Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2166 second and third on the Immortal Emperor List

At this time, countless phantoms scattered, and the sky and the ground surrounded the Fire Emperor in all directions, leaving him nowhere to hide.

The Fire Emperor even opened a hood, and said proudly, "Come on! Let's see how crazy you can be!"

At this time, countless Xu Mie fought out one by one, and after hitting the Fire Emperor, the Fire Emperor realized how powerful Lin Tian was, but he endured it, but his face was already pale, "Boy, let me tell you, I'm fine. "

"Okay!" Lin Tian and those phantoms said in unison, and then shot again, but this time the Fire Emperor's life was important, so he rushed out of the encirclement of phantoms and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Escaped?" Someone was taken aback, and that Cao Jinyuan was also dumbfounded, "This."

Lin Tian put away the phantom, stared at those Tiandaomen and smiled, "What about you? Do you want to stay?"

These Heavenly Dao Sects are not so powerful, so they retreated in fright, and fled away one after another.

Cao Jinyuan disappeared while taking advantage of the chaos, while Lin Tian returned to his seat and sat down.

The onlookers were already stunned by Lin Tian's ability, and that Tian Xing flattered him, "Your Excellency, you are really powerful."

The Palace Master Wan also asked, "My lord, what shall we do next?"

"Wait another day, if they don't let people go, I have to waste a little time and start killing Tiandaomen." Lin Tian explained.

Mansion Master Wan said oh, and didn't speak again, and the Fire Emperor who had fled here already went to other planets, and after confirming that Lin Tian hadn't come, he cursed all kinds of things, and Cao Jinyuan also appeared, and said with concern, "Master, Are you OK?"

The Fire Emperor pretended to be calm and said, "What can I do?"

"It's fine." Cao Jinyuan breathed a sigh of relief, while the Fire Emperor asked, "Where's that kid? Didn't he come after him?"

"He probably won't come to us, he will just send us to die one by one." That Cao Jinyuan explained.

"Death? Do you think we are fools?" The fire emperor became furious, but Cao Jinyuan asked curiously, "Master, what should we do now?"

"I, I will contact the elders in the door and ask them what their plans are." After the Fire Emperor finished speaking, he took out the sound transmission stone.

Cao Jinyuan had no choice but to wait until half an hour later, the Fire Emperor said with a smile, "The elders have given an opinion."

"What's your opinion?" That Cao Jinyuan was curious, but the Fire Emperor said with a smile, "The elders said that for our face and to reduce unnecessary losses, they will order around the fairy world to let Sanxiumen or other sects, and even some immortals The people in the government dealt with him."

"This way, is it useful?" Cao Jinyuan said solemnly, while the Fire Emperor said with a smile, "The fairyland is so big, there are many hidden masters!"

"That's good." Cao Jinyuan heaved a sigh of relief, while the Fire Emperor smiled strangely, "Let's wait for the news."


The two left afterwards, and after Lin Tian stayed on Wanxianxing for a while, the Wan Palace Master immediately became anxious, "My lord, there is news."

"What news?" Lin Tian asked, and Palace Master Wan said, "Heavenly Dao Sect issued an order."

"give an order?"

"Yes, whoever can take you down will be rewarded with an immortal essence stone."

Lin Tian knew that the immortal essence stone was very rare, but it was a necessity for the Nine Star Immortal Emperor to attack the immortal, just like those people from the Moon King used the immortal crystal to attack the immortal way.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Mansion Master Wan asked urgently after seeing Lin Tian in a daze, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "What's the rush?"

"But in this case, there will be countless people coming, and all of them are Nine Star Immortal Emperors, and some of them may even have the image of Immortal Venerable."

Lin Tian smiled nonchalantly, "Come on, I'm short of some people."

"Lack of some people?" Mansion Master Wan didn't know what Lin Tian meant, while Lin Tian closed his eyes and rested his mind, while Nangong Yan asked, "Big brother, will we be in danger?"

Lin Tian opened his eyes and looked at her, "Don't worry, I won't put you in danger."

"What about sisters?" Nangong Yan asked anxiously, and Lin Tian knew why those people arrested Tianbing, so he said with a smile, "Don't worry, Tiandaomen has a purpose."


"Yes, and as long as I haven't gone to the Heavenly Dao Gate, they won't hurt these people." Lin Tian said with a smile, and Nangong Yan was relieved, "En."

The Immortal Emperor Blue Sword on one side was a little ready to move, "Sir, tell me, how many days will it take?"

"You'll know when you wait." Lin Tian said with a smile, and the blue sword fairy emperor waited there after his kind voice.

Until night fell, a man covered in tree vines came out of the crowd, with dark circles under his eyes, and even bark all over his face.

Everyone was shocked when they saw him, and Tian Xing was even more shocked and said, "He is the third strongest person on the list of immortal emperors, called Mu Xinfeng."

"The third on the list of immortal emperors?" Lin Tian opened his eyes and stared at him, while the blue sword immortal emperor explained, "My lord, as long as the immortal emperors, and those who have not condensed the image of an immortal, can go to the list of immortal emperors .”

Lin Tian understood, "I know this, this is the third, what does it mean?"

Immortal Emperor Blue Sword said awkwardly, "That means that his fairy quality is very good and his talent is very high."

Sure enough, that Mu Xinfeng smiled, "I am a king-level immortality, and a nine-star king-level immortality, almost a god-level immortality."

Everyone exclaimed when they heard this, and Immortal Emperor Lanjian said with enthusiasm, "My lord, the Nine-Star Immortal Emperor with this immortal personality must be very powerful."

Lin Tian naturally knew, so he said with a smile, "This talent is indeed good, but it would be a bit naive to want to take me down."

"Boy, I don't like killing, so you can decide for yourself, whether you will follow me, or I will kill you and seal your immortal soul." This Mu Xinfeng said madly.

Just as Lin Tian was about to speak, a golden light came flying not far away, and then a person with golden light fell down.

Not only that, this person also wore a lot of gold rings in his hands, and Tian Xing immediately introduced to Lin Tian, ​​"He is the second person on the Immortal Emperor List, Xuan Jinshan."

This Xuan Jinshan was full of gold-type immortal energy, and Lin Tian immediately became interested, and murmured, "Golden Immortal Gem, it's interesting."

Xuan Jinshan didn't know that Lin Tian paid attention to him, but instead focused on Mu Xinfeng, "Mu Xinfeng, I am second on the list of immortal emperors, and you are third, so if I want to catch him, I will catch him first."

Mu Xinfeng refused to give in, and even said, "You are only a little stronger than me, but when it comes to catching people, it's not certain who wins!"

Hearing this, Xuan Jinshan laughed, "Then let's compare? See who catches him first?"

"Okay!" Mu Xinfeng immediately agreed, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "You two, have you asked me?"

"Ask you what?" That Xuan Jinshan sneered, and that Mu Xinfeng didn't take it seriously, "That's right, why did I ask you?"

Lin Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You are arresting me, if I disagree, can you arrest me?"

But the two of them didn't take Lin Tian seriously, especially Xuan Jinshan said, "You are just a fairy king, you have no right to speak."

"That's right." Mu Xinfeng said without taking Lin Tian seriously.

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