Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2752 jealous

"The saint of the Holy Land announced to the world that regardless of her cultivation level, but in order to prevent too many people from entering the Holy Land of Kyushu, a special assessment array was added. As long as they pass the assessment, they can enter the Holy Land."

Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "Who is the saint this time?"

"Ouyang Yumo, it seems." Gu Mingchuan hesitated, but Lin Tian couldn't help laughing, "It turned out to be this girl."

"This girl?" Gu Mingchuan didn't know what Lin Tian said, but Lin Tian smiled, "It's nothing."

"Then are you going?"

"Go, the Holy Land of Kyushu is a place where chances are rare." Lin Tian said with a smile, while Gu Mingchuan said with grace, "Yes, as long as the cultivation base is not half-step godly, it is possible to break through in it, so the geniuses of the Nine Great Divine Lands will rush there."

Lin Tian smiled, "If I'm not wrong, there will be a competition every time, right?"

"Yes, the strongest of each level can get different rewards, and it is said that the rewards of the god emperor are the most abundant."

Lin Tian smiled slightly, "That's good, I can find a target for my grandson."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian let Ming Yaoyue out, and when Ming Yaoyue saw that Lin Tian finally let him out, he said depressedly, "Master, why did you get me out now?"

"There is a good thing, of course I want you to come out." Lin Tian smiled, and Ming Yaoyue immediately excitedly said, "What good thing?"

"Brother Gu, please explain to her, I guess she doesn't understand very well."

After Gu Mingchuan's grace, he explained one by one, and Ming Yaoyue said anxiously, "My master once told me, but it happens every thousand years, and the rules are different every time."

"Yes, in the past, strong people were selected from various stages, but this time, as long as they pass the assessment formation, they can step in, so many people are given a chance." Gu Mingchuan said with a smile.

Ming Yaoyue immediately looked at Lin Tian and asked with a smile, "Master, why did you think of letting me go?"

"You need wood-type cultivators to compete with you, and this time, there must be many wood-type cultivators in the Nine Great Divine Regions, and they are also powerful people. Do you think the opportunity is difficult?"

"That's true." Ming Yaoyue was full of energy immediately, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "You have to win the first place in the group of the Golden God Realm for me, otherwise let alone my grandson."

"Ah? I'm going to participate, what about you?" Ming Yaoyue was puzzled when he found out that Lin Tian was also in the Golden God Realm, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Leave me alone, just take care of yourself."

After hearing this, Ming Yaoyue said, "As long as you don't team up with me, I promise to be number one."

"That's what you said."

"That's it." Ming Yaoyue said in a spirited manner, while Lin Tian looked at Gu Mingchuan, "When can we leave?"

"Tomorrow, it will be fine."

Lin Tianen said, "Okay, let's go tomorrow."


But Ming Yaoyue asked anxiously, "What about the Fang family? Why don't we investigate?"

Ming Yaoyue didn't know that the Fang family had been horrified by Lin Tianzheng, and that Gu Mingchuan didn't know what Ming Yaoyue meant by the investigation.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "The Fang family, it's abolished."

"Abandoned? What do you mean?" Ming Yaoyue was puzzled, but Gu Mingchuan wanted to share this happy event, so he spoke up first.

Hearing the whole incident, Ming Yaoyue gasped, "No way, it's so miserable?"

"Well, the cultivation base of Fang's father and son has been abolished, and that Master Fang Jian was treated as a demon again and was repaired by the Demon Elimination Alliance."

Ming Yaoyue stared at Lin Tian resentfully, "Master Zu, you didn't tell me about such a fun thing."

"Didn't I let you come out now?" Lin Tian said helplessly, while Ming Yaoyue still said unwillingly, "It's a pity that I didn't see it with my own eyes."

Lin Tian smiled wryly and went back to the house, while that Ming Yaoyue hurriedly followed, while Gu Mingchuan went to prepare.

But in the house, Ming Yaoyue asked urgently, "Have you investigated the person who pretended to be Emperor Lin?"

"It's a deity, but who it is, I haven't figured it out yet, but I have asked Patriarch Fang to contact me at any time."

"Patriarch Fang will contact you at any time? Is it possible?"

"Patriarch Fang was taken down by me."

"Ah? Was it captured by you? What about Fang Jian's master?"

"It was tricked by me."

Ming Yaoyue was stunned and said, "Then the matter about the Demon Observation Platform was also your fault, right?"


Ming Yaoyue looked adored, "Master, why are you so crazy?"

"The Demon Watching Platform is purely for venting."

"Vent?" Ming Yaoyue was puzzled, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Lin Wangyou is my old friend. I want to save him, but the Demon Elimination Alliance has harmed him. Naturally, I want to destroy the Demon Elimination Alliance."

Ming Yaoyue opened his eyes wide, "Master Zu, do you want to destroy the Demon Slayer Alliance?"

"Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem, it's just that there are so many masters in the Demon Elimination Alliance, and you are supported by the Nine Great Divine States. You are fighting against the Nine Great Divine States."

Lin Tian flashed cold eyes, "Anyone who dares to hurt me, even a god, will die!"

Seeing Lin Tian's tone, Ming Yaoyue said happily from the bottom of her heart, "Suddenly I feel safe following the master."

"So safe?" Lin Tian looked at her strangely, and Ming Yaoyue said with a smile, "Think about it, if one day I was bullied and you avenged me, and you said something like this, I would be so touched to death!"

"Come on, I won't save you and avenge you."

"Why?" Ming Yaoyue felt aggrieved immediately, and Lin Tian smiled at her, "You can only do it if you are strong enough, so don't count on me."

"Master, you are eccentric!"


"Yes, you see, you are an old friend, and you risked saving him and destroying a powerful alliance against demons, but I told me not to count on you, how can this be so." Ming Yaoyue said jealously.

Lin Tian smiled, then closed his eyes, and Ming Yaoyue said depressedly, "Master, you can't be partial."

Lin Tian still ignored her and let her chatter.

However, due to the imminent opening of the Nine Great Holy Lands in various parts of the Nine Great Divine Lands, talented heroes from all over the place have been dispatched one after another.

Xue Hongfeng, who was still investigating the matter of the Demon Observation Platform, was also called to a secret room by some old guys from the sub-alliance.

In the secret room, the blood red peak said respectfully, "I don't know everyone, what do you want me for?"

A voice said in the dark, "Blood Red Peak, you have heard about the Holy Land of Kyushu, right?"


"Tomorrow, you will bring some people and go there, and get some good fruits for our alliance. If possible, it is best to win the title of God Emperor and Strongest, and then you can get the rumored Holy Land God Pill. That thing is priceless."

Xue Hongfeng said solemnly, "But leader, I'm still investigating the matter of the devil."

"I will arrange for people to continue the matter of the devil, and you just need to bring some geniuses to go."

Although Xue Hongfeng was a little unwilling, he could only say, "Yes, I will definitely strive to win the first place in the God Emperor Group."

"Well, let's get ready."

Only then did Xue Hongfeng retreat, while some old fellows in the secret room discussed the matter of the Holy Land of Kyushu one after another.

The next day, Gu Mingchuan took Gu Suiying to find Lin Tian and Ming Yaoyue in person.

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