Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2464 Strange Forest

Among these leaves, Mo Junchou also came to these boulders, and watched from these boulders, but finally disappeared in front of a rock.

Lin Tian immediately looked for the boulder among these boulders, and then walked over step by step, while the bone leader and ghost mother-in-law followed anxiously.

Fen Qingqing and Mei Youhan followed silently and came to a boulder. Lin Tian looked at the boulder and found that there were no words on it, but there were some words on other boulders, such as records of ghost spells.

"Why is there no word on this piece?" Lin Tian asked curiously, but the bone leader hesitated, "You said this."

"Yes, this is it." Lin Tian stared at the bone leader curiously, and the bone leader explained, "We also thought this piece was strange at the beginning, but we studied it for a long time and found nothing special about it, so we ignored it."

But Lin Tianming saw that Mo Junchou disappeared from the boulder among the leaves.

Fen Qingqing had already seen it, so she was also curious and groped on this boulder, but she couldn't find anything.

Lin Tian had no choice but to close his eyes, and began to feel the surroundings, to see if there was any strange space, but at this moment, suddenly a wind blew past a place.

Lin Tian opened his eyes, and then a black wind appeared, directly scrolling Mei Youhan and others, and the green light on Fen Qingqing's body flickered, making it impossible for the black wind to sweep her away, so the other three people disappeared.

This scene frightened Fen Qingqing, "Old Ancestor, just now, what was that."

Lin Tian said solemnly, "It is probably some kind of power, and this power is very powerful, but it is afraid of the divine light on your body."

"Shen Guang?"

"Yes, some god roots have their own divine light." Lin Tian explained, while Fen Qingqing worried, "What about them?"

"I left soul marks on those two people. Within a short distance, I can locate their whereabouts." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he began to sense the traces of the two of them.

But these two people are in a dark area, Lin Tian doesn't know where they are through them, but he can know their approximate location.

So Lin Tian looked at Fen Qingqing, "Let's go."

Fen Qingqing immediately followed Lin Tian's pace, and then ran out from this area to a small road.

There are many flowers around this path, and when Fen Qingqing passes by, these flowers emit green light.

This made Fen Qingqing curious, "Old Ancestor, why do these flowers keep swaying when I meet them?"

"Because of your divine root." Lin Tian said, while Fen Qingqing wondered, "My divine root is so interesting?"

"In the future, you will find that your godhead is very remarkable!" Lin Tian said with a smile, and that Fen Qingqing said in surprise, "Really?"

"Just wait." Lin Tian knew that once the Tianmu Godhead was fully realized, it would be a very terrifying existence, because Lin Tian had met such a terrifying person before.

Fen Qingqing didn't know how strong she was, so she looked forward to it until Lin Tian took her around several mountains and came to a mountain peak. Lin Tian frowned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Fen Qingqing was startled, because there was a valley in front of her, and the trees in this valley were very tall, and other plants were also flourishing, like a giant forest.

Not only that, but in these woods, there is a place where there is a tower, and all kinds of vines are wrapped around the tower, making the tower look like a tree.

"Old Ancestor, here." Fen Qingqing stammered, but Lin Tian said, "Follow me carefully later."

"Yes, Patriarch." Fen Qingqing followed Lin Tian cautiously, and after Lin Tian flew over, Fen Qingqing also flew over.

But at this moment, those plants suddenly became more lush, and countless vines emerged and surrounded Fen Qingqing, but they didn't do anything to her.

Seeing this, Lin Tian showed a dignified expression, while Fen Qingqing said nervously, "Old Ancestor, these things surround me and don't let me go out."

Lin Tian stared curiously and said, "Pull up your strength."

"Withdraw your strength?"

"Yes, just don't leak a breath." Lin Tian explained, and the Fenqing Qing said kindly, then put away the breath, and then the plants took it back little by little.

After about a while, Fen Qingqing was free, and then quickly came to Lin Tian's side, and asked puzzledly, "Old Ancestor, what's going on here."

"You are a god root, with a wood-type aura, and very powerful, so these plants haunt you, thinking you are some kind of energy."

Hearing this, Fen Qingqing suddenly realized, "So that's what happened."

"Let's go." After Lin Tian explained, he took Fen Qingqing and disappeared from the original position, directly reaching the tower.

The plants on this tower still surrounded that tower, and when Lin Tian was about to break open these plants, the black wind appeared again.

Lin Tian immediately condensed his physical body, and then cast countless phantoms. These winds lost their targets in an instant, and could only attack phantoms at will.

Fen Qingqing watched in panic, until a green vine stretched out from a tree, like a hand, suddenly wrapped around Fen Qingqing, and then pulled it down.

"Ah!" Fen Qingqing yelled, and Lin Tian's deity hurriedly flew down the forest, just in time to see a huge tree vine, entangled that Fen Qingqing, and the tree vine was overjoyed like a spirit, "This little girl has a delicious breath."

Fen Qingqing was already terrified, but Lin Tian stared at the dryad and said coldly, "You'd better let her go."

"Let her go? Do you think it's possible?" The dryad didn't think so, but Lin Tian said, "If you don't let her go, you will regret it."

"It's ridiculous, how could I regret it?" The tree spirit laughed strangely, and Lin Tianxie smiled, and then countless phantoms surrounded him, and shot out one by one.

The dryad screamed in all kinds of ways on the spot, and the dryad hurriedly ran underground in fright, and hid, while Fen Qingqing said with a sigh of relief, "Old ancestor, what is this, so terrifying."

"Here, many plants have become refined, and this is one of them."

"Spirited?" Fen Qingqing gasped, but Lin Tian said, "You wait here."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he left some phantoms here to protect Fen Qingqing, while Lin Tian himself escaped underground.

At this moment, in a cave underground, the tree spirit turned into a woman, and she straightened her hair and complained, "It's really unlucky to meet such a terrible person today."

"If you don't mess with me, I'll be fine." Lin Tian's words shocked the woman, and then she stared at Lin Tian with a pale face, "You, what do you want to do?"

"I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to chat with you." Lin Tian looked at the woman with a smile.

The woman asked anxiously, "What's there to talk about?"

"What kind of world is this, and what is that tower?" Lin Tian asked two questions in a row.

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