Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2559 scared out of the door

Those words made everyone present go crazy, especially that real person Xue, who considered himself a master of the Myriad Souls Sect, let alone an immortal, even a god, he could easily kill that person's soul.

But now, Xueren himself found that his attack had no effect on Lin Tian.

This made Master Xue can only stare while attacking over there, while Qin Shenyue was annoyed, and stared at Master Xue and said, "Hurry up, kill him."

Master Xue also thought about it, but he couldn't hurt Lin Tian when he attacked, so he could only stare at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, who are you?"

"Me? Didn't they tell you?" Lin Tian looked at the real person Xue with a smile, and the real person Xue stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Don't tell me, right? Then wait, I have no choice but to use extraordinary means."

"Extraordinary means? What is it? You let me see." Lin Tian stared at the real person Xue and teased.

Xue Zhenren stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Naturally, it's a way to make people afraid."

After finishing speaking, the wind blew up around Daoist Xue, and these winds were not ordinary winds, but winds that would affect the soul.

Under the action of the wind, Lin Tian's soul began to revolve around this real person Xue, and real person Xue said proudly, "You see."

"What did you see?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and Master Xue said arrogantly, "I can get faster and faster at this speed, and finally tear your soul to shreds."

"Oh? Tear me apart? Then you may have made a mistake." Lin Tian smiled at Master Xue.

Master Xue stared at Lin Tian, ​​"You really want to die."

I saw that the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and people outside were booing one after another, especially that Prince Qin Shenyue, with a smug face, "Wait a minute, let's see if you are still arrogant."

Unexpectedly, Xue Renren was suddenly attacked by something at this time, he yelled on the spot, then stopped attacking, and said in shock, "Just now, what happened."

"It's nothing, just to let you experience what it's like to be attacked." Lin Tian smiled at Master Xue.

Master Xue stared at Lin Tian like a monster, "No, it's impossible."

Lin Tianxie smiled, "Impossible? What is impossible?"

Master Xue explained, "Your soul power is obviously so weak, why did you have the power of a soul in the attack just now, and it was very powerful."

Lin Tian smiled strangely, "As strong as you are, I am as strong as you are."

"Impossible." This Xueren couldn't believe it even if he was killed.

Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "Don't you believe it? Then let you try again."

Seeing that Lin Tianxu fought out, this real person Xue was hit again, and it made real person Xue very uncomfortable, wishing to find a place to get up.

"Do you want to try again?" Seeing the pain of the other party, Lin Tian smiled, but Xue Zhenren was afraid, and made a leap, walked out of the barrier, returned to the physical body, and opened his eyes to stare at Lin Tian in horror.

Lin Tian looked at the enchantment around him and smiled, "Are you not playing?"

Qin Shenyue looked at Master Xue curiously, "Really Xue, what's going on here?"

"Prince Qin, I have tried my best." This Qin Shenyue was very helpless, but Xue Zhen said angrily, "What do you mean by doing your best? You are obviously evading!"

Master Xue said helplessly, "This guy's soul is too strong, I can't do anything to him."

"What?" Qin Shenyue didn't expect Lin Tian, ​​an insignificant soul, to be so powerful.

Xue Shandao and that He Kuang were all taken aback, they never thought that Master Xue could not do anything to Lin Tian.

Xue Zhenren had an ugly face, "I can only trap him like this for now."

"How long can I be trapped?" Qin Shenyue asked, and Master Xue explained, "I'll be trapped first, and I'll find a way to deal with him."

Qin Shenyue just wanted to know how long this barrier could last, so he hesitated, "Will this barrier survive after you leave?"

"No, it's okay to trap him." The Snowman said confidently.

But Lin Tian came out of the enchantment all at once, and looked at them with a smile, "How long are you planning to trap me?"

This frightened everyone backed away, and the Xueren stared at Lin Tian like a monster, "You, how could you."

"What do you think is impossible for me?" Lin Tian looked at this real person Xue with a smile, but real person Xue panicked, and said directly to everyone, "Go, withdraw."

These people fled in despair, but Lin Tian looked coldly, "Turning back, there is no such a good chance for you to escape."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian walked out of the room and returned to his inn.

Seeing Lin Tian coming back, Nangong Yan asked with a smile, "Big Brother, what's going on?"

Luo Fatian and He Lian felt a little surprised. After all, if Lin Tian was taken away by Master Xue, there must be no way out.

But now that Lin Tian is back, and nothing happened, that's what shocked them.

Lin Tian told the whole story lightly one by one.

After everyone listened, that Nangong Yan said excitedly, "Big Brother, you are just amazing."

But Luo Fatian and He Lian were startled and stared at Lin Tian strangely.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "Wait, I guess they will still look for me."

Luo Fatian was worried, "My lord, there is no guarantee that they will not turn back and use even more terrifying power, I think."

"What are you looking at?" Lin Tian looked at Luo Fatian with a smile, but Luo Fatian hesitated, "I'm afraid they will use even more terrifying methods."

"I'm not afraid of them using tricks, but I'm afraid they will stop." Lin Tianxie smiled, then closed his eyes to rest, as if nothing happened.

Luo Fatian showed a strange expression, while He Lian watched silently, and Nangong Yan was curious about what they were going to do next.

At this moment, on a street in the city, that Qin Shenyue said angrily, "Thinking that my majestic prince was scared into the street."

Master Xue said awkwardly, "Prince Qin, don't be angry either."

"Can you not be angry? I'm the prince!" Qin Shenyue started to run wild, but Master Xue hesitated, "I can go buy some things, and then I'll prepare properly."

"Buy something? Get ready?"

"Yes, I'm going to make a bigger barrier to trap him in it, and then I'll use some special runes to clean up his soul."

"Reliable?" Qin Shenyue looked at the real person Xue solemnly, and the real person Xue assured him, "Reliable, absolutely reliable."

Qin Shenyue immediately said energetically, "Let's go shopping."

Xue Zhenren was overjoyed, and immediately brought Qin Shenyue to keep up, while Xue Shandao and He Kuang could only continue to look forward to it.

After a while, Master Xue came to the place where runes were bought and sold in Haihai City, and here, there were runes sold everywhere.

"Buy talismans?" Qin Shenyue asked curiously, and Master Xue said kindly, "Buy some talismans to bless, the effect should be better."

Hearing this, Qin Shenyue immediately said, "As much as you need, just buy it, it's all mine."

When Master Xue was overjoyed, he immediately picked some of the best talismans, and after buying them, he asked Qin Shenyue to rent a small courtyard in this sea city.

After everything was settled, Master Xue began to set up the formation, and that Qin Shenyue excitedly said after seeing Master Xue's real action this time, "This time, I see how crazy this kid is."

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