Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2011 Lying Down and Talking

After hearing this, Lan Jin wanted to use his body, but found that his body didn't even belong to him, and he couldn't even commit suicide.

"How? Is there no way?" Lin Tian looked at Lan Jin with a smile, and Lan Jin said angrily, "Boy, sooner or later I will kill you."

"No chance!" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he asked the other party to come over, and that Lan Jin didn't obey his body and came to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian put one hand on his head, then entered the soul seal, and read out the memory of the other party one by one.

"Also deleted?" Lin Tian found out that this Lan Jin had also been deleted from his memory, and there was also a voice in his mind controlling him.

Seeing this, Lin Tian frowned, and Lan Jin roared, "Boy, let me go!"

Lin Tian stared at him, "Have you seen that man?"


"The owner of that voice." Lin Tian stared at Lan Jin, and Lan Jin snorted after realizing that his memory had been stolen, "You saw it too, so you should know that I haven't seen that person before."

"So, that person asked you to guard here?" Lin Tian stared at Lan Jin, and Lan Jin gave him a blank look, "Why should I tell you?"

"Say." Lin Tian's words were like an order, and that Lan Jin immediately said, "Yes, he asked me to come here to guard!"

"Why are you the guard?"

"He said, let me prevent anyone from entering this cave." Lan Jin said depressedly, while Dongfang Qingming on the side had no idea what the two were talking about.

After a while, Lin Tian asked, "Your uncle, is he alright?"

"En." Lan Jin said nervously, and after Lin Tian understood, he abolished Lan Jin's immortal soul, and then sealed his immortal soul.

At this point, this Lan Jin's physical body was scrapped, and Dongfang Qingming was startled, "He, is he dead?"


Dongfang Qingming suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, after all, this Lan Jin was also his senior brother.

But Lin Tian looked back at Dongfang Qingming.

Dongfang Qingming became a little scared for a moment, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "The ghost emperor is right here."

"He, is he really in there?" Dongfang Qingming couldn't believe it, but Lin Tian continued, "However, it's easy to get in, but difficult to get out."

"This." Dongfang Qingming was frightened immediately, not knowing what to do, but Lin Tian walked in and said as he walked, "I want to see you as a master, so follow closely, otherwise you will get into trouble later, I will I don't care about you."

Dongfang Qingming was frightened, and Lin Tian had gradually disappeared, so he quickly followed.

After a while, Dongfang Qingming came to a dark tunnel inside. At the same time, Dongfang Qingming also felt that his body was attracted by something, and his body would move forward without moving himself.

"Here, what's going on?" This scared Dongfang Qingming, but Lin Tian said with a smile in front, "This is the magical place here."

"Then, are we going to die here?"

"If you're afraid of death, don't come!" Lin Tian said helplessly, while Dongfang Qingming froze and said, "I'm not afraid of death!"

Lin Tian smiled and said nothing, but Dongfang Qingming asked puzzledly, "Why did you come to the Seventh District of Desolation and go to such great lengths to find the Ghost Emperor?"

"What do you think I am for?"

"Looking for the Ghost Emperor, there are only two kinds of people."


"One, he has hatred, and two, he just wants to learn from him." This Dongfang Qingming said after thinking.

Lin Tian smiled wryly, "That's not it?"

"Impossible! And looking at you like this, you must have come to apprentice!" Dongfang Qingming stared at Lin Tian and said strangely.

"A teacher?"

"Yes! You want to learn the powerful ghost skills of the ghost emperor, so you came here to find him because you want to find him!" Dongfang Qingming vowed.

But Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, and continued on his way, while that Dongfang Qingming said, "Look, I have learned his skills, and I have his notes. If you want to learn, I can How about passing it on to you and letting you be my apprentice?"

"Apprentice?" Lin Tian smiled as he walked, and that Dongfang Qingming was afraid of angering Lin Tian, ​​so he said, "Well, let me be a little bit wronged, you can be my junior."


"Yes, in this way, the two of us will learn the skills of the ghost and fairy emperor, and we will be brothers." This Dongfang Qingming said with a smile.

But Lin Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and continued to move forward, while that Dongfang Qingming was depressed, "Really, I have it here! Why take risks?"

"Is that why you don't want to go in?" Lin Tian asked back, and that Dongfang Qingming immediately explained, "No, I just think it's weird here, and if I don't find it by then, I'll die inside instead."

Lin Tian smiled helplessly, "Don't talk, just follow, don't wait, if you get into trouble, I won't take care of you."

Seeing Lin Tian threatening him again, that Dongfang Qingming was so depressed that he didn't dare to speak, he could only follow silently, muttering to himself, "This guy, does he care so much about apprenticeship?"

At this time, the attraction in front became stronger and stronger, and the speed of the two of them became faster and faster, and there was no light on the surrounding walls except for a faint purple light.

Seeing this, Dongfang Qingming was a little scared, until the whole person was sucked up and flew up, he began to ask anxiously, "Why did you fly up?"

"The attraction is strong, be careful yourself." After Lin Tian finished speaking, the speed became faster and faster, that Dongfang Qingming yelled all kinds of things.

Not only that, when the armor on Dongfang Qingming scraped against the surroundings, there were bursts of flames, until "boom", that Dongfang Qingming hit a place heavily, and then became dizzy.

"Where is this?" That Dongfang Qingming stood up in a daze, and saw himself standing in a pile of sand.

Lin Tian sat on the side and looked at him with a smile, "If it weren't for the sand, your bones would probably be broken."

Dongfang Qingming was depressed, but just as he stood up, his whole body hit the ground heavily with a "bang".

"Here, what's going on?"

"There is a strong attraction here, which makes people unable to stand up." Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, while Dongfang Qingming said in surprise, "Can't stand up?"


This frightened Dongfang Qingming, so he rolled over and tried to get up again, but when he was halfway away, he hit the ground again with a "boom".

Dongfang Qingming yelled and said depressedly, "What the hell kind of place is this?"

Lin Tian looked around, stood up, and began to look around, "This place is a bit strange."

Dongfang Qingming was stunned, "Why can you stand up?"

"I'm not like you."

"Why is it different?" That Dongfang Qingming was extremely depressed, and Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "I am better than you, and I have a way to solve it."

"You, tell me quickly." Dongfang Qingming said anxiously.

"Don't worry, it's still early!" Lin Tian said to him, while Dongfang Qingming lay on the ground depressed, "What time is it, you're still playing with me."

"Tricking you? Do you think I look like me?"

"Then why didn't you tell me the solution? Do you want me to lie on my stomach like this all the time?" Dongfang Qingming complained.

"I said it all, wait!"

"You, you are stingy."


"Yes, I said to be your senior brother, but you won't let me, so you want to take revenge on me!" That Dongfang Qingming said self-righteously.

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