Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1619 Indigenous Woman

I saw these ghost beasts knelt there, staring at Lin Tian one by one, as if they had encountered a king, and Zhang Sheng was stunned, and Huo Lianjue, who was originally attacked, was safe.

It's just that the other ghosts and beasts didn't know what happened, so they rushed over one after another. The result was the same. They looked ferocious and turned into sheep all at once.

Zhang Sheng felt strange, so he came to Lin Tian, ​​and after strolling around those ghosts and beasts, he stared at Lin Tian, ​​"What did you do to them?"

"I have a thing that they are afraid of." Lin Tian smiled, but Zhang Sheng was suspicious, "Isn't it impossible to use soul power here? How do you perform your ghost skills?"

"Ghost tricks? Who said I performed ghost tricks?"

"In Huangquan, if you don't use ghost skills, what do you use?" Zhang Sheng was even more puzzled, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "I use magic skills."

"Shenshu? What is it?" Zhang Sheng obviously didn't know much about gods, but Huo Lianjue hesitated and said, "It is rumored that gods are more powerful than immortals."

"Worse than immortals? Isn't that stronger than ghosts and immortals?" Zhang Sheng was surprised, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "So, in this restricted area, it doesn't have much restraint on me."

Now Zhang Sheng became adored, and he stepped forward and said, "Brother, how did you perform the divine art? Is it difficult to learn?"


"How difficult is it?"

Lin Tian smiled and asked, "You are an earth ghost now, aren't you?"


"That Ghost Venerable, you know that?"

"Nonsense, Ghost Venerable, but it is rumored that it is as powerful as an Immortal Venerable." That Zhang Sheng yearned, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "It is harder than becoming a Ghost Venerable."

Zhang Sheng seemed to be hit by someone immediately, and the whole person became depressed, "Didn't you learn it easily?"

Lin Tian smiled, and didn't say anything to him, but ordered those ghosts and beasts, "Take me to find the ghost weapon."

Those ghosts and beasts immediately led the way, and Zhang Sheng was envious, "If I can fool the ghosts and beasts here, I won't be afraid of anything."

Huo Lianjue said, "It's a pity you didn't."

"Little rascal, don't interrupt." That Zhang Sheng stared, but Huo Lianjue refused to fight back, "Then you are still rascal."

Zhang Sheng was immediately speechless from anger, but Lin Tian smiled helplessly when he saw these two people.

After about a while, everyone saw a pile of ghost artifacts, piled up like a mountain.

Zhang Sheng and Huo Lianjue were stunned, but Lin Tian was curious about how these ghost weapons came from and why they appeared in this valley.

So Lin Tian asked the two of them, "Do you know why there are so many ghost weapons?"

The two looked at each other, then shook their heads, obviously not knowing, and Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "You say you, what's the use of asking you to come here?"

"Yes, help collect the ghost artifacts." After finishing speaking, Zhang Sheng ran over, but he had no soul power, so he couldn't shake these ghost artifacts at all, so he could only watch them helplessly.

That Zhang Sheng was immediately depressed, "I knew I wouldn't come."

Huo Lianjue knew Zhang Sheng's mood, so he said, "Take it as a dream."

"Dreaming? Dreaming about so many ghost weapons, but not being able to get any of them, makes people depressed!" Zhang Sheng said distressedly.

Lin Tian ignored him, but continued to take these ghost weapons one by one, and then turned them into scrap iron.

"Hey, brother, can you stop being so extravagant?" That Zhang Sheng's eyes widened.

Lin Tian still didn't take it seriously, until after a while, suddenly a flame aura flew from nearby and hit Lin Tian directly.

If Lin Tian's soul was not strong enough, his soul might be shattered at this moment.

Zhang Sheng was shocked, "Someone uses soul power?"

Huo Lianjue immediately looked into the distance, and saw a woman standing on a tree, dressed as a hunter, staring at Lin Tian and the others angrily, "Who told you to destroy the ghost weapon?"

Zhang Sheng asked back, "Girl, how can you use your soul power?"

"I'm an aborigine here, of course I can." The woman snorted, but Zhang Sheng was surprised, "No way?"

Huo Lianjue was curious, "What's so surprising?"

"It is rumored that there are savages here, no, they are wild ghosts, and these wild ghosts are not bound by soul power. Not only that, they will kill or drive away any outsiders."

Zhang Sheng was trembling as he spoke, while Huo Lian was suspicious, "Is it so scary?"

"Nonsense, what about wild ghosts! In Huangquan, who is the last person to mess with? That's the kind, lonely ghosts." That Zhang Sheng said casually.

But the woman hit again with an arrow, and Zhang Sheng was hit on the spot, and then his soul seemed to be burned, he screamed instantly, and then complained, "Girl, I didn't destroy it, why are you attacking me?"

"You are very noisy." The woman said coldly, but Zhang Sheng said in a low voice, depressed, "I can't talk, can't I?"

"What did you say?" the woman asked, but Zhang Sheng said with an embarrassed smile, "I mean, the one next to me is very strong, you'd better not mess with her, or you're screwed."

The woman stared at Lin Tian, ​​"If you don't give me a reason, you won't want to leave here today."

Lin Tian stared at her and smiled, "I need the materials for these ghost weapons, is this a reason?"

"These ghost artifacts are the wealth of this valley, and outsiders can easily touch them." The woman threatened.

But Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile, "It's useless for you to scare me like this."

Seeing that Lin Tian didn't listen, the woman threatened, "I've given you a chance, but you don't take it seriously, so I don't need to be polite to you."

After finishing speaking, the target of the woman's multiple shots this time was Lin Tian, ​​and Zhang Sheng hurried away, but Huo Lianjue remained motionless until the arrows hit Lin Tian one by one, everyone was startled.

Because Lin Tian is still fine, and Zhang Sheng laughed at the woman, "I've already said, she is very powerful, but you just don't believe it."

Hearing this, the woman became anxious, and took out a black leaf, and then blew a strange sound.

Zhang Sheng was puzzled, "Is she looking for help?"

Lin Tian said with a smile, "It is to summon these ghosts and beasts."

I saw those ghosts and beasts crazily flocking to the woman, and the woman ordered them to attack Lin Tian.

But these ghosts and beasts made strange noises, as if they were telling this woman that they couldn't deal with Lin Tian.

But the woman was not happy, and communicated with them in a unique animal language, and that Zhang Sheng sighed, "It really is a savage, who can communicate with ghosts and beasts in animal language."

Huo Lianjue watched silently there, until after a while, the woman became upset and asked those ghosts and beasts to step aside.

The next moment, the woman stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, although I don't know what method you used to prevent these ghosts and beasts from attacking you, I will definitely not let you go just like that."

Lin Tian said with a helpless smile, "I just want some ghost weapon materials, why bother shouting and killing?"

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