Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2194 Demon Skeleton

Gu Luo was so anxious that he even trembled all over, and said tremblingly, "My lord, I was wrong, please, please forgive me."

"Lead the way!" Lin Tian didn't want to listen to his nonsense anymore, and that Gu Luotian had no choice but to move forward. The demons who were watching nearby did not dare to approach, and could only watch silently from a distance.

After a while, Lin Tian and the others disappeared on the desolate hilltop. In the end, everyone couldn't even scan their spiritual consciousness, so they could only discuss there.

Lin Tian, ​​who had already entered this strange mountainous area at this moment, found that his consciousness was useless, so he could only rely on his naked eyes and asked, "This demon king, does he usually come out?"

"No, I won't come out." That Gu Luotian said nervously looking around, and Lin Tian asked after hearing this, "So, you don't know what the other party looks like?"

That Gu Luo Tian's grace voice said, "Yes."

"Then what are his characteristics?"

"It is rumored that he is very ferocious, and he smells very bloody, even his eyes are red, and he has weird hair all over his body, just like a savage."

"Oh? Rumor? Has anyone seen it?" Lin Tian asked, and Gu Luotian said awkwardly, "This, everyone who saw it, is dead."

After hearing this, Lin Tian had no choice but to continue to let him lead the way, and this Gu Luotian could only continue to lead the way.

After about a while, the three of them saw a figure in front of them, and that Gu Luotian immediately trembled with fright, "What is that?"

Lin Tian saw that it was an old man with an injured foot, and he was bandaging his own wound at the moment.

"It's an injured six-star demon." Lin Tian explained, while Gu Luotian asked suspiciously, "Are you sure it's not the demon king?"

"Didn't you say that the Devil King looks fierce and has hair?" That Lin Tian asked back, and that Gu Luo Tian said, "That's right."

At this time, the old man turned his head, looked behind Lin Tian and the other three, and immediately said anxiously, "Hurry up, or the Demon King will eat you up."

Gu Luotian was startled immediately, "Mo, where is the Demon King?"

"He was chasing me just now. If I hadn't run fast, I would have been eaten by him." The old man said depressedly.

Gu Luotian gasped when he heard this, and Lin Tian walked over, stared at the old man and asked, "What does this Demon King look like?"

"It's scary. It's covered in hair, and the body is glistening with blood. There are countless terrible teeth, and even claws on both hands. My leg was scratched by those claws."

As the old man spoke, he pointed to his blackened thigh, which was still bleeding.

Seeing this, Gu Luotian gasped, "It's really scary."

"No, if he didn't run fast, he would have died a long time ago." The old man sighed, but Lin Tian asked, "Where is he?"

"What? Are you looking for the Demon King?" The old man asked strangely, and Lin Tianen said, "Yes, I'm looking for him."

The old man sighed, "Young man, I didn't scare you, just like you, he will kill you in one go."

"You just need to tell me where he haunts." Lin Tian said indifferently.

The old man said solemnly, "This."

"Let's talk." Lin Tian stared at the old man, and the old man had no choice but to say, "If you insist on going, I will take you there."

"Aren't you injured?" Lin Tian stared at the old man, and the old man sighed, "You can still move if you are injured."

"You ran out with great difficulty, and you want to go back? Don't you want to die?" Lin Tian asked back, but the old man hesitated, "I left something behind, if you want to go, I naturally want to go with you, and then I will leave when I find it."

Lin Tianoh said in a low voice, "Well, let's lead the way."

"Okay." The old man said kindly, then led the way silently, and led the three of Lin Tian into a small path, and passed the path to a canyon.

I saw that the canyon was full of bones, and some were embedded in the walls, and some were lying under the canyon, so that the entire ground of the canyon was paved with bones.

Gu Luotian was terrified, especially when he saw so many bones, his whole body trembled, "This, it's too scary."

"Through this Canyon of Bones, you can reach the old den of the Demon King." The old man explained.

Lin Tian asked curiously, "Have you gone through it?"


"What are you here for?" Lin Tian asked curiously, and the old man said with a smile, "Young man, I'm afraid you don't know that there are medicinal herbs everywhere on the mountain occupied by the Demon King, and these herbs are very useful to us Demon Demons, and even some cultivators."

"Oh? So amazing?"

"Yes, I came here at risk just to find those medicines, and then I ran away quickly when I found the Demon Queen, but I lost my things and hurt my foot." The old man sighed.

After hearing this, Gu Luotian looked at Lin Tian, ​​"My lord, this is too dangerous."

"The danger has to pass." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he let Gu Luotian walk in front, but Gu Luotian had to follow, and the old man asked curiously while walking, "Then what are you guys doing here?"

"Looking for someone." Lin Tian said simply, but the old man asked suspiciously, "Looking for someone?"

"Yes, my apprentice was taken away, let me come and see." Lin Tian explained, but the old man said, "I'm afraid he won't survive."

"Why?" Lin Tian asked back, and the old man sighed, "Look at these bones, that demon king is so vicious, how could he let people live?"

Gu Luotian agreed, "That's right, it's too scary."

But Lin Tian looked at Gu Luotian, "If something happens to my apprentice, then you will stay and become bones together."

Gu Luotian panicked, "My lord, how could you do this?"

"What you do, you have to pay the price." After Lin Tian was cold, he didn't speak, and continued to move forward.

But at this moment, all the white bones around suddenly moved, and all of them were intact, and their eyes were shining with purple fire.

Gu Luotian turned pale with shock, "This, what's going on."

The old man was stunned and said, "It's a demon skeleton. It seems that these skeletons have been refined into demon skeletons by the Demon King."

Gu Luotian's eyes widened, "What? So many demon skeletons?"

"Yes." The old man stared at the skeletons all around with an ugly expression, but Gu Luotian was in a hurry, "It's over, it's over, we're going to die here today."

Lin Tian said calmly, "I haven't said I'm dead yet, what are you afraid of?"

Gu Luotian said depressedly, "My lord, Demon Skeleton, that is very scary, are you sure you don't think about it?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Hurry up and retreat." That Gu Luotian was in a hurry, and the old man also said, "That's right, before they fully awaken, let's leave quickly, otherwise they will wake up and kill people like hemp."

Lin Tian didn't speak, but walked up, the skeletons began to shake their bodies, and finally went crazy, ready to attack Lin Tian.

But the devil boy took out the magic dragon gun and swung it vigorously. Countless magic dragon phantoms hit those skeletons, directly breaking up all the skeletons.

Gu Luotian was dumbfounded, and the old man was also surprised.

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