Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2427 What happened to the calf protector!

When Qin Yixiu was puzzled, Lin Tian put one hand on the stone pillar and was about to break it, but Mei Youhan became worried, "Master, it's useless. I have tried countless times to break this thing, but it can't be broken."

"Do you think Master is not as good as you?" Lin Tian smiled and looked at Mei Youhan.

Mei Youhan immediately tried to defend herself, "Master, I didn't, I didn't mean that."

Lin Tian smiled slightly, directly squeezed the power from the stone pillar, and then the stone pillars around Mei Youhan shattered.

Mei Youhan's soul was able to come out, and Qin Yixiu on the side gasped, especially the moment Mei Youhan came out, the ghostly cold air released was even more terrifying.

Mei Youhan stared at him in astonishment, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "How about it, the master's strength is not worse than it was back then."

Mei Youhan couldn't help laughing, "Master, you are still as crazy as you were back then."

Lin Tian smiled wryly, "I'm very humble."

Mei Youhan smiled after hearing this, "Master, if there are thicker skins in this world, you must be the thickest."

Lin Tian smiled helplessly, "You still love to laugh at Master so much."

When Mei Youhan heard this, she immediately felt an indescribable sadness and grievance, but her soul had no tears, only her eyes trembling there.

Lin Tian found out that she was strange and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I thought that I would be stuck in this lifetime, but I didn't expect to see you." Mei Youhan couldn't help but said.

Lin Tian comforted, "Isn't the master here? See what you said."

Mei Youhan didn't know what to say, but Lin Tian asked, "Tell me, why are you here."

Regarding Lin Tian's question, Mei Youhan said solemnly, "There were people chasing us all over the fairy world back then. After my physical body was destroyed, I fled to the ghost domain. I thought I could escape their pursuit, but then some people appeared in the ghost domain. I don't know who sent them. They chased me and killed them. After I fled to this ghost palace, a person appeared, and he suddenly froze me here with a stone pillar, and that's it."

Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "Do you know who that person is?"

Mei Youhan hesitated and said, "That person can instantly release countless weird black soil, and this black soil instantly entangles me, and then freezes me here, and when it appears, there are mud under the feet, and it is the same when walking."

Lin Tian looked around after hearing this, and found that there were indeed some footprints on the ground, but that Qin Yixiu was startled, "It can't be him."

"Who?" Lin Tian stared at Qin Yixiu, and Qin Yixiu said tremblingly, "An old elder in our alliance is called a black shadow clay figurine. His ghost technique is to produce black mud and trap people."

Hearing this, Lin Tian said coldly, "Where can I find him?"

"In, in the league."

"Lead the way!" Lin Tian said coldly, and that Qin Yixiu said strangely, "My lord, you are."

"He is my apprentice, can I let him go?" Lin Tian said coldly, while Qin Yixiu said anxiously, "But we have many masters in the alliance, and he is very terrifying, and his strength is even comparable to that of a ghost."

"I don't care about his ghost, or what, as long as he dares to provoke me and bully my apprentice, he will die." Lin Tian's words made Qin Yixiu gasp.

The Demon Snake King on the side said to Qin Yixiu, "Don't waste your time, lead the way!"

Qin Yixiu said nervously, "Yes."

Mei Youhan looked at Lin Tian worriedly, "Master, do you want to think about it in the long term."

"No need, just go directly." Lin Tian said without fear, but Mei Youhan was worried. After all, Lin Tian was only the soul of the Immortal Emperor at this moment, so she said solemnly, "But master, you haven't recovered your strength yet."

"Don't worry, in Huangquan, no one can do anything to me." Lin Tian said to himself, while Mei Youhan looked puzzled.

Lin Tian stared at her and said, "You can follow me with peace of mind. When I find that person, I will catch him in front of you and admit his mistake. When the time comes, I will kill or keep him and leave it to you."

Mei Youhan was stunned for a moment and then smiled, "Master, you are still the same as before, so protect the calf."

"You girl, I don't protect you, so why should I still be your master?" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he asked Qin Yixiu to lead the way, while Mei Youhan stared at Lin Tian's back, wanting to cry with excitement, but couldn't cry, so he could only follow quickly.

After Lin Tian and others walked out of this ghost palace, Qin Yixiu didn't dare to stop and took Lin Tian and others directly.

A day later, these people came to the ghost cultivator alliance, and because it was an alliance, there were many master cultivators, so there were many people coming in and out, and the surrounding buildings were surrounded, like a small town.

At the same time, there is a formation around, and when you go in, you have to verify your identity, and that Qin Yixiu took the token and said to the guarding disciples, "I was ordered to take them in."

Seeing that Qin Yixiu was the hall master, those people naturally didn't dare to stop them, so they let Lin Tian and others go in.

Qin Yixiu was very worried, because if he was exposed a little bit, he would have to be buried with him, but Lin Tian was very calm, and said while walking, "Find that black shadow clay figurine."

Qin Yixiu explained, "He is an old elder, usually in the elder hall of the alliance, as long as we go there, we should be able to find him."


But when Lin Tian and others walked a certain distance, a group of people appeared, and these people seemed to be about to go out.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a big face, which looked asymmetrical to his body.

Qin Yixiu was startled when he saw this person, "Deacon Zhang."

Zhang Qian, he looked at Qin Yixiu suspiciously, "I was about to take people to the ghost palace to rescue you, why did you come back by yourself?"


"Yes, isn't it said that the ghost palace was disturbed by someone?" That Zhang Qian stared at Qin Yixiu, with the intention of asking for guilt.

But Zhang Qian glanced at the few people behind Qin Yixiu again. After feeling strange, he looked at Lin Tian and others curiously.

Qin Yixiu was a little guilty and didn't know how to explain it, but Zhang Qian said solemnly, "What's wrong? Don't talk?"

"Deacon Zhang, that troublemaker, is gone."

"Leaving?" Zhang Qian asked again, and at this moment a disciple appeared from the crowd, pointing at Lin Tian, ​​"He was the one who made the trouble."

Hearing this, Zhang Qian looked at Qin Yixiu coldly, "Qin Yixiu, you are so brave, dare to bring the troublemaker back here?"


"Give it to me, take all these people down for me." With Zhang Qian's words, these people immediately surrounded Lin Tian and others.

Mei Youhan shrugged her shoulders, "Master, leave it to me to move on."

"En." Lin Tian knew that Mei Youhan hadn't come out for a long time and was a little restless, so he let her move.

I saw Mei Youhan teasing Zhang Qian, "Big head, if you don't want to die, just take someone and get out, or I'll let you guys see how good I am!"

"Big head? You dare to scold me?" Zhang Qian's anger soared on the spot, and Mei Youhan stared, "Don't you have a big head?"

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