Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1387 Striking, frightening everyone

The quarrel between the two palace masters caused everyone to wonder whether Lin Tian could withstand the attack of the wolf king.

At this time, the wolf king roared and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"You lowly human being, you still want to scare my wolves?"

"Because I am stronger than them, they are naturally afraid of me." Lin Tian looked at the wolf king with a smile, and the wolf king snorted, "Really? Then I will let you know how powerful I am!"

After finishing speaking, the wolf king flashed his eyes, and two huge flames flew to Lin Tian and the little fat man.

But Lin Tian went forward, opened his hand directly, and swallowed all the fire.

The people present were stunned when they saw this scene, and they even blinked one by one. Some people muttered, "Is this guy still human? He actually took the wolf king's attack with a single palm."

The wolf king was stunned for a moment, and after realizing that Lin Tian was a bit complicated, he immediately released countless wind blades.

Everyone was startled, "Wolf King with dual elements of wind and fire."

This scared everyone, even the king and others in the palace were surprised one by one, but the corner of Lin Tian's mouth curled up, and with a direct thought, all the winds revolved around him, and finally disappeared without a trace.

"Wow." Some princes and princesses couldn't help but startled, and Shui Fu scolded, "What's so great, isn't it just that it can extinguish fire and wind."

The person wearing the helmet became serious, "It's not easy."

The fourth prince scolded even more, "Is every doctor so strong?"

The Eighth Prince under the umbrella worshiped, "I already know my master, and he still has many powerful abilities."

Shui Wu was also dumbfounded, "He is so strong."

Master Fu also stammered, "I always thought that he only had some medical skills, but I didn't expect him to have stronger fighting skills."

At this time, Lin Tian did something that shocked everyone even more.

I saw Lin Tian leaping onto the head of the wolf king, and then said to the little fat man, "I will leave these little wolves to you, and I will take him away."

The wolf king roared and ran crazily, trying to throw Lin Tian away, and he ran very fast, and disappeared from everyone in one fell swoop.

Everyone wondered where Lin Tian and the wolf king had gone, but that little fat man walked up to the pack of wolves and said with a smile to those little wolves, "Come and play with me."

Although the little fat man hides his ability very well, he is a million-year-old monster after all, and these monsters will be afraid when they see a strong man, so they immediately surrounded them one by one, and then lay down there.

That Shui Wu was taken aback, "What's going on?"

Master Fu looked around, "Where did that kid and the wolf king go?"

"Do you want to go find them?" The eighth prince suddenly asked curiously, but Master Fu shook his head and said, "It's very dangerous around here, so don't run around and wait for him to come back."

The Eighth Prince uttered a sigh, and Shui Wu said solemnly, "Will this genius doctor boy die?"

"No, my master is very powerful." The eighth prince said firmly.

In the hall, the lord ordered to the master Cang and others, "Adjust the screen to that wolf king."

Palace Master Cang said helplessly, "The wolf king and that kid rushed out of the formation."

"What? Breaking out of the formation?" The king asked in surprise, and the master of Cang Palace said with grace, "Going out, it's not within our surveillance range."

The king was a little worried, "Should I send someone to look for it?"

But Shui Liu said confidently, "Don't worry, he is a genius doctor, so he should be able to restrain this monster."

"Really?" The Lord was a little worried, but Shuiliu was very confident, so the Lord was relieved. As for Lord Yan, he sneered in his heart, "wait for death."

At this moment, outside the formation, the wolf king kept trying to throw Lin Tian away, but Lin Tian restrained him to death, and Lin Tian's beast trapping technique made him weaker a little bit, and finally Lin Tian took out the ghost domain beast trapping stick and beat him out.

The wolf king shrunk immediately, then knelt down and begged for mercy, "My lord, let me go."

"Finally are you willing to stop?"

"Yes, yes." The wolf king was timid, and Lin Tian laughed after seeing the blood-red hair on his body with some white hair mixed in, "Make a contract with me."


"If you want to survive, hurry up."

The wolf king said oh, and had no choice but to make an agreement with Lin Tian, ​​and finally followed Lin Tian back to the formation.

At this moment in the formation, the Fourth Prince was still talking sarcasticly to the Eighth Prince and others, "Eighth Prince, you foolish master, you are doomed."

"He won't!" the Eighth Prince affirmed, while the Fourth Prince sneered, "That's the dual-line mutant blood Sirius King, how many do you think our Water Kingdom can deal with?"

"Anyway, my master can definitely do it." The eighth prince affirmed, but the fourth prince was not reconciled and continued to fight there.

Not only the fourth prince, but other princes and princesses felt that Lin Tian had no chance of surviving, but Shui Wu looked at the eighth prince and comforted him, "Eighth prince, don't worry, that kid is so cunning, he will be fine."

"Who said I was cunning?" At this moment, Lin Tianfei came back, followed by a group of little wolves, who looked not much different from other blood wolves, but their hair was mixed with white.

But everyone's eyes were on Lin Tian, ​​and some people were surprised, "This kid is still alive."

"This is so unfair."

The fourth prince complained even more, "This is not dead, you are really a jerk."

The third prince's expression was also ugly, "He's really a hard-to-die guy."

The Eighth Prince said happily, "Master."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Put away the magic weapon, let's go and let them play here slowly."

The eighth prince said kindly, but that Shui Wu ran out, staring curiously at the little wolf beside Lin Tian, ​​"What kind of wolf is this?"

"He is the wolf king just now." Lin Tian said, and when Shui Wu heard the wolf king, his eyes immediately widened in fright, "What? It was the wolf king just now?"

These words scared not only Shui Wu, but also everyone present, and the wolf king stared and said, "What? I'm getting smaller, so you don't recognize me anymore?"

When they heard the familiar voice, they all stared wide-eyed, especially the person who was facing the ghost gate and said in surprise, "This kid, even this kind of wolf king can surrender."

Shui Fu was not convinced, "What's the big deal."

The fourth prince's face even twitched, and Shui Wu said excitedly after being shocked, "You were surrendered?"

The wolf king said helplessly, "Who made the boss powerful."

At this time, the little fat man came over and said with a smile, "Just get used to it."

The wolf king also sensed that the little fat man was not human and asked, "You too?"


Everyone didn't know what these two guys were talking about, but the surrender of the wolf king was such a big deal that even the people in the hall were shocked.

You Qi said excitedly, "It's amazing, it's really amazing."

Cang Palace Master also sighed, "A dual-line blood Sirius wolf king was surrendered?"

Lord Yan was not reconciled, "This kid must have used some method to subdue it, otherwise how could he be subdued with the nature of a wolf king?"

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