Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1985 This Is the Real Gathering Fire Technique

Lin Tian just smiled slightly after seeing the exasperated opponent, "If you can beat me, I'll tell you!"

"You're just a fairy, I'm a lunatic, so I'm afraid I can't kill you?" After the lunatic finished speaking, he ignited the surrounding flames.

These flames began to roll up, and then turned into fireballs, and surrounded Lin Tian.

"Boy, I'll give you one more chance. If you don't tell me, you won't have a chance later!" the lunatic threatened.

But Lin Tian smiled evilly, stared at him and said, "Just come, I will follow."

"Okay! Go to hell!" The other party ran away and roared, and then countless flame balls "bang bang bang" hit Lin Tian.

Lin Tian stood there, allowing the opponent to attack, and said with a smile, "It seems that your attack is nothing more than that."

"You." The other party was already stunned, and Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "What? Is there any other way?"

"Boy, let me tell you, I have many ways to deal with you." The lunatic said to himself.

But Lin Tian smiled at him, "Oh? Really? Then take all your attacks and let me see, I'll see, what else do you have!"

Crazy Huo cursed inwardly, "Why is this celestial being so difficult to deal with?"

Lin Tian, ​​who saw Huo Crazy in a daze, said with a smile, "If you don't make a move again, I will."

"It's ridiculous, I'm the fairy king, can you still hurt me?" The lunatic didn't know what to do for the time being, but when he heard Lin Tian's words, he couldn't help but choked back.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "You just used a trick, Gathering Fire, right?"

"Yes! Gathering Fire!" The fire lunatic didn't expect Lin Tian to recognize it, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Then let me show you what the real Gathering Fire is."

The fire lunatic who heard this said mockingly, "Do you think everyone knows the fire gathering technique?"

"Look, you'll know!" After Lin Tian finished speaking, flames began to condense around, and then these flames turned into flame balls.

Crazy Huo frowned, "Impossible!"

Lin Tian smiled strangely, "Look at it!"

I saw that the flame ball continued to grow from the size of a fist, and the fire lunatic said in a daze, "I have practiced for tens of thousands of years, and it is only the size of a basin, you, you."

Lin Tianxie smiled, "There is only one big well now, but it will be bigger later."

The lunatic Huo was already dumbfounded, because the mouth of the well was so big that it was already scary, but seeing that Lin Tian didn't stop, the lunatic Huo gradually felt that Lin Tian was a bit complicated.

After a while, when the fireball above Lin Tian's head had turned into a small hill, the lunatic stammered, "You."

"How about trying this power?" Lin Tian said with a smile, and Huo Crazy said timidly, "Boy, you may be able to condense, but you may not be able to attack people."

"Oh? You mean I can't attack you?"

"The bigger the fireball, the harder it is to control, and the accuracy rate is also low! Besides, I'm a fairy king, so I can quickly avoid it!"

Lin Tian laughed and said, "The Gathering Fire technique has two special features. One, it can gather powerful nearby firepower. Second, it can target people to attack. Are you telling me that you can't attack you now?"

"It also depends on whether you have the strength to support it!" The lunatic said without confidence, but Lin Tian smiled strangely, "Look out!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian threw out the fireball in his hand, and then the powerful soul controlled the flame ball, and aimed at the fire lunatic.

The fire lunatic moved around, trying to avoid Lin Tian's attack, but the flame ball chased him, leaving him nowhere to dodge.

In the end, "Boom", the fire lunatic was hit by the flame ball, and then his whole body was burnt, and he fell to the side, looking up to the sky and saying, "Damn it!"

Lin Tian came to him and said with a smile, "Why? Is this not enough?"

Huo Crazy was so frightened that he turned into a ball of flames and disappeared out of thin air, but Lin Tian smiled, "It's interesting, he even has this kind of fire escape technique."

However, Lin Tian didn't bother to pay attention to him, but continued to study in that cave, but at this moment, Huo Maniac appeared in one place and entered his own space magic weapon.

Inside the magic weapon, the blond old man asked after seeing the lunatic come back, "How is it? Have you caught that kid?"

Ghost Sword Immortal King also looked at Madman Huo, wanting to know what was going on, but this Madman Huo looked at the two of them and said depressedly, "This guy is hard to deal with."

"It's hard to deal with?" The blond old man didn't know what he meant, and the lunatic said, "I won't do this task, let's go."

"What?" The blond-haired old man immediately became upset, and the lunatic said, "I can't deal with him anymore."

The blond old man asked puzzledly, "What happened?"

Crazy Huo didn't explain, but said, "Stop talking, I'll take you out first."

After finishing speaking, Huolunatic left, and then left with the magic weapon of space, and the blond old man said, "Damn it!"

Ghost Sword Immortal King asked in confusion, "Master, what does this lunatic mean?"

"Who knows?" The blond old man didn't understand, until after a while, the lunatic let everyone out and came outside the flame area.

But the lunatic didn't leave, but healed his wounds in one place. As for the blond old man, he asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

"He can gather fire, so it's not suitable to fight him inside, so I want to cultivate here, and if he comes out, I will find a way to deal with him." The fire lunatic explained.

After hearing this, the blond old man was suspicious, "Were you injured by him?"

"Nonsense!" Madman Huo was depressed, while Immortal Ghost Saber wondered, "How could he do this gathering fire?"

Huolunatic said depressedly, "I want to know more than you."

The blond old man looked ugly, "In this way, if he doesn't come out and keeps hiding inside, we won't be able to do anything to him."

Immortal King Ghost Saber was upset, and said, "Big Master, is there no other way?"

"Even the fire lunatic can't force him out, or force him into the magic weapon of space, so what can we do?" The blond old man said helplessly.

Ghost Sword Immortal King was depressed to the bottom, but the lunatic suggested, "I don't mind, set up a formation around here, once he comes out, he will enter the formation, and then we will deal with him properly."

The blond-haired old man knew that this was the only way to go at present, so he asked people to set up a formation, and there was no dead space on the periphery, and Lin Tian must be sucked into the formation when he came in.

Ghost Sword Immortal King wondered, "This bastard, what kind of ghost is it that requires so much effort."

Not only the Ghost Sword Immortal King, but also the nearby Konglang hesitated when they saw this, then took out the sound transmission stone and began to spread the news to the Immortal King Alliance.

As for Lin Tian, ​​he is still walking in the cave at this moment, because the cave is very deep and extends all the way down.

In addition, Lin Tian was still looking around on the wall, seeing scratch marks, as if something sharp had been scratched.

"Strange, who made this hole?" Lin Tian knew that the rock here was extremely hard, so it must not be easy to make such a big hole so deep.

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