Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2601 God armor is strong, but it has to be broken in the end

Nangong Yan suddenly fell silent, while Lin Tian stood in front of the boat, staring at Dugu Tian, ​​"Your right hand hurt her."

"I'm not only going to hurt her, but also destroy you." This Dugutian said proudly, but Lin Tian said coldly, "Then let's see if you can resist my anger."

Those bandits laughed one by one, and some even joked, "Boy, do you think our guardians are weak?"

Duguyan even teased, "Boy, let me tell you, our Dharma protectors are very powerful."

Lin Tian didn't listen to these people's bragging, he took out the dead wood directly, and then shot out a cloud of black air, and entangled that Dugutian.

Seeing the black energy, Dugutian didn't take it seriously, and even felt that he was very powerful, so he prepared to attack Lin Tian.

But his cultivation retreated violently, and Lin Tian took out the Nine Beasts Extinguishing God Bracelet and punched it out.

I saw different shadows of the three beasts rushing out, first the golden light enveloped Dugutian, and then the flames entangled Dugutian.

Dugutian's armor immediately wrapped himself up, resisting those flames, and proudly said, "Boy, my armor can resist any flames."

Huo Duoyu was naturally not reconciled, and attacked in various ways, but the wooden dragon said, "I'll do it."

I saw the wooden dragon shadow entangled Dugutian, and then sprayed countless poisonous gas, and this poisonous gas entered Dugutian's body, making him scream on the spot, very uncomfortable.

However, Dugu Tian had a lot of spare things, so he took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth, and said proudly, "Fortunately, I prepared some detoxification pills, so I can ignore any poison."

Naturally, Mu Jiaolong didn't believe it, so he continued to attack Dugutian, but Dugutian was inside the armor and protected by pills, so the Mu Jiaolong and Huoduoyu had no effect on him at all.

This made Dugutian very proud, "Haha."

The one-eyed tiger was even more excited and said, "Boy, you see, our Dharma protectors are very powerful."

Lin Tianxie smiled, "Isn't it because I have a set of armor?"

"Yes, what's the matter? What can you do to me?" That Dugutian was crazy, and Lin Tianyi's shadow passed through the golden light, arrived in front of Dugutian, and hit the armor with his palm.

Dugutian proudly shook Lin Tian's shadow away, then sneered, "Just you? Still want to kill me with bare hands?"

Lin Tian smiled strangely, "Don't worry, wait until your armor is scrapped."

"Ridiculous, scrap? Mine is an artifact, and its quality has reached the level of a god king."

Lin Tian knows that the divine weapon is very powerful if it can reach the level of the god king. After all, in the god world, the weakest artifact is the earth level, followed by the sky level, then the golden god level, and after that there is the god king level, which is similar to the level of cultivation. In the same way, the further back the scarier it is.

Therefore, Dugutian has a god-level artifact, which is indeed arrogant, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "The artifact is good, but if it is scrapped, it will be worthless."

"Scrap? Haha!" The other party didn't know what Lin Tian said at all, and Lin Tian's phantoms rushed in, even though each phantom was scattered with just a touch of the palm.

But before each phantom disappeared, it had swallowed part of the power on the armor.

So after a quarter of an hour, Lin Tian stood there and looked at him with a smile, "It's almost there."

"What's the matter?" Dugutian said with a disdainful smile, while the other bandits stared at Lin Tian like a fool.

Lin Tian smiled strangely, "It's time to break."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian's mind moved, and the divine armor immediately fell into pieces, and those bandits were dumbfounded. As for Dugutian, he even stammered, "No, it's impossible, how could it be like this?"

Lin Tian looked at Dugutian with a smile, "Without the defensive armor, let me see how crazy you are."

At this moment, Huo Duoyu and Mu Jiaolong were about to attack, but that Dugutian was startled, and started to shout, "Get out!"

But how could this weakened Dugutian resist the attacks of these two beasts, so he was seriously injured on the spot.

The bandits were all frightened, until Dugutian took out a talisman, stuck it on his body, and said angrily, "Boy, I'm not done with you!"

After finishing speaking, the other party disappeared, and Lin Tian stopped the attack of the three beasts and landed on the boat.

I saw that those people were frozen there by Nangong Yan, so they couldn't escape at all, so they started begging for mercy in fright, and the one-eyed tiger said, "Well, brother, if you have something to say, talk about it."

"Speak well? Just now, you didn't think so." Lin Tian smiled, but the one-eyed tiger trembled with fright.

Lin Tian smiled strangely, and his soul directly exited his body, passed through the ice layer, and reached the opponent's consciousness space.

The one-eyed tiger panicked, "What do you want to do?"

"Originally, I thought you were flies, just ignore it, but you flies will find someone to help, and it becomes annoying." Lin Tian said, attacking his soul.

The one-eyed tiger screamed all kinds of things, until Lin Tian trapped his soul and entered the soul seal, the one-eyed tiger was stunned and said, "Who are you?"

"Don't worry about who I am, as long as you know, whatever I ask you now, you can answer me."

The one-eyed tiger was startled, "You, you say."

"How do you know we're here?" Lin Tian asked the one-eyed tiger, and the one-eyed tiger said nervously, "The suzerain said that you are going to Mutian City, just let us intercept it nearby."

Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "It seems that your suzerain has a good relationship with the people in Mushan Pavilion."

"Mushan Pavilion? It's okay." The one-eyed tiger stammered, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "I will let you go, but you will have to do things for me in the future."

"One, definitely." The one-eyed tiger nodded madly, and then Lin Tian went into other people's bodies and took them down one by one.

After everything was done, Lin Tian untied their ice layer, and then they left one by one under Lin Tian's order.

He Lian asked curiously, "Brother Lin, what are you?"

"Although they are flies, they are more active in the vicinity, so you can let them do something." Lin Tian said with a smile.

He Lian suddenly realized, but Lin Tian found that Nangong Yan was not as excited as before, but was in a daze.

This made Lin Tian a little worried, "What? Was it hurt?"

Nangong Yan shook her head, "No, no."

"Then let's go." Lin Tian always felt that something was wrong, but Nangong Yan didn't say anything, but nodded, followed Lin Tian, ​​and went to Mutian City together.

After a while, they saw a big city, and this city was dozens of times bigger than Muhaihai City, and it couldn't be seen at a glance.

When it falls into the city, it is as if it is on land, and it does not feel that it is a big island at all.

"Brother Lin, where are we going now?" He Lian asked suspiciously when he saw people coming and going.

Lin Tian looked around and said, "Let's find a place to live first, and wait for people from the Black Tiger Sect to find out the news for me before making any plans."

"You asked them to help you find out?"

"Well, let them look for news about Xie Feng and An Wu." Lin Tian said while looking for the inn.

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