Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2409 Demon Snake King

Hearing what the two demons said, Lin Tian couldn't help but smiled, "If you two are timid, you don't have to follow."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian walked inside, and the cat demon despised Lord Wolf, "Look, sir is angry."

"What, obviously you took the lead."

"You are the one who takes the lead." After the cat demon finished speaking, he hurried to catch up and shouted, "My lord, I will go with you."

"No need, I'm going to Huangquan, you don't need to use it." After finishing speaking, Lin Tian's figure disappeared immediately.

The cat demon froze for a moment, "Going away?"

Master Wolf said in a daze, "Are we free?"

"Freedom? If the lord dies, we have to die too. Why are you so stupid?" The cat demon despised, but the wolf lord trembled, "That's right, it's too scary."

The cat demon shook his head helplessly, then packed up his mood and left here, and Lord Wolf had no choice but to slip away quickly.

Only Lin Tian is standing and walking in Yaofeng Mountain at this moment.

It was very calm at first, and there was nothing, but after a while, the wind was blowing around the woods, which seemed very scary.

Lin Tian laughed and said, "You demon souls, if you want to come out, just come out, don't be so timid."

Hearing the word timid, these ghosts startled one by one, and then these ghosts appeared.

So at a glance, there are demon souls everywhere, and some are attached to rocks, some are attached to trees, and some are floating there. Lin Tian smiled and asked, "Are you welcoming me?"

Hearing this, these ghosts showed strange expressions one by one, until one said, "Boy, you are a small human being, you are too courageous."

"Should I be timid?" Lin Tian looked at these demon souls with a smile, and some demon souls said, "Don't talk about human beings, even demons come here, and we will clean them up without hesitation."

"Then I advise you, don't have the idea of ​​seizing the house, otherwise, you will regret it." Lin Tian smiled.

It was the first time for these demons to encounter such arrogant human beings in these many years, so some demon souls couldn't help but leaped over one by one, pouring into Lin Tian's body like a gust of wind.

The other ghosts laughed there, "Boy, take your time and enjoy it."

Lin Tian smiled strangely, then sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and said, "I'll just play with you guys."

At this moment in the consciousness space, these demon souls frantically attacked Lin Tian's soul, but no matter how they attacked, it was useless.

"You bastard, what kind of soul are you?" You Yaohun finally couldn't help but cursed.

"You can't kill me, so you start drooling?" Lin Tian asked them back, and these monsters all pretended to be stupid, and some monsters even said, "I won't waste time with you."

After speaking, the demon was about to leave, but just as he touched the barrier of consciousness space, he found that he couldn't get out at all.

"Here, what's going on?" Some monsters were in a hurry, while other monsters found something was wrong and tried to leave one after another, but no matter how hard they tried and how they shouted, the result was the same and they couldn't get out.

Lin Tian looked at them with a smile, "Is it enough?"

Those monsters panicked, and some even asked, "You, who are you?"

"I'm just someone who wants to go to Huangquan, but you all want to stop me." Lin Tian sneered, and these monsters immediately said that they would never dare again.

But Lin Tian laughed and said, "I need a road map to Huangquan, I think you should have it."

Some demons were in a hurry, "The route of Huangquan is guarded by powerful demons, we can't get close at all."

"That's right, all the monsters there are very powerful."

Lin Tian still didn't believe these monsters, so he stole their memories first, and finally released them.

When Lin Tian opened his eyes, those monsters who had been released made other monsters retreat one after another, and some monsters withdrew, but there were also some monsters who didn't take Lin Tian seriously.

You Qi roared, and a black shadow flew in the distance, and floated in the air with a smile, "There are humans, and you don't tell me."

Seeing this, all the demons were shocked, and some stammered, "Demon, the Demon Snake King."

Lin Tian looked at the monster snake king. Although he was called a snake monster, he had transformed into a jellyfish-like thing with wings and blood-red eyes.

"Boy, what are you looking at? Do you want to die?" The monster snake king let out a strange laugh, but Lin Tian stared at him and smiled, "Are you strong here?"

"What do you think?" The demon snake king released a breath, and the demon souls all around trembled in fright.

"Have you seen it?" The Demon Snake King despised it, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "It is indeed very strong, but after all, you are only a demon soul."

"What's wrong with the demon soul?" The Demon Snake King glared, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "The demon soul body needs ghost energy for this, and it also needs monster energy for this, so you can only stay on this Yaofeng mountain after all."

Hearing this, the Demon Snake King said angrily, "You despise me, don't you?"

"Despise you? What do you think?"

"Isn't it?" The monster snake king snorted, and immediately spit out a flame, entangled Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian said with a smile, "Let's keep your demon skills to yourself."

"Boy, you know all about ghost art."

"It's just a kind of ghost technique, it's just used by demons, don't you understand?" Lin Tian asked back, and the demon snake king laughed strangely when he heard this, "It's as if you are really not afraid."

"If you don't believe me, you can try a few more times." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he stood there and let the opponent attack.

Other demon souls thought that the Demon Snake King could easily deal with Lin Tian, ​​but who knew that the Demon Snake King had tried countless times, but there was only one result, that is, he couldn't do anything to Lin Tian at all.

Lin Tian asked him with a smile, "Do you want to continue?"

It was the first time that the Demon Snake King met such a weird person, so he said coldly, "Boy, do you think I can't do anything to you?"

"If you have a way, then you come and let me see." Lin Tian smiled at the demon snake king.

The Demon Snake King said coldly, "If this is the case, I will destroy your soul."

"Destroy my soul? Then you can think clearly." Lin Tian looked at it with a smile, but the demon snake king didn't care about Lin Tian, ​​and jumped directly into Lin Tian's consciousness space.

In Lin Tian's conscious space, Lin Tian sighed, "Another one who is not afraid of death."

"Boy, you are the one who is not afraid of death!" After finishing speaking, the other party suddenly rushed to Lin Tian's soul, and then bit him.

The Demon Snake King thought that he could seriously injure Lin Tian's soul with one bite, but after biting it down, he felt something was wrong, and even felt that his own demon soul was a little uncomfortable.

"What? Are you comfortable?" Lin Tian asked suddenly, and the Demon Snake King asked suspiciously, "Why are you all right?"

"Did no other demon tell you that my soul is very powerful?" Lin Tian stared at him and smiled, while the Demon Snake King glared and said, "No matter how powerful you are, you are only an immortal emperor!"

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