Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1877 Little girl's apology

At this moment, Lin Tian and others, led by Ying Beast, came to the edge of a stone ladder, "My lord, go up here, it is the exit of Xixian Vein."

"That's fine, let's go first. As for you, you can also go outside to get some air, and you don't have to stay here all the time." Lin Tian said to him.

Eagle Beast Ensheng, ready to go out with Lin Tian, ​​after all, if he stays here, he will definitely be excluded by his kind.

But at this moment, a voice shouted, "Don't go yet!"

Everyone turned around, just in time to see Su Ya standing there like a shadow, and this Sha Yuan became angry when he saw Su Ya, "I said, little girl, don't you want to attack us again?"

"No, I'm here to apologize." Su Ya said, but Sha Yuan was stunned for a moment, "Apologize? I said, little girl, what kind of medicine are you selling in a gourd?"

"I'm serious, I just came to apologize." After Su Ya finished speaking, she still looked at Lin Tian depressedly, "I'm sorry."

Everyone present was confused, and Lin Tian couldn't understand and stared at each other, but Sha Yuan hesitated, "I said, little girl, if you want to cheat, just say it, don't do this, it will make it difficult for us to guard against you."

"I apologize, but you still don't believe it?" That Su Ya was very depressed, but Sha Yuan naturally didn't believe it, and wanted to keep asking.

At this time, countless clouds and mist gathered in the sky, and finally gathered a huge figure.

"What is this?" Sha Yuan was shocked, while Su Ya looked at the figure and said respectfully, "Auntie, look, these people don't believe it."

"Auntie?" Sha Yuan was taken aback, while Lin Tian stared at the cloud and asked, "What's the matter?"

"This young master actually asked, so I'll just say it straight." The Yunwu woman said, but Lin Tian stared at her curiously, waiting for her answer.

"The stone beast clan is one of the top ten fairy beast clans here, but if you take them away, it will affect the stability of the Western Immortal Meridian, so I ask you to let them stay." The woman said.

Sha Yuan and the others finally understood why the little girl apologized, but Lin Tian asked with a smile, "Affecting stability?"

"Yes, as long as one of the beast clan disappears here, something big will happen in the Western Mountain Range, and this big thing will affect the outside world, so please let them stay."

Lin Tian was dubious, but the eagle beast whispered, "My lord, I have heard this rumor before."

"Oh? What rumor?"

"It is rumored that the ten immortal beasts here will form a force, and if this power is unstable, the Western Mountains will quake, and it has happened before. Later, the mountain king, no, it was other mountain kings. It was all right when the ten immortal beasts were gathered together." Eagle Beast explained.

Lin Tian was very curious when he heard such a thing, so he stared at the cloud, "Tell me, what is this power?"

"Would you believe me if I said that there is a terrifying power sealed in the Western Mountain Range?" said the cloud woman.

After hearing this, Lin Tian said, "Of course I believe it, otherwise I wouldn't be unable to fly."

"Oh? You know?" The cloud woman was curious, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "I can sense it."

"Then please think about it." The Yunwu woman begged Lin Tian and said, because she knew that once Lin Tian left, there would be big troubles here.

As for Lin Tian, ​​when he stepped into the Western Mountain Range, he sensed a terrifying force underground, and he also knew that he could not study this force with his own strength, so he simply said, "The beasts, I can stay, but I want to take away a beast king, is it okay?"

"That's fine." Yunwu girl was very straightforward, but Lin Tian had to release the other stone beasts and let them go back.

These stone beasts went back one after another, and Yunwu woman looked around, and after confirming that there was nothing serious in the Western Mountain Range, she stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Thank you."

"If you want to thank you, thank yourself for not messing with me, otherwise, I wouldn't be a savior." After finishing speaking, Lin Tian turned around and went up the steps.

The eagle beast followed immediately, and Sha Yuan, Zhou Yantian, and Lu Ya also caught up one after another. As for that Su Ya said depressedly, "They ignored me."

"People didn't ask you about the crime, you'll be fine, but you still have reason to be angry?" the Yunwu woman reprimanded.

"Auntie, tell me, why should we be afraid of him?" Su Ya was puzzled, and the Yunwu woman said after a moment of contemplation, "Because his immortal soul is very powerful, and so powerful that I can't even fight against him."

"Is it so exaggerated?" Su Ya obviously didn't believe it, but the Yunwu girl left without saying anything, and told her, "Next time you meet him, be more polite, you know?"

"Got it." Su Ya went back sullenly, but Sha Yuan in Staircase Mountain stared at the eagle beast and asked, "Do you have many mountain kings here?"

"It is said that it changes every thousand years, and the cloud and mist just now is the last mountain king, and this little girl is new." The eagle beast explained.

Sha Yuan suddenly realized, "No wonder this girl is so mentally handicapped, so it's new."

Zhou Yantian was suspicious, "What are the origins of these mountain kings?"

The eagle beasts didn't know either, they only knew that these mountain kings could control many fairy beasts at will, and these fairy beasts didn't dare to leave the Western Mountain Range.

So Sha Yuan and others focused their attention on Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian didn't explain, but went his own way.

After a quarter of an hour, they arrived outside the Western Mountain Range, and the eagle beast immediately took leave of everyone and flew into the air.

Sha Yuan also said energetically, "I feel comfortable when I'm outside."

Lin Tian looked at Lu Ya, "Go back to Xixian Mansion."

"Huh? I go back?"

"Yes, go back, I'll call you later if I need anything." Lin Tian said, and Lu Ya said oh, and had no choice but to leave here in a leap.

Lin Tian looked at Sha Yuan and Zhou Yantian, "Where are you two?"

But Sha Yuan laughed and said, "Little master, my Tian Sha Sect was destroyed, and now I can only follow you to seek revenge for that guy behind the scenes, where else can I go?"

Zhou Yantian stared at Lin Tian, ​​"I want to learn skills from you."


"Yes, Immortal Fire Alchemy, I only have two Immortal Fires, but your Earth Immortal already has three Immortal Fires." That Zhou Yantian finally expressed his inner request.

But Sha Yuan laughed and said, "If you want to learn, then you are called Master."

Zhou Yantian hesitated, "Fairy Huoyao is his apprentice, and I learned my skills from Fairy Huoyao. If I want to be called, I should also be called Shizu."

When Sha Yuan heard it, he immediately laughed, "Yes, call me Shizu, then I will be your Shizu."

"You." Zhou Yantian didn't expect that the other party would even take advantage of this, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Let's go, find a place to rest first, and tomorrow, I will use the map of Yin Yang Tian."


The two followed immediately, but not long after the three of them walked out of the mountain range, they met Ji Xin and the old lady who were waiting there.

When Ji Xin saw that Lin Tian and the others had come out safe and sound, his eyes widened immediately, showing an expression of disbelief.

The old lady also said solemnly, "It's still intact?"

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