Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2604 five star disciples

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled helplessly, "You have so many rules."

The chief manager looked at Lin Tian with a smile, "There are quite a few capable people here, but they can't come in casually, so if you want to come in, you have to pass my various assessments, and if you can pass the assessment, read Then, the higher your treatment here, the higher your level."


"Yes, we are capable people and strangers, and we recruit according to the standards of disciples of the gods, such as one-star to nine-star disciples, while ours, the highest level, is five-star disciples, and the treatment is naturally the best."

Lin Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't say much. After all, he just wanted to get in here now, to understand this well, and by the way, find out what kind of identity that Anwu is here.

At this moment, a group of guards appeared, and the chief guard said to the Chief, "Boss, they are all here."

The head manager stared at Lin Tian after the sound of grace, "Boy, you can choose the difficulty."


"Yes, such as one-on-one, one-on-two, or one-on-five."

"What's the difference?" Lin Tian felt that there must be a difference. Sure enough, the big manager said, "If you can pass one-on-one, then you are at least a one-star disciple, but if you succeed in one-on-five, then you are five-star." Menke, but it's hard."

Lin Tian smiled nonchalantly, "Then five."

As soon as these words came out, the guards were startled, and some whispered, "Is this guy crazy, and he can deal with our five masters of the gods alone?"

"It's probably where the arrogant guy came from."

Even the head of the guard was a little surprised, "One against five? This is too exaggerated."

He Lian knew what Lin Tian was capable of, so he had nothing to worry about, but the head manager frowned and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Young man, do what you can, or I won't be responsible if you die later."

Lin Tian laughed and said, "Just tell me the rules."

The chief executive said thoughtfully, "Well, as long as you can make them admit defeat, that's fine."

"Oh? It's that simple?"

"Yes, but they won't give up easily, so you have to beat them up." The chief executive said again.

Lin Tian said to himself, "That's fine, come on."

Those five people stared at Lin Tian like a fool, and some even said, "Boy, you are too weak and useless."

"Weak?" Lin Tianxie smiled.

A guard joked, "Nonsense, you are only in the fairyland, how can you fight against us?"

"Boy, you'd better admit defeat." Someone said,

At this moment, both the chief manager and the chief guard looked at Lin Tian, ​​wanting to see how he would face five people who were much stronger than him.

Lin Tian took out the dead wood and smiled, "I'm sorry."

The next moment, the five people were entangled in a cloud of black smoke, and then their cultivation level regressed, and the chief executive was startled.

Afterwards, Lin Tian directly sent them flying one by one, causing them all to fall to the ground.

"Did you admit defeat?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, but the five people never thought that Lin Tian was so scary, so they didn't want to get up again, and could only fall there and cry.

The chief manager looked at Lin Tian in surprise, and the chief guard had experienced it once before, so he looked at the chief manager and smiled, "Look, chief manager, it's amazing."

The chief manager returned to staring at Lin Tian, ​​"Your ability is indeed great, but what is the ability you use? Why can you weaken other people's cultivation base?"

Lin Tian looked at the Chief Manager with a smile, "This is my business, I'm afraid I don't need to talk to the Chief Executive, right?"

The chief manager was stunned for a moment and then smiled, "That's right, this is indeed your own skill, and I have no right to interfere."

"Thank you for understanding." Lin Tian looked at the chief manager with a smile, and the chief manager said, "I am Xia Dao, you can call me Manager Xia, and you, from now on, will be a five-star disciple."

After finishing speaking, the chief executive threw out a guest order with a five engraved on it.

The head of the guard immediately said respectfully to Lin Tian, ​​"Master Lin, if you have anything to do in the future, just tell me, and I am the head of the guard here, Tian Yuan."

Lin Tian didn't expect the other party's attitude to change so quickly and smiled, "Understood, Captain Tian."

The big manager said to Tian Yuan, "Xiao Tian, ​​take him to the designated area."


The chief guard immediately led Lin Tian to leave, but the chief manager suddenly stared at He Liandao, "He passed the examination, but you haven't tried it yet."

Lin Tian explained, "He is my friend, so he doesn't need to be assessed?"

"If this is the case, then he can only be regarded as your companion, and must follow you in the future, and cannot run around in the yard." The chief manager explained, and Lin Tianen took He Lian and left directly.

The head manager was lost in thought, "When did such a terrifying fairy appear?"

As for Lin Tian, ​​he asked the chief guard after walking in the corridor, "Chief guard, I have a question for you."


"Are the outsiders here all doormen? Or are there other people?" Lin Tian asked curiously, and the chief guard smiled and said, "Here, apart from the guards, they are the people of the Mo family and the doormen."

After hearing this, Lin Tian asked, "Then, I want to inquire about someone from you, the head office?"


Lin Tian said with a smile, "His name is Anwu."

"You mean him?" The chief guard was a little surprised, but Lin Tianen said, "What? Is there a problem?"

"He is a three-star disciple, and he is one of our young master's masters." The chief guard explained.

Lin Tian asked after understanding, "Then, is he here all the year round?"

"No, it's just here occasionally, and it seems that I usually go to other places to practice." The chief guard explained.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "Then, can the diners here learn from each other?"

"Of course, as long as both parties agree, we can exchange ideas." The chief guard said with a smile, and Lin Tian smiled slightly, "Then take me to see him, I want to exchange ideas with him."

"He is at the Golden God Realm." The chief guard said in shock.

"The Golden God Realm is fine." Lin Tian didn't take it seriously at all, and the chief guard stared at Lin Tian in surprise, but he still led Lin Tian to the courtyard where a retainer was.

There are many people living there at the moment. When Lin Tian appeared, these people appeared one by one, and said curiously, "Look, there are new customers here."

The chief guard pointed to a building in the courtyard and said, "One-star followers are on the first floor, two-star followers are on the second floor, and so on, and five-star followers are on the fifth floor."

After Lin Tian took a glance, he fixed on the third floor, because the dark black was there.

The moment Anwu saw Lin Tianji, his face was very ugly, but Lin Tian stared at Anwu and said with a smile, "It is said that disciples can compete with each other. I don't know the master of the dark pavilion, do you dare to compete with me?"

Everyone was startled when they heard this.

Some people even muttered, "Is this guy crazy? A fairyland, competing with people from the Golden God Realm?"

"I guess my brain is flooded."

While these people were discussing, that Anwu pretended to be disdainful and said, "I don't have time to talk to you."

After finishing speaking, Anwu went back to his room by himself, and everyone naturally thought that Anwu disdained fighting with the immortal.

So some people joked, "Boy, at your level, it's better not to be funny."

"That's right, with your cultivation level, we all feel ashamed to hurt you, let alone compete with you."

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