Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2119 Ancestor Ning Comes Back to God

Lin Tian thought for a while and said, "You can arrange it and trap him."

Hearing Lin Tian said that he was sleepy, both the masked woman and her maid knew what it meant.

Lin Tian did what he said, and began to set up formations around here, until the next day, at dawn, that Patriarch Ning appeared again.

However, as soon as Patriarch Ning appeared, he was constrained by Lin Tian's formation, so he couldn't leave at all, he could only collide with the formation there, and he was as stupid as a fool.

The maid was startled, "Look, his forehead is bleeding."

The masked woman was dignified, "If you hit it like this, you will be injured if you don't die."

Lin Tian condensed a pen in the formation, then locked his soul, and then pulled his soul out.

Finally, Lin Tian's avatar stepped forward to check his body, and finally found a stone shining with a faint white light from his body.

"I found it." Lin Tian was overjoyed, and then put back the soul of Patriarch Ning.

Patriarch Ning suddenly seemed to have lost his strength and fell into a coma. The masked woman and her maid were curious about what happened to Patriarch Ning.

Lin Tian was very calm, and stepped forward to check.

After a while, Old Ancestor Ning opened his eyes, but he was not stupid at the moment, but looked at Lin Tian and the others suspiciously, "Why am I here?"

Seeing Patriarch Ning recovering his sanity, the servant girl said excitedly, "Finally awake."

"Sober?" Patriarch Ning didn't understand, but the masked woman explained everything one by one.

Hearing this, Patriarch Ning was shocked, "What? Will I be controlled?"

"Yes." The masked woman nodded, and Patriarch Ning gasped, unable to believe what had happened.

Lin Tian took out the stone in his hand, "It's this stone."

"Isn't this a teleportation stone? How can it control people?" The masked woman was puzzled, and Patriarch Ning was also puzzled, even confused.

Lin Tian stared at the stone, and then looked at the sky, "It seems that there is a mystery in this stone."

"Can you figure it out?" The masked woman asked curiously, and Lin Tian said, "Take a look at night."

Then Lin Tian and others sat there, and the masked woman continued to ask Ning Patriarch, but Ning Patriarch seemed to have lost his memory and didn't remember anything.

In the end, they had no choice but to stop asking, and Lin Tian waited there until after nightfall, when the stone began to flash brightly.

When Lin Tian felt that he was about to be sucked away, a powerful force suddenly hit Lin Tian, ​​as if it was going to crush Lin Tian, ​​and at the same time, a majestic voice shouted, "You are looking for death."

Before Lin Tian could react, he was sent flying, and at the same time, the teleportation stone in his hand disappeared instantly.

Patriarch Ning and the others were shocked, and quickly surrounded him. Lin Tian was fine and stood up, but he could sense the strength of the voice just now.

What made Lin Tian curious was that the voice sounded like a person.

"That woman?" Lin Tian thought about it carefully, and remembered the woman who was raised by the blood beast that he met in Xianmai.

The masked woman and the others didn't know what Lin Tian was thinking, so they looked at him curiously, until Lin Tian returned to God and said, "Okay, go to Bu's house."

"The Bu family? Then this?" The masked woman was suspicious, but the maid was puzzled, "Don't you look for the Moon Palace now?"

"It's not that we don't look for it, but that the teleportation stone is gone, and we can't continue to study it." Lin Tian sighed.

Hearing such a thing, everyone suddenly became depressed, but Lin Tian calmed down and said, "At least, there is still a little clue."

"Clues?" Everyone looked at each other, but Lin Tian said, "As long as you find out the origin of the messenger, you will understand."

"Messenger? Origin? Does he have something to do with this month's palace?" The masked woman was curious, but the maid muttered, "That messenger has been wiped out."

"Find the Bu family and inquire about the Yuewang Lake, and the results should come soon." Lin Tian said to everyone.

The masked woman and others showed doubts, but Lin Tian took them away directly, but Patriarch Ning didn't know about the Bu family, nor did he know about the messengers. He didn't understand until the maid explained them one by one.

But it was already a few days later when Lin Tian and the others came to the Bu family.

At the moment, Bujia City, like some big cities, is very lively, and after the maid entered, she just played around and didn't want to leave.

After Lin Tian directly inquired about the whereabouts of the Bu family, he rushed to the Bu family.

An hour later, they came to the gate of the Bu family, and the guards of the mansion were very strict and quickly stopped them.

A guard also said, "Who is it?"

"I'm looking for your Patriarch Bu." Lin Tian was very straightforward, without too much nonsense, and the guard looked at Lin Tianhou and asked, "Is there an invitation letter? Or, who are you, so I can report it."

Lin Tian didn't know what to say, and the masked woman and others didn't know what to say.

This made the guards feel suspicious, so the leading guard said, "Everyone, if you are here to make trouble, then I ask you to leave immediately, otherwise we will blow you away."

Lin Tian smiled back, "We are not making trouble, but something really happened."

"What's the matter, tell me!" The guard still questioned patiently, but Lin Tian said, "Well, there is a messenger, let me come to your Patriarch."

"An envoy? What envoy?" The guard was puzzled, but Lin Tian hesitated, "It is the envoy who serves as the referee for you every year when the four major families compete."

"You mean him?" The guard was suspicious, but Lin Tianen said, "Yes, it's him."

"Do you have a letter of recommendation from him? Or, to prove that he asked you to come here." The guard checked very strictly.

Lin Tian wondered, "You guys, why are you so strict in the review?"

"No way, this is the rule of our Bu family, so if you want to go in, you have to show proof that you are sent by the envoy." The guard was not afraid of Lin Tian's identity, and said solemnly.

Lin Tian smiled helplessly, "So, if I can't prove it, I really can't get in?"


Lin Tian looked at the maid, "I think you have a good eloquence, so you should come."

The servant girl was stunned for a moment, then hurried forward, staring at them and said, "You guys, you'd better get out of the way quickly, otherwise you won't be his opponent if he makes a move!"

Lin Tian's face turned dark immediately, "I asked you to use your eloquence, not to threaten you."

"It's all the same." The servant girl replied, and the masked woman couldn't help laughing, as for Patriarch Ning, he directly opened the Ten Thousand Immortals.

When everyone saw Ten Thousand Immortals, they were immediately shocked. After all, people from Ten Thousand Immortals had all gone to the Moon Palace, so it was impossible to appear on the street, let alone come in front of them.

So the guards ran back to the mansion one by one, and closed the gate.

Patriarch Ning said happily, "It's not as good as mine!"

The servant girl suddenly said depressedly, "Ten thousand immortals, no matter where you put it, everyone will be shocked!"

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