Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1958 Accidental Discovery

The Great Elder has been narrow-minded and black-hearted since before, and now he was so upset by an unknown Lin Tian, ​​and he was unhappy on the spot, and he said, "Why? I can't control an outsider, can I?"

"Great Elder, that's not what I meant." Fen said nervously, while the Great Elder snorted, "Let me tell you, today, I have to take care of it!"

Fen hurriedly said, "Grand Elder, this is not right."

"Whether it's right or not, I have the final say! It's not your turn!" After the Great Elder finished speaking, he told these people to back off, while the others backed off one after another, not daring to compete with the Great Elder.

Fen was anxious but nervous, and the great elder stared at Lin Tian and hummed, "Boy, if you don't perform the Fire King Technique for me today, I won't let you in."

Lin Tian just consumed it just now, and it is impossible to cast it again within a day, so he said with a smile, "Why should I cast it for you?"

"You want to die?" the great elder shouted, but Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "If you dare to touch me, try it. When the time comes, the Fire Immortal King will make trouble for you, so don't blame me."

The Great Elder didn't expect that Lin Tian would dare to threaten him, and he immediately said dissatisfied, "Do you really think that I'm afraid of you?"

"Then try it, don't talk nonsense!" Lin Tian stood there with a fearless look on his face, and the great elder wanted to strike, but his hand was in the air, and he didn't dare to strike.

"Sun Huo, why are you still so narrow-minded?" Seeing him like this, Lin Tian immediately provoked him, while the Great Elder was stunned for a moment, "You, how do you know my real name?"

Everyone was also puzzled. After all, few people here know the identity of the Great Elder, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Because I know you, God."

Sun Huo didn't believe it, and stared at Lin Tiandao, "Boy, you must have found out somewhere."

"Oh? Is that so? Would you like me to tell you about the skills you practiced and your shortcomings?" Lin Tian smiled at Sun Huo.

Sun Huo still didn't believe in heresy, "Okay, then tell me!"

"You practice the fire-yang technique of the first level, and this kind of fire-yang technique can instantly increase the concentration of fire fairy energy in your body, but there is a disadvantage. If water-type fairy magic touches your body, the fire fairy energy will disappear instead, so you will not be able to cast fairy magic for a while, right?" Lin Tian smiled and looked at Sun Huo.

Sun Huo looked ugly, because no one knew this secret except himself, so he stared at Lin Tian in surprise, "You, who are you?"

Lin Tian used to be here, but he has seen many immortal arts, among which Fire Yang Art is this kind. As for the shortcomings, of course Lin Tian also knows, but instead of telling Sun Huo, Lin Tian smiled and said, "I am a friend of the Fire Immortal King, who do you think I am?"

Sun Huo began to gradually believe that Lin Tianzhen might be a friend of the Fire Immortal King, but when he thought of him going in like this, he was a little unwilling, and stared at Lin Tiandao, "Boy, don't fool me."

"Oh? Still trying to embarrass me?"

"You can guess my skills and tell my shortcomings, then you must be very good, so I want to learn from you!"

Lin Tian cursed secretly in his heart, "Discuss your grandson, you narrow-minded guy!"

Sun Huo didn't know what Lin Tian was thinking, and took the initiative to release flames, preparing to strike Lin Tian.

Lin Tian looked at Fen Ji depressed, "What are you looking at? Hurry up and call your Fire Immortal King and say, his friend is here."

After Sun Ji understood, he quickly ran into the hall, but that Sun Huo stared at Lin Tian, ​​"I'll take you down first."

"You'd better not move around, otherwise, when the Fire Immortal King comes, I will definitely sue." Lin Tian stared at Sun Huo and said.

Sun Huo looked at Lin Tian strangely, "Am I afraid?"

"Then just do it." Lin Tian provoked the other party again, and the more Lin Tian was like this, the more worried Sun Huo was, and he looked at Lin Tian strangely.

Lin Tian laughed, "Why? Don't you dare?"

"I, I'm not afraid!" After Sun Huo finished speaking, he finally slammed his palm, and the power was naturally huge, but the opponent deliberately controlled the power, fearing that Lin Tian would be killed.

But even so, Lin Tian was still sent flying, and was shot far away with a "boom", and landed in a pile of rocks.

Sun Huo was suspicious, "You won't die, will you?"

As for the others, all of them stared wide-eyed, and some worried, "Great Elder, what if the Fire Immortal King blames him?"

"What's wrong? Didn't you see it? This guy only has the ability of a fairy, how could he know God?" That Sun Huo even concluded that Lin Tian must not know this Fire Immortal King.

Everyone was dubious, but that Lin Tian came out of the ruins, his body was falling apart at this moment, it was not enough for him to accidentally discover a secret.

That was when Sun Huo hit him with the Fire Immortal technique just now, even though he was sent flying and injured, the remaining power was absorbed by the Huo Immortal Grid.

"This blow probably absorbed at least 80% of the power, right?" Lin Tian was pleasantly surprised, and then stroked his body. After making sure that there was nothing serious, he stretched his muscles and bones, and then returned to the crowd.

Everyone was stunned, and some even muttered, "This guy, is this all right?"

"Will there be a magic weapon on him?"

That Sun Huo stared at Lin Tiandao with his eyes wide open, "Why are you fine?"

"I said, I am a friend of your God, how could I die so easily?"

Sun Huo didn't believe it, and then he slapped again, and this time it was heavier than before. As for Lin Tian, ​​he was sent flying again.

Lin Tian was lying in the ruins, almost feeling like he was going to die, but the pain gradually disappeared until the remaining power in his body was absorbed and he took a deep breath, "Although it can be absorbed, it's still very uncomfortable."

Lin Tian then stared at the Huoxian grid in doubt, and then continued to study "The Heavenly Immortals", but at this time "The Heavenly Immortals" unexpectedly appeared a hidden aura.

"Strange, I didn't see it before, why do I see it now?" Lin Tian felt a little surprised.

So I looked carefully and found that the new content refers to the avatar condensed with the fire fairy grid, which can resist 100% resistance to the fire fairy method.

"What? Using the Fire Immortal Grid clone can resist 100% of the Fire Immortal Technique?" Lin Tian took a breath, and then gathered a Fire clone in front of the deity.

This fire clone is exactly the same as Lin Tian's deity, while Lin Tian's deity continued to stay in the ruins, and the fire deity flew out.

Seeing Lin Tian coming out again, Sun Huo wondered, "Is this all right?"

"Come on, keep coming!" This time it was Lin Tian who took the initiative to ask for an attack, and Sun Huo was stunned for a moment before he said, "You are insulting me."

"I told you to keep coming, why are you thinking so much?" Lin Tian scorned, and that Sun Huo was annoyed, "Okay, this time I will do my best!"

"Yes, go all out. It's best to use your strongest Fire Immortal Technique, otherwise it will be too boring." Lin Tian said to Sun Huo.

But the onlookers thought Lin Tian was crazy. After all, Lin Tian was only a celestial being, so how could he fight against the Immortal Emperor.

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