Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2626 Inside Story

Lin Tian looked around and smiled, while the Daoyun God Lord glared, "Boy, what are you laughing at?"

"I was thinking, how should I meet him." Lin Tianbian said with a smile, and then released the Fire King.

The Fire King stood there and asked curiously, "Master, why did you come to Bagua Mountain?"

"Call that sleepy guy out." Lin Tian smiled at the Fire King, while He Lian and Hongmei Lie Wang stared at the Fire King suspiciously.

The King of Fire let out a cry, and then turned into a sea of ​​flames and rushed into the air, and an impatient voice immediately came from the air, "Who, who disturbed my sleep."

At this time, a white and fluffy gorilla appeared, but it was just a shadow, and it was floating there, with a hint of anger.

"White God Ape." The Daoyun God Lord gasped when he saw the shadow, and the Red-Browed Lie King stammered, "Is this the God Beast?"

He Lian was so frightened that his legs trembled, while Fire King stared at the white god ape, "Hey, sleepy, your eyes are so dazzled that you don't even recognize me."

Baishen Yuan was suspicious, "You are?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and come out to see my master."

"Your master?" Bai Shenyuan looked suspicious, until he stared at Lin Tian, ​​and then saw through his soul, his face was full of horror, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Just know it, don't scream, I don't want everyone to know."

The white god ape flashed immediately, and then a white ape appeared, and it was several people tall, and stared at Lin Tian in surprise, "My lord, why are you here?"

"Someone invited me to be a guest." Lin Tian looked at the Lord Daoyun with a smile, and the white god ape glanced at the Lord Daoyun, "Who are you?"

Daoyun Shenjun immediately reported, "The elder of Mujian Shenzong, Daoyun Shenjun, and this one, hurt my disciple of Mujian Shenzong. I am planning to repair him."

"Fix him? Do you know who he is?" Bai Shenyuan shouted, while the Daoyun Shenjun was confused, "Who is he?"

Bai Shenyuan wanted to say, but when he thought of Lin Tian's explanation, he hummed again, "Anyway, he is a very powerful person."

Daoyun Shenjun wondered, "But he hurt someone."

"Don't talk about hurting people, even killing people, it's okay." Bai Shenyuan said madly, and that Daoyun Shenjun looked ugly.

The Red-browed Lie Wang and He Lian were even more frightened, while Bai Shenyuan stared at Lin Tian and said excitedly, "My lord, how long are you going to stay here?"

"I see, I can't live here." Lin Tian smiled, but Bai Shenyuan was puzzled, "Why?"

"I have something to do." Lin Tian knew that he had to go to Eastern China, so it was impossible to stay here.

After hearing this, Bai Shenyuan asked, "Then, have you seen that old man?"

"You mean Mu Chunyang?"

"Yes, that's him." Baishen Yuanen said, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "I was caught here, do you think I have seen it?"

"Ah? Who, who caught you?" Bai Shenyuan immediately became angry, then stared at the Daoyun Shenjun, and Daoyun Shenjun stammered, "I, I caught you."

"Looking for death." Bai Shenyuan was about to make a move, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Forget it, don't bother with him, just take me to that guy."

"Okay." Bai Shenyuan pointed to a place with a wave, and a bridge appeared there, and then Bai Shenyuan took Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian put away the Fire King, and looked at the dumbfounded He Lian, "It happened, let's go."

The two felt weird, but they followed silently, and this Wooden Sword God Sect was on a huge island, and many people came in and out here.

Until someone discovered that the White God Ape came out of a mountain, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people, "Look, the beast, the White God Ape."

Countless people came to watch this commotion, while Shenjun Daoyun had a depressed expression on his face, "Who is this guy, and why is Baishenyuan so polite to him?"

After a while, Lin Tian was taken outside a large hall, and the white god ape said to Lin Tian, ​​"I can only take you in, as for the others, they can only wait outside."

"En." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he asked him and Lian to wait outside, while Bai Shenyuan grabbed Lin Tian with one hand, then rushed into the hall, and disappeared, as if entering another space.

Only then did the red-browed fierce king dare to speak, "I said, what is his identity?"

He Lianbi wanted to know, "I don't know either."

The red-browed Lie Wang had no choice but to look at the dazed Daoyun Shenjun, "Master, don't be nervous."

"I, I'm so nervous." Daoyun Shenjun returned to his senses and shouted, and the red-browed Lie Wang said with a smile, "But he knows the white god ape."

"So what?" Daoyun Shenjun snorted, but Hongbrowed Liewang laughed and said, "It is difficult for the suzerain to command the White God Ape, but he can, don't you dare to attack him?"

"Why don't you dare?" Daoyun Shenjun vowed, but he didn't know what to do in his heart, and he even wanted to find a place to hide.

At this moment in the hall, in a dark place, the white god ape said to a petrified old man, "I said, old man, my lord has come to see you."

The old man's breath was very weak, as if he was going to die at any moment, but Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with him?"

"When he attacked the God Emperor, he was suddenly attacked by someone sneaking into the consciousness space, and then he petrified himself to prevent others from attacking him again. Since then, this space has been closed, and only I can enter and exit freely." The white god ape explained.

Lin Tian was suspicious, "Ambush?"

"Yes, it is said that he is a terrible guy, and his cultivation base should be a god emperor, and he is very strong." Bai Shenyuan recalled one by one.

Lin Tian didn't expect that after this incident, he knelt down and looked at the petrified old man, "I haven't seen you in ten thousand years, but you, who used to be high-spirited, have become an old man."

"Who are you?" At this time, a weak voice came from the petrification, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "What do you say?"

The other party couldn't help it, but the white god ape said contemptuously, "Mu Chunyang, he is an adult, you don't even know?"

"My lord?" That Mu Chunyang was puzzled, but Lin Tian released his soul at this moment.

After that Mu Chunyang saw the soul, the stone statue trembled, "Lin, Emperor Lin."

"Okay, don't get excited." Lin Tian comforted, and Mu Chunyang gradually calmed down, "I thought I would never see you again."

"I'm not dead, how could you not see me?" Lin Tian said with a smile, and Mu Chunyang explained, "It is rumored that after you died in the wasteland of the God Realm ten thousand years ago, no one has seen you again, so I thought."

"Actually, I didn't die at the time, I just chose to rebuild." Lin Tian said with a smile, and Mu Chunyang suddenly realized, "No wonder that guy said you will definitely come back."

Lin Tian asked curiously, "That guy?"

"Yes, five thousand years ago, when I was about to break through to the God Emperor, a shadowy man appeared and said he was your friend, and that you would come back. I thought it was fake, so I didn't take it seriously."

"The shadow man?" Lin Tian became curious, and Mu Chunyang said in an engraved voice, "Yes, the shadow man, and while he was talking to me, he attacked me secretly, forcing me to petrify, and he summoned the white god ape to help, so he scared him away."

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