attack.

Su Jing was stunned, "Patriarch, what did you do to him?"

"I used the control talisman, and it won't work after a while." Lin Tian smiled, and Su Jing admired, "Old Ancestor, you are really powerful."

"Go, let's go, or he will die." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he calmed down and went over, and then shouted to the guards, "Everyone, don't touch him again, he has a disease, and he will infect you later."

Everyone backed away when they heard this, but that Bai Jue stared at Lin Tian with a bruised nose and swollen face, and Lin Tian said via voice transmission, "If you want to survive, just listen to me obediently, or you will be beaten to death later."

Bai Jue was very depressed, but now in order to survive, he could only get up sullenly, and stared at Lin Tian resentfully.

But the captain who was beaten just now said angrily, "Boy, you said he was sick? Do you really think I'm stupid?"

"Really, if you don't believe me, whoever tries again will probably be the same later, his body is out of control and he wants to hit someone." Lin Tian said with a smile.

Everyone didn't believe it, and then a guard went out and punched Bai Jue. Lin Tian patted the guard with one hand and said, "I really can't hit him."

The guard ignored it and said proudly, "Look, I kicked again."

Then the guard kicked Bai Jue, and Lin Tian said helplessly, "You will be infected later."

"You bastard, don't talk nonsense." The guard didn't take Lin Tian seriously, but the next moment, the guard turned around and slapped the chief guard.

The head of the guard stared wide-eyed, "You."

The guard was taken aback, "Captain, it's really, really not me."

Lin Tian said helplessly, "I said it would be contagious, but if you don't believe me, why don't you dare to stay away?"

When everyone heard this, they all kept a certain distance, and even the captain stepped aside in fright, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Come on, I'll treat you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian stabbed the controlled guard with a needle, and then the guard felt free and said, "I'm fine."

Everyone was curious about what was going on, and the chief guard stared at Lin Tian strangely, "Boy, what's going on?"

"It's like this. He has a disease called stiffness wave formation. Once infected, his body will become stiff and uncontrollable, and then he wants to hit someone. But don't worry, everyone, I know medical skills. As long as I take action, everything will be fine." Lin Tian finished speaking, and a needle pierced Bai Jue's body.

Bai Jue instantly became dumb, and stared at Lin Tian with an ugly expression.

Lin Tian was very calm, and looked at the guards with a smile and said, "How about it, is it done?"

These guards looked at each other in blank dismay, and the captain of the guard was slapped twice at once, his face was burning hot at the moment, and he was even more dissatisfied in his heart.

But the miserable state of Bai Jue, the captain had no choice but to say, "If you are sick, treat it, don't wander around, or you will die!"

Lin Tian said with a smile, "I'll take care of it right now."

"Go in." The captain said angrily, and Lin Tian walked into the city with Bai Jue and Su Jing.

Everyone heard that Bai Jue was sick, so everyone stayed away, and didn't want to be like him, become a lunatic, and attack people at will.

Bai Jue walked on the street, staring at Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian smiled and said, "If you don't talk nonsense, I will untie it."

Bai Juekuang nodded, and Lin Tian put away the needle, and then Bai Jue could speak in an instant, but said depressedly, "You, you almost killed me."

Lin Tian smiled and said nothing, but Su Jing was very proud, "Who asked you to find fault?"

"You." Bai Jue wanted to say something, but when he thought of Lin Tian's tricks, he immediately shut up.

Lin Tian smiled, "Okay, find a place and rest."

Su Jingen made a sound, and started to wander around the city, while Lin Tian looked at this bustling city, but muttered in his heart, "Someone should pay attention to the commotion just now."

Bai Jue and Su Jing had no idea that Lin Tian had another purpose just now, but it was not as effective as Lin Tian imagined.

So Lin Tian and others found a place called the first floor of Shuiyun.

Su Jing was puzzled, "Old Ancestor, why is this?"

"It is said that this is the first floor of Shuiyun City, I think it's pretty good." Lin Tian said with a smile.

Su Jing didn't understand it very well, and Bai Jue didn't understand it even more. He didn't want any good inns around, but he wanted to find one so far away.

But Lin Tian has already rented a room for a month, and Lin Tian also said to Su Jing, "I'm going to see a doctor."

"See a doctor?" That Su Jing was stunned for a while, but Bai Jue was puzzled, "See a doctor? What do you mean?"

"You just do what I want." Lin Tian looked at the two with a smile, but Bai Jue and Su Jing were confused, but Lin Tian ordered them to go outside the inn to solicit customers.

Many people have seen Bai Jue's illness just now, and Lin Tian can cure it with one injection, so when some people heard that Lin Tian wanted to treat the illness, many people came to the inn with doubts.

The inn immediately became chaotic and bustling, but the shopkeeper came out of Lin Tian's room depressed and said, "I said young man, after you make such a fuss, I can't do business in the entire inn."

"What's the matter?" Lin Tian didn't understand, but the shopkeeper said anxiously, "Now a bunch of people down here have made my place hard to get through, and you don't go down to see a doctor, so what are you going to do? Wait for time, what do you mean?"

Lin Tian naturally wanted to gather more people, and then look for one or two typical diseases, so as to make his own reputation.

But the shopkeeper was in a hurry, until Lin Tian took out one million multicolored stones, "Here, renting you for a day, is it enough?"

The shopkeeper immediately became excited, "Enough, very enough!"

After finishing speaking, the shopkeeper immediately wanted to leave happily, but turned his head and smiled and asked, "If you need anything, just ask."


The shopkeeper just stepped back, but Lin Tian smiled evilly, "This inn is a bit interesting."

On the first floor of Shuiyun, in the memory of the alcoholic, his next gathering place is here, so Lin Tian came to prepare in advance.

However, in order not to let others think that he has other purposes, Lin Tian started to work as a doctor here, and made a name for himself, so that he can work in this Shuiyun City in the future.

At this moment, Bai Jue came casually from outside, "Many people have gathered below, when do you plan to see a doctor?"

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