Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2152 Surrender

Tiantianwan knew Long Ming's character, so he reminded, "Long Ming, if you don't want to die, I think you'd better help him."

"That's right." The teacher nodded and said, while Long Ming sneered, "I said two, he's just a fairy king, and I'm still afraid of him?"

"Do you know how the Moon Palace collapsed?" That Tianwan stared at Long Mingdao, and Long Ming snorted, "The Moon Palace collapsed because someone made trouble, and then the palace owners of all ages fought against him, and finally those palace owners' bodies were destroyed and blown up everywhere."

After the teacher and wife heard this, the teacher asked back, "Then do you know who made the trouble?"

"How do I know?" Long understood, and the master pointed to Lin Tian, ​​"He, the person who can't even deal with the palace masters of the past."

When Long Ming didn't believe it, he laughed and said, "Master Mie, can you stop joking?"

Tianwan heard this, but joked, "Don't believe it? Then you can find some fairy souls who died in the explosion and ask them if they know him."

Long Ming still didn't take it seriously, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "I don't want to waste time."

That Long Ming said coldly, "You still don't want to waste time? Who do you think you are?"

Lin Tian condensed his pen, and that Lei Ze said to that Long Ming, "Master Long, be careful with that thing, it will entangle your fairy soul."

"So what about being entangled?" That Long Ming didn't take it seriously, and then the shackles really entangled this Long Ming.

Long Ming disappeared in a blink of an eye, and said with a smile, "My shadowless soul technique makes your attack ineffective against me."

Lin Tian didn't expect that this person would also have a shadowless soul. After the operation, he had to say to Shitai and Tianwan, "I'll leave it to you."

The two had no choice but to look at Long Ming before making a move, but this Long Ming said to the two, "You two, I've been here for many years, and the immortal soul is already much stronger than you, so you can't do anything to me."

The two were very depressed after hearing this, but they had to do things according to Lin Tian's orders, and Lin Tian's phantoms were getting more and more, and they were facing him one by one.

That Long Ming didn't take Lin Tian's attack seriously, and still laughed there, "It's just a fairy king, you still want to hurt me?"

But as soon as the words fell, this Lin Tian's attack had already hit the opponent's immortal soul, and that Long Ming cried out in distress.

Those present at the Moon Palace were all frightened, but that Tian Wan said helplessly, "Long Ming, let's submit."

The teacher also said, "That's right, those palace masters can't do anything to him, so you'd better submit."

But Long Ming struggled to return to God, "Don't say it once, even if it happens ten times, a hundred times, I won't surrender."

Lin Tianxie smiled, "Oh? Really?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian condensed countless voids, and that Long Ming hummed uncomfortably, "But I'm not a fool, so I can stand here and attack you."

With a whoosh, Long Ming disappeared, and Lin Tian smiled wryly, "It's Shadowless Soul Technique again, you guys really know how to escape."

That Long Ming said proudly, "How is it? Can't you find it?"

"That's not necessarily." Lin Tian closed his eyes and used the space spying technique. Lin Tian can find out if there is any difference in any place around.

Therefore, even if Long Ming was transparent, Lin Tian would still notice it, and then smiled strangely, and suddenly countless phantoms attacked a corner of the roof.

"Boom!" Those Xu Mie hit that Long Ming, and Long Ming screamed, his expression was very ugly.

Then Long Ming was exposed, and the teacher shook his head helplessly, "You saw it too, you can't escape at all."

Tianwan also reminded, "Long Ming, you are not his opponent, you should surrender obediently."

"Not his opponent? It's just that I haven't made a move yet!" After finishing speaking, Long Ming suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already standing behind Lin Tian and hummed, "Go to hell!"

I saw that Long Ming's hand was flickering with flames, and it was a kind of soul method, and it directly penetrated into Lin Tian's body, thinking that he could easily destroy Lin Tian's immortal soul.

But after this attack, Lin Tian just turned around and looked at him with a smile, "Is that all?"

"You?" That Long Ming was shocked, and Lei Ze and others were also shocked.

The teacher sighed, "Don't struggle."

Long Ming was not reconciled, and then said coldly, "See how I can destroy your soul!"

After finishing speaking, this Long Ming rushed directly into Lin Tian's body, intending to destroy Lin Tian's soul, but Shi Tai and Tian Wan just shook their heads helplessly.

Lei Ze and others were overjoyed, thinking that Lin Tian was easily subdued, but in Lin Tian's consciousness space, that Long Ming said triumphantly, "How is it? Are you scared?"

Lin Tian closed his consciousness space, stared at Long Ming and said, "Do you want to kill me?"

Long Ming snorted, "My immortal soul is countless times stronger than yours."

Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "Really? Then you come."

After Long Ming finished speaking, he frantically attacked Lin Tian's soul, and Lin Tian's soul stood there, allowing the opponent to attack.

But this Long Ming just couldn't do anything to Lin Tian, ​​instead he started to feel bad, and even stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, why are you fine at all?"

"Because my soul is stronger than yours." Lin Tian stared at Long Ming and said, but Long Ming didn't believe it, and replied angrily, "No, it's impossible, you are just a fairy king."

"I'm an Immortal King, but don't you take a good look at my soul?" Lin Tianxie laughed, but something was definitely wrong with Long Ming, so he planned to leave, but found that the consciousness space was closed.

Long Ming's eyes widened in fright, "You."

"Come here, don't leave, or I will lose face?" Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, and Long Ming said angrily, "You."

Lin Tian smiled strangely, and then began to push him into a corner, using Xu Mie to deal with him in various ways. In the end, he obediently compromised, and Lin Tian even entered his soul seal.

Then Lin Tian released him, and Lin Tian also returned to his senses.

After Lei Ze and the others saw Long Ming coming out, they all got up, but at this moment Long Ming looked at Lin Tian in horror, "My lord, what do you want?"

When Lei Ze and the others heard this, they were all shocked, while Tianwan and Shitai showed satisfied smiles.

Lin Tian looked at him with a smile and asked, "After the collapse of the Moon Palace outside, did the immortal souls of the past palace masters also come here?"


"Then besides them, is there another woman?"

"Woman? What are you talking about?" Long Ming didn't know much about this, but Lin Tian had no choice but to search his memory and found that the woman in red was indeed here.

However, the woman's face is still invisible, and she is still in the state of a soul body, and it is a phantom of red light.

So Lin Tian asked, "Phantom of the red light."

After hearing this, Long Ming responded, "Yes, she's here too."

"Where are they all now?"

"In the depths of the palace, but there, only the palace masters of the past can enter, and we cannot enter." Long Ming explained.

"Lead the way." Lin Tian didn't care so much, and let the other party lead the way directly, and that Long Ming had to lead the way.

Lei Ze and the others avoided them one after another, not daring to get close to Lin Tian and the others, but that Fang Qing had been dumbfounded for a long time, and couldn't even believe that Lin Tian was so terrifying.

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