Lin Tian looked at the elixir and smiled slightly, "This is a poison elixir."

Hearing the poison pill, Lu Ya and the others showed doubts, while the white guard smiled and said, "Young master has good eyesight, what else can you see?"

Lin Tian took the pill for inspection and sent it back, "This is called poisonous wood pill, which belongs to the heaven-level elixir. A single pill can quickly make wood-type immortals unable to release any wood fairy energy."

Guard Bai was surprised, "That's how you see it?"

"What? Is there a problem?" Lin Tian smiled and asked, while Bai Weiwei said a little excitedly, "No, no, it's just that this pill has not appeared on the market yet, and you can see it at a glance, which makes me a little surprised."

"I'm an alchemist. In addition to knowing the efficacy of the elixirs, I also know the formulas and names of many elixirs, so I can see that there is nothing unusual."

Bai Huwei said with a smile, "But the general alchemist, let alone name, can't see the effect of the medicine."

"That's someone else."

Guard Bai smiled after hearing this, "Today is an eye-opener for me."

Sha Yuan on the side even boasted, "My little master, let alone a heaven-level elixir, even a king-level elixir or an emperor-level elixir, it's not a problem."

Hearing this, the white guard smiled and said, "Understood."

Then Bai Weiwei left, but Sha Yuan looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Little Master, tell me, will they take the bait?"

"Look, more and more pills will come to me for identification." Lin Tian laughed strangely.

Sha Yuan said oh, but Zhou Yantian was dumbfounded, and couldn't believe that this Lin Tian could even make alchemy so easily.

However, outside the mansion at this moment, the person Ji Xin sent to spy on him immediately reported the situation to Ji Xin.

Ji Xin heard the news in an inn and said suspiciously, "The people from the West Commander's Mansion have gone here anyway."

"Maybe, if you need anything, you should go to the Lu family." The old lady explained, but Ji Xin always felt that things were not that simple.

Not only here, but even in the East Commander's Mansion, the East Commander's Mansion looked at the magic weapons one by one, and after listening to the spies' report, he showed a suspicious look, "What? The people from the West Commander went to them?"

"Yes." The spy nodded, and Commander Dong was a little worried, so he hurriedly said to the Montgomery, "Go, investigate, what's going on?"

Montgomery replied, "Yes."

Then Meng Tuo left, and the Eastern Commander showed a puzzled look, "What does the Western Commander want to do?"

After half an hour, this Meng Tuo came back in a hurry, "My lord, there is news."


"It is said that this kid is still a nine-star alchemist, so this person from Commander Xi went to them, but no one knows if it is true, and it is probably to test it." Meng Tuo explained.

"Nine-Star Alchemist?" That Dong Commander was stunned for a moment, while Meng Tuoen said, "That's the case, and many people in the city are discussing it now."

"If it's true, then he's really not that simple." Commander Dong said in surprise, and Meng Tuo responded, "No, he can not only appraise treasures, but also appraise alchemy, it's too scary."

Commander Dong was suspicious, "Usually, when we say a nine-star appraiser, we mean a treasure appraiser, but if he really appraises alchemy, he is a double appraiser. I guess no one in the entire fairy world can do it?"

"Not really."

Commander Dong's eyes lit up immediately, "This kind of talent must stay with us, and we can't let the people of Commander West's mansion win over him."

"What do you mean, my lord?"

"Go, invite him to live with us, and you can ask for any price." At this moment, the East Commander was afraid that the people from the West Commander's Mansion would take Lin Tian away, so he said quickly.

Monton said, go immediately.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in the Lu family's mansion, he saw the white guard inviting Lin Tian, ​​but Meng Tuo laughed and said, "Bai guard, you are here too."

Guard Bai was a little surprised, "Guard Meng, why are you here?"

"My lord, I want to invite this young master to live with us for a period of time. As for the price, he can do whatever he wants." That Meng Tuo said with a smile, but the white guard was puzzled, "Meng Guard, what do you mean?"

"In addition to knowing alchemy, he is also a nine-star appraiser. He has appraised many magic weapons for us before. We adults think he is a talent and want to invite him to live in the mansion for a few days."

Upon hearing this, Guard Bai knew that if Lin Tian went, he might not be able to get out, and it would be difficult for him to invite again, so he hurriedly said, "You can invite, and we can invite too."

Meng Tuo said urgently, "Our lord has said that, any price is easy to negotiate."

The white guard was not reconciled, and also said there, "Would our West Commander's Mansion have less money than you?"

All of a sudden, people from the two mansions started arguing, but Sha Yuan was stunned. As for Zhou Yantian, he didn't even expect such an outcome.

Lu Ya was dumbfounded, and Lin Tian smiled inwardly, "That's what I want."

As for the two people arguing for a while, the white guard said, "Well, let's stop arguing."

"Don't fight? How can I do that?"

"Then you have to ask him where he wants to go." After the white guard finished speaking, he immediately said to Lin Tian, ​​"Little brother, our West Commander's Mansion, we can satisfy you whatever you want."

Meng Tuo did not show weakness, "Our East Commander's Mansion also has them."

Looking at these two, Lin Tian sighed, "Well, let's go live, forget it, but if you invite me out, come first, last come."

The two were confused about what they meant, and Lin Tian looked at Meng Tuo with a smile, "Guard Meng, the white guard came first just now, so I went with him and came back. If you, Commander Dong, still need my help, you can wait here Wait, how?"

Meng Tuo naturally didn't dare to object, so he could only say, "That's fine."

Guard Bai was overjoyed immediately, and stared at Meng Tuo with a smile, "Guard Meng, just wait here."

"Don't be complacent!" That Meng Tuo snorted, and the white guard was very happy, and left here with Lin Tian and others.

Meng Tuo and the others had no choice but to wait here.

As for some spies outside the mansion, they reported the situation to Ji Xin. After hearing that, Ji Xin became suspicious, "Did you follow them to the West Commander's Mansion?"

The old lady said, "That's what the spies said."

"I want to see what he's up to." After speaking, this Ji Xin took a shortcut to the West Commander's Mansion.

For Meng Tuo, he was not reconciled, and reported the matter to Commander Dong. After Commander Dong heard about it, he could only let Meng Tuo wait there quietly until Lin Tian came back, and took him away directly.

Meng Tuo had to wait there silently, while Lin Tian and others came to the West Commander's Mansion at the invitation of the white guard.

"Everyone, follow me to the living room first." The white guard said politely.

Lin Tian and others followed his pace after expressing gratitude, and after entering the West Commander's Mansion, they could instantly feel the strong scent of medicine everywhere.

This Zhou Yantian became a little nervous again, and Sha Yuan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Looking at you like this, it's like you haven't seen the big world."

"I'm afraid I can't control myself." Zhou Yantian said depressedly.

Sha Yuan said helplessly, "That's right, revenge for killing one's mother is human nature."

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