Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1703 Sending Mozhong away

Lin Tian said with a smile, "It's a pity, it took so much time, so much power, and so many ghosts, but I will accept it."

"You took it? Kid, do you think you can control them? Naive!" Qing A Niu taunted, and that Xu Xiefeng came out, stood behind these demons, and began to manipulate them.

I saw that these demons are very powerful, and many of them have surpassed the gods, so those present were completely vulnerable, and they were all blown away.

Everyone ran out of the castle frantically, and then stood outside the castle in horror, and Mo Zhong was accidentally hit, which made him retreat outside the castle in pain, staring at the demons and saying in surprise, "It's really scary."

The Western Demon King and Southern Demon King who were outside were secretly peeping, looking for opportunities to attack Lin Tianxia.

Qing A Niu stood behind those ghosts, smiled at Xu Xiefeng and said, "Brother Xu, let these ghosts fix this kid."

"No problem." After Xu Xiefeng finished speaking, those ghosts surrounded Lin Tian. The demon was shocked, and reminded Lin Tian, ​​"Emperor Lin, be careful, these guys are very powerful."

"No matter how powerful it is, it is a ghost after all. The methods used are still soul magic and ghost magic." Lin Tianxie smiled.

Xu Xiefeng said with a smile, "You actually know soul techniques and ghost techniques, then you should know how terrifying ghost techniques and ghost techniques that surpass heavenly beings are."

Lin Tian stood there and said with a smile, "Come on, I'll let them attack."

"What?" Everyone thought Lin Tian was crazy, and Xu Xiefeng also stared at Lin Tian strangely, "Boy, you let these ghosts attack?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, but that Qing Niu said, "Brother Xu, fix him well and make him crazy!"

"Okay." After Xu Xiefeng finished speaking, he gave an order, and those ghosts cast powerful soul spells one by one.

But these soul skills fell on Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian was intact, and said with a smile, "Go on."

Xu Xiefeng was puzzled, so he continued to control, but after a burst of attacks, Lin Tian was still fine.

Not only that, Lin Tian also laughed and said, "Look at me, how can I fix you demons."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian used the soul borrowing technique, and then cast the phantom to play the void.

Those ghosts held their heads in place one by one and screamed. The next moment, Lin Tian Ghost King released and passed through these ghosts.

In the end, these ghosts stood there motionless as if they were "reborn", but Xu Xiefeng found that he could no longer control these ghosts.

This made Xu Xiefeng anxiously say to that Qing A Niu, "Brother Qing, it's over, these demons are out of control."

"What?" Qing A Niu was shocked, obviously did not expect such a result, and that Xuxie Feng was furious, "This guy, I don't know what he did to these demons."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "Let me tell you."

At this time, Lin Tian gave orders to those ghosts, and these ghosts attacked that Xuxie and burned Qing Aniu at once. The two immediately screamed, and finally Xuxiefeng took out a talisman and grabbed Qing A Niu disappeared in the same place.

Mo Zhong and others were stunned when they saw it, but the Western Demon King was dumbfounded, "Retreat, let's retreat quickly."

The Southern Demon King also knew that there was a ghost in Lin Tian at this moment, which was simply a terrifying existence, so he hurriedly evacuated.

Lin Tian looked at these ghosts, "It's not fully formed yet, so I can only continue to absorb demonic energy here."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian asked these ghosts to go back to the deep mountains to hide around, and then they disappeared.

Mo Zhong was stunned and said, "Emperor Lin, why did you let them go?"

"These ghosts are not yet fully formed, and they need enough demon energy, otherwise they will dissipate soon." Lin Tian explained, and Mo Zhong said in a loud voice, "So, they still have to practice near here? "

After Lin Tianen's voice, Mo Zhong asked curiously, "Then where is this passage to the Demon Realm?"

Not only is the devil heavy, many people want to know, but Lin Tian released the devil spirit king, "Where is this passage to the devil world?"

"It's a cave behind the castle, but if you want to really get to the devil world, you need to have strong strength and mind, just like crossing a catastrophe, otherwise it's easy to die in the passage."

"Take us to see."

After the Demon King's grace, he brought everyone to a cave, and the deeper the passage, the heavier the devilish energy, and at the same time everyone's souls would be attacked.

This whole process is similar to crossing the catastrophe and becoming an immortal, and he can't rely on other people's help, so Lin Tian said with a smile to Mo Chong, "It seems that we are going to separate."

Mozhong also knew that he was going, and he didn't know when he would see Lin Tian, ​​but he said to Lin Tian, ​​"Emperor Lin, remember, when I become a big boss in the demon world, I will definitely compete with you again." .”

"I'll wait." Lin Tian said with a smile as he watched his opponent and friend from ten thousand years ago.

Mozhong took a deep breath, then turned into the cave, ran wildly, and gradually disappeared in front of everyone.

After the others saw it, they ran away one by one, regardless of life or death, until Lin Tiancai walked out of the cave after everyone had left.

The Demon King asked curiously, "Aren't you going?"

"No." Lin Tian said with a smile, and the Demon King looked around, and sighed after looking around that he was no longer his original mountain forest, "Everything has changed here."

Lin Tian looked at the Demon King, "Why are you entrenched here?"

"Many years ago, our ancestors have been entrenched here, and later, the demon spirits gradually condensed, and they have always gathered here." The demon king explained.

Lin Tian understood and said, "Then I will arrange a formation here so that outsiders will not step in at will."

"Really?" The Demon King excitedly said, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Of course, my formation can still resist some people."

"Thank you."

Lin Tian laughed and said, "However, I have to ask you to help me."


"Those ghosts are cultivating here at the moment, you don't have to disturb them, and they only obey my orders."

The Demon King immediately said, "Don't worry, I will definitely notify everyone."

After Lin Tianen's voice, he began to return to the castle, and many materials here naturally became Lin Tian's one by one.

I saw Lin Tian using the things in the castle to start setting up formations in the deep mountains, while the Demon King went to recruit other demon spirits and monsters back.

But at this moment, in the Qing's house in Moxuan Town, that Qing'an Niu was standing there trembling.

In front of Qing A Niu, a middle-aged man said, "Qing A Niu, I entrusted you with such an important matter, you, you actually messed it up for me?"

Qing A Niu said anxiously, "Patriarch, that kid is such a jerk."

"A person who doesn't even have a celestial body, you tell me that he is too bastard? I think you are too useless!"

"Patriarch, you can ask Xu Xiefeng, it is true that that guy is too scary, and even Xu Xiefeng can't take down that kid even if Xu Xiefeng controls those demons." explain yourself.

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