Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2449 Bone Spirit

The Bone Alliance who was forced to throw all kinds of attacks one by one went crazy, and finally shouted, "Stop!"

Lin Tianpiao smiled in front of him and said, "What? Don't continue?"

The leader of the bone alliance said depressedly, "Let's have a chat."

"Chat? Do you think there is something to talk about?" Lin Tian asked, and the bone leader said, "Yes."


"I came here at the instigation of someone. If you want to find someone, go find that person." The bone leader said very simply.

Lin Tian smiled wryly, "I knew this a long time ago, do you still need to tell me?"

The leader of the bone alliance was very anxious, "Then what do you want?"

"What do you say?"

The leader of the bone alliance said depressedly, "I can leave here and not continue to break the seal, so the head office?"

"Think it's all right?" Lin Tian asked back, and the bone lord thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll tell you a big secret, you must be interested."

"How did you think I was interested?"

The bone leader explained, "Back then, when you made a big fuss in the Reincarnation Hall, you just wanted to find out where your junior sister was reincarnated, didn't you?"

"Yes, but you told me back then that the Hall of Reincarnation only cares about reincarnation, and you don't know exactly where the reincarnation goes." Lin Tian said coldly, while the leader of the bone alliance said nervously, "That's the case, but later we discovered the Hall of Reincarnation. Another secret of ours, and that’s where we learn new things.”

"Oh? What secret?"

"The Hall of Reincarnation, there is another layer of space, and this layer of space, we spent a lot of effort to enter, and learned the skills there, and also found that there is a place there, which records the names of countless people, and the consciousness penetrates into it, You can see the things of these people before their lives, and even know where they will go after reincarnation.”

Lin Tian's eyes lit up immediately, "Really?"

"What did I lie to you for?" The leader of the bone alliance said depressedly, but Lin Tian smiled wickedly, "How much of what you say is trustworthy and how much is lying to me."

"Me." The bone leader began to get nervous, but Lin Tian said coldly, "You'd better be honest."

The leader of the bone alliance said depressedly, "Actually, I only heard about it. After all, we can't step into the place that records the events of life and reincarnation."

"Can't step in?"

"Yes, there is a lot of power in that place. As soon as we get close, we feel that our souls are about to be torn apart." The Bone Leader explained.

However, Lin Tian walked towards the leader of the bone alliance step by step, and the leader of the bone alliance was anxious, "I have said everything that should be said, what do you mean?"

"I just want to know how much of your words are true."

"This time it's true." The bone leader said firmly, but Lin Tian didn't believe it, so he flickered and went behind him to attack him.

The leader of the bone alliance is only possessed by Elder Liu, and many abilities are limited, so he can only avoid it with difficulty, and said, "If you are like this, I will have to leave."

"Can you go?"

"Nonsense, I can leave his soul." The bone leader vowed, and Lin Tian said coldly, "If you dare to leave, I will find you."

"Really? Then you come to my Bone Soul Alliance, I'll see if you dare to come!" After the bone leader finished speaking, he snorted, and then his whole breath dissipated, leaving only Elder Liu in a coma.

Lin Tian entered with a soul seal, and all Elder Liu's memories were stolen by Lin Tian. As for Elder Liu, he opened his eyes slightly after a while, and when he found Lin Tian in front of him, he backed away in fright, "You, what do you want to do. "

"You are possessed by your lord." Lin Tian stared at him and said, but Elder Liu was shocked, "How is that possible."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "Believe it or not, anyway, you are under my control now."

Elder Liu's expression changed drastically, and after Lin Tian let Emperor Void destroy the soul-absorbing formation, he stared at Elder Liu, "Lead the way."

"lead the way?"

"Yes, boneless soul alliance." Lin Tian can't wait to find this bone alliance leader to understand the situation, after all, it is related to the whereabouts of his junior sister.

Elder Liu panicked, "Are you going to the Bone Soul Alliance?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"The Bone Soul Alliance is in another nine-star plane. If you want to go there, you have to go through a teleportation array."

"Then don't lead the way?" Lin Tian said coldly, and Elder Liu was so frightened that he hurriedly led the way.

Mei Youhan asked beside Lin Tian, ​​"Master, are you still looking for your junior sister?"

"En." Lin Tianen said, and Mei Youhan said enviously, "I really envy your junior sister."


"Yes, there is such a senior who keeps looking for her." Mei Youhan said with a smile, while Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "Don't you envy such a master?"

Mei Youhan smiled and said, "Master, can you be thicker?"

Lin Tian smiled helplessly, "My skin is very thin."

"Blow it." Mei Youhan scorned, and Emperor Wuwu laughed at the same time, as for Elder Liu, he could only take them there depressed.

About many days later, they passed through a teleportation array and came to another nine-star plane of the ghost domain.

Seeing this face, the bones that can be seen everywhere look very strange, but Mei Youhan wondered, "Human Domain, there are still bones?"

"This plane is quite special." Lin Tian explained, while Mei Youhan was puzzled, "Why?"

"The bones in this plane all come from other places. As for the reason, no one knows, but these bones will condense a unique bone soul, and these bone souls will also turn into living souls after cultivation, and also have memories. "

Mei Youhan took a deep breath, "Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, anything that has been in one place for a long time has its own spirituality, and these are called bone spirits."

Mei Youhan muttered, "There is actually something called Bone Spirit."

Elder Liu explained, "Bone spirits are generally very weak, but once cultivated, these bone spirits are no worse than ghosts."

Mei Youhan asked curiously, "Oh? Then, do you have a powerful bone spirit here?"

"Yes, there are several very powerful bone spirits around our lord." Elder Liu explained.

"You, the lord, have recruited so many?" Mei Youhan asked curiously, while Elder Liu said helplessly, "No way, our side is quite special, the lord does this, one is to win them over, and the other is to use their power to strengthen the alliance .”

Meiyouhan said, but Emperor Void stared at those bones strangely and muttered, "It's really a magical place."

Lin Tian has long been used to it, and said to Elder Liu, "How long will it take to go to your Bone Soul Alliance here?"

"If it is fast, it will arrive in three or four days, if it is slow, it will be five or six days."

"Then hurry up."


So Elder Liu speeded up, but when they passed a pile of bones, an accident happened.

I saw the bones moving around, turning into skeletons walking, and surrounded Lin Tian and others at once.

"What's the situation?" Mei Youhan was startled, and Elder Liu asked suspiciously, "It is estimated that there are bone spirits nearby controlling these bones."

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