Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2148 Huge Matrix

The masked woman still wanted to take risks, so she said to the servant girl, "Why don't you go in, I'm outside."


"Don't worry, you go in, I have the pace, if you encounter danger, you can quickly avoid it." The masked woman explained.

The servant girl knew that staying here was just a burden, so she looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Mr. Lin, I want to go to your space too."

Lin Tian had no choice but to get her into the space, but the masked woman insisted on being outside.

"Are you not afraid?"

"I have the pace, I won't be afraid." The masked woman said confidently, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Okay, let's go."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he continued to move northeast here.

On this road, Lin Tian encountered many flying weeds of this kind, but they hit Lin Tian one by one, and they had no effect on Lin Tian.

But the masked woman asked curiously, "Mr. Lin, why do these things hit you and have no effect on you?"

Lin Tian explained there, "Because my body is not afraid of them."

The masked woman didn't understand the meaning of this, but Lin Tian didn't say much, but kept going until a few days later, they saw a place full of seeds.

I saw these seeds floating in the air, and in the center of these seeds, there was a huge plant.

This plant stands there like a high mountain, and some flying grass seeds can fly out from the branches from time to time, which looks very strange.

"This is?" The masked woman was surprised, and Lin Tian explained, "This is the matrix of the seed."

"The mother body of the seeds?" The masked woman was suspicious, and Lin Tianen said, "Yes, this mother body is their foundation."

"The mother body, is it powerful?"

"Well, the shattering ability of the mother body is stronger. Once touched, it can kill a Nine Star Immortal Emperor in an instant." Lin Tian explained.

The masked woman gasped, but Lin Tian smiled at her and said, "Do you dare to go there?"

"Don't dare."

Lin Tian laughed and said, "Where this kind of mother body can grow, there must be treasures under this mother body."


"En." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he walked over, while the masked woman was waiting outside. As for the surrounding seeds, they frantically rushed to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was very calm, as if everything had nothing to do with him, allowing them to "attack".

When Lin Tian came under the mother body, Lin Tian touched the huge tree root with one hand, and the tree root shook immediately, and then countless vines emerged from the ground, and quickly entangled Lin Tian.

At the same time, the matrix made an angry voice, "Damn human, who are you? Why aren't you afraid of my seeds!"

Lin Tian explained there, "Your seeds are not dangerous to me, so I am naturally not afraid."

The mother became serious, and looked at Lin Tian strangely, "You, do you really think I'm a fool?"

"I didn't think you were a fool, but I just want to tell you that you and your seeds can't deal with me, so you should give up." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he directly began to absorb, and the vines immediately withered.

The mother was shocked, "You."

"Tell me, what's in the ground?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, but the mother snorted, "There's nothing down there."

"Nothing, you will grow here? Do you think I'm a child?" Lin Tian asked back, and the mother said, "I said no, there is no."

"What you said doesn't count." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he put one hand on the ground. As for the mother's doubts, "What are you doing?"

"Let me sense what is underneath." Lin Tianxie smiled, but how could this matrix be seen by Lin Tian, ​​and the vine condensed again, and then hit Lin Tian hard.

Lin Tian scattered countless phantoms, and the mother body was shocked, "Here, what's going on?"

"This is my shadow, but it's very similar to my true self, you can't see it." Those ghosts said in unison.

The mother was annoyed, and made countless vines emerge from the ground, with the purpose of knocking all these ghosts away, while Lin Tian himself avoided a certain distance, and then stretched out his right hand.

After a while, Lin Tian's pen appeared. As for the mother, he didn't know what Lin Tian's pen was for, so he hummed, "Why? Use a pen?"

"This pen is different." Lin Tianxie smiled, and then countless shackles came out. As for the huge body of the mother body, he could not avoid it, so he could only let Lin Tian attack.

In the end, the mother body was entangled by countless shackles, and when Lin Tian pulled it, the other party's soul ran out, and the other party was so scared that he said urgently, "Let me go, let me go."

"Are you willing to say it?" Lin Tianxiao asked, and the mother panicked in fright, "I said, I will tell you whatever you want to know."

"Tell me, what's down here."

"Below, there is a vein of minerals, and the ores inside are divine stones."

"God stone? Are you kidding me?" Lin Tian frowned. After all, in the fairy world, how could there be a vein of god stone, unless it is the god world.

But the mother body said, "Really, if you don't believe me, go down and see for yourself."

Lin Tian really went down to the ground, and there were indeed divine stones exuding spirit everywhere below, but Immortal King Lin Tian, ​​these powers were useless to him.

So Lin Tian just wandered around underground, then ran outside, and asked the mother, "How many years have you been here?"

"Me? Hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years, anyway, I found this thing, and it has been growing here."

"Then where did you come from." Lin Tian continued to ask, and the mother said awkwardly, "When I have memories, I was in this world. If you want to say where I came from, I really don't know."

Lin Tian had no choice but to ask, "Then you know, is there anything special about this northeast direction?"

"Northeast direction?"


The mother body began to think, and finally said, "I can often see some fairy souls floating past here, and their fairy souls will be shrouded in white light, and they are not afraid of my seeds."

Hearing this, Lin Tian immediately released Shitai and Tianwan, and then the two immortal souls had a layer of white light.

"Yes, they are the same." The mother explained, and the masked woman not far away was stunned.

Shitai and Tianwan were curious about why there was a layer of white light suddenly, but Lin Tian put them away and said with a smile, "Is there anything special besides seeing this situation?"

"I've never lived here, so I really don't know what's in other places." The mother said depressedly.

Lin Tian had no choice but to clean up his mood, and then said, "Put away the seeds around you."

"Yes." The mother body didn't dare to disobey, and quickly put it away, and the seeds around it were all gone, and Lin Tian looked at the masked woman, "Let's go."

The masked woman hurriedly followed, and then disappeared there together with Lin Tian, ​​while the mother gasped, "It's been so many years, and this is the first time I've seen such a terrifying human being."

Naihe, the masked woman walking ahead asked curiously, "Why did the two fairy souls you released just now suddenly flash white?"

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