Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2671 more

Qingyu on the side was even more eager to move, "I even want to go in and try."

"It's better to put away your curiosity." Ming Yaoyue shook his head helplessly, and even ran inside because he was afraid of this martial idiot.

However, Lin Tian has already reached the first stage of formation.

This first level is a courtyard, and this courtyard is empty everywhere, but Lin Tian seems to have been here before, familiar with the door, and directly moves to some corridors of this courtyard.

Not only that, but in several places in the yard, the organs were pressed one by one, and finally a vortex appeared in the yard.

Lin Tian laughed secretly, "These people don't even change their formation."

Then Lin Tian entered the vortex and went to the second level. In the elder hall, the three people were stunned.

Until Whitebeard wondered, "How did he pass so quickly?"

Blackbeard said solemnly, "It took Emperor Lin a day to find the pattern, but he."

God Emperor Shengkong frowned and said, "There are only two possibilities. One is that he has a good relationship with Emperor Lin, and the other is that he is very good at playing tricks, even better than Emperor Lin back then."

After Baibeard heard this, he continued to stare at the painting. At this moment, Lin Tian was in the second level, which was a place full of flames, and there were many stones floating on it.

"If he really has a good relationship with Emperor Lin, then he should know how to pass this test." White Beard couldn't help but said.

Blackbeard said with grace, "There are hundreds of moving stones inside, and as long as you step on one wrongly, the temperature of the flame inside will increase. If you step on the wrong one ten times, then this level is over, and you can send him out directly."

God Emperor Shengkong's eyes flickered strangely, "But he stepped on the right step every time."

The two of them immediately took a closer look, and sure enough, Lin Tian could step correctly every time, and after stepping correctly ten times, the vortex of the second level appeared.

With one leap, Lin Tian entered the vortex and reached the third level.

The third level is a forest, and every big tree looks the same, but only one can lead to the fourth level, so Lin Tian Shumen lightly walks, finds the big tree, and flies up from under the big tree, enters the fourth level, and arrives on a boat in the water.

This boat is floating in the water, and there are many similar boats nearby, but only one boat leads to the fifth level. Once it flies a few times wrongly, it will be teleported away.

But Lin Tian still found the right one at one time, and came to the fifth pass, a place full of stones.

Every stone here looks the same, but only one can unlock the sixth level.

Lin Tian still easily found that piece, moved it, and then disappeared.

The three people in the Elder's Hall were completely dumbfounded until the old man with white beard said, "It seems that this kid may really have something to do with Emperor Lin, otherwise it would be impossible to find the sixth level with such proficiency."

Blackbeard asked suspiciously, "Why don't you play around with the things in the sixth level to see if he did it himself, or did Emperor Lin tell him?"

Emperor Shengkong nodded and said, "Let's put it on, after all, this is what it looked like ten thousand years ago."

Then Blackbeard stood up, "I'll go."

Heibeard turned around and left, and when Lin Tian reappeared, he came to the sixth level.

I saw these swords floating around, and there are many swords, but here, only one can lead to the seventh level.

Just when Lin Tian was going to find which one among the tens of thousands of swords could go to the seventh level, a black shadow appeared.

After the black shadow was swimming around, all the swords were messed up. At the same time, the black shadow smiled in the dark, "Young man, it's too easy for you from the first to the sixth level, so I will change it a little bit from the seventh level onwards."

Lin Tian laughed and said after hearing the voice, "Do you think I can't find it like this?"

"If you can't find it, try it, and you'll know." The black shadow laughed in the dark, and Lin Tian leaped forward, found that one from countless swords, and injected power into it.

Lin Tian disappeared from the spot in an instant, and the black shadow that appeared was the black beard elder and said solemnly, "It's strange, I've messed it up, how could he see it right away?"

At this time, Emperor Shengkong said to him, "Go to the eighth level."


Elder Blackbeard disappeared with a leap, and at the eighth level, Lin Tian stood in a snow field, and the snow field looked the same everywhere, but in front of him, there were ten mountain peaks, only one of which led to the ninth level, while the other nine were fatal mountains.

Lin Tian walked over, and then the black shadow appeared again, and was swimming in those mountains, and then the mountains started to move again, and dangled in front of Lin Tian like an afterimage, and finally the black shadow said with a smile, "Please."

Lin Tian smiled wryly, then closed his eyes, and performed the space peeping technique, and he could immediately find out which place could lead to the ninth level.

The black shadow murmured to himself, "Even if you are Emperor Lin himself, you can't find it all at once."

But at the next moment, Lin Tian leaped towards a mountain, disappeared from there, and then entered the ninth level.

The black shadow appeared and asked depressedly, "What's the situation?"

Divine Emperor Shengkong was puzzled, "Could it be that he is stronger than Emperor Lin?"

"It's more than powerful, it's much more terrifying." The black shadow said depressedly, but the Holy Emperor said hesitantly, "Come on, let's go to the ninth level and meet him for a while."

The black shadow sang, and then disappeared from the original place, and Lin Tian was standing at the place where the ninth level was surrounded by fog.

But how did Lin Tian go out, so he walked in one direction step by step, but at this time three rays of light appeared, and then three people came to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled slightly when he saw the three of them, "The twin gods of black and white, and the Emperor Shengkong."

The three of them didn't expect Lin Tian to know them, especially the white beard asked suspiciously, "You know us?"

"I've heard of it." Lin Tian said with a smile, and Emperor Shengkong asked strangely, "What's your relationship with Emperor Lin?"

Lin Tian smiled, "Is this important?"

"When Emperor Lin came to our Holy Emperor Mountain, he sat in the same place outside the mountain gate, so I was curious to ask." The Emperor Shengkong asked doubtfully.

Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "If I don't do this, will you let me be assessed?"

Upon hearing this, Divine Emperor Shengkong asked curiously, "Did you inquire about it from someone else?"

"Three, it looks like the Holy Emperor Dao, but there is no question and answer." Lin Tian smiled, and the Holy Emperor always felt that Lin Tian was not simple, but after Lin Tian refused to answer, he hesitated, "The ninth level was originally random, so the three of us are now the examiners of this level. Is there any problem?"

Lin Tian smiled helplessly, "So, are you going to make things difficult for me?"

Emperor Shengkong frowned, "We just want to understand the matter, and we didn't mean to oppose you."

White Beard also said, "That's right, we at Sacred Emperor Mountain don't want to bully people like this."

Blackbeard even comforted him, "You just need to answer a few questions from us."

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