Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2966 pretending to be close

Hearing this, Qi Tianhao said happily, "So, he's dead?"

"Yes!" Lan Dingtian said to himself, while Qi Tianhao excitedly said, "Let's go and have a look."

The two immediately followed, and after a while, Lin Tian and the others arrived outside the Lan Family Ancestral Hall.

I saw that the ancestral hall was built under a mountain, and the entrance was still a hall.

"Here is our Lan family's ancestral hall." The head of the Lan family pointed to the vortex in the front hall and smiled, while the leader looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Is she really inside?"

"En." Lin Tian affirmed, but the leader hesitated, "That's fine, let's go in together."

But Lin Tian said to him, "It's better for me to go in, you guys wait here."

"You go in alone?" The leader was obviously worried, and Shangguan Xi said even more, "How can I do that?"

"It's more convenient for me alone." Lin Tian said to the two, but the leader was still a little worried, "But this."

But Elder Gu said, "Master, he is so confident, let him in, not to mention whether the lady is inside or not, it is still the same thing."

The leader said solemnly, "I think it's better for me to go in with him."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "No, I'll just go in by myself."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian entered the vortex after a few leaps, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

Patriarch Lan sneered, "Master Shangguan, your disciple is a bit crazy."

The leader didn't speak, but Shangguan Xi said anxiously, "Father, shall we go in?"

"He actually said no, then we won't go in." The leader said after thinking about it. After all, he was not sure if he could keep her safe with Shangguan Xi.

But Shangguan Xi was worried, but Tiancheng comforted him, "Senior Sister, don't worry, he will definitely come back safely."

Tianbei agreed, "That's right, his ability is very powerful."

The persuasion of the two made Shangguan Xi feel a little relieved, but Elder Gu teased, "His ability is very strong? It seems that you two have full confidence in him."

The two didn't answer him, making Elder Gu chuckle secretly, and that Lan Dingtian and Qi Tianhao appeared, and Lan Dingtian asked, "Father, did that kid go in?"

"En." Patriarch Lan said with a smile, while Lan Dingtian sneered, "It's really a life-or-death thing."

"You don't know how to live or die." Shangguan Xi said angrily, while Lan Dingtian smiled strangely, "Miss Shangguan, let alone him, even members of our Lan family dare not step into this ancestral hall at will."

"So what?" Shangguan Xi didn't want to lose to the other party, so he snorted, while Lan Dingtian teased, "What? You think he can definitely come out?"


"Then wait, I'll have someone bring out a corpse." Lan Dingtian laughed triumphantly after he finished speaking.

Shangguan Xi was too angry to speak, and after Qi Tianhao couldn't see the scene inside the ancestral hall, he was a little puzzled, "Junior brother, are you sure he must have died inside?"

"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll die." Lan Dingtian said with a smile, but sneered in his heart, "Outsiders don't want to live in it!"

However, at this moment, in the ancestral hall, there is a maze, and the maze is coordinated with formations everywhere, so that people always circle around in the same place.

But it's not that Lin Tian can't get out of this formation, but that he is bewildering the peeping people in the dark.

I saw that there were many people in the dark place of the formation, and among these people was the leader's wife.

Just listen to the teacher's wife, staring at Lin Tian in the formation and laughing strangely, "I thought he was so powerful, but I didn't expect that he couldn't even break the first formation."

"Miss, what are we going to do next?" A master asked curiously, and the leader's wife blinked and said, "Put the poison in the ancestral hall and let him experience it, the peerless poison of our Lan family."


After a while, the area where Lin Tian was located was filled with black air currents, like ghostly spirits, but these qis were very weird. After entering the body, they began to corrode Lin Tian's soul.

However, Lin Tian's powerful spirit made him feel fine, instead he secretly laughed in his heart, "He actually used the poison that hurts the soul."

Then Lin Tian suddenly pretended to fall to the ground, looking uncomfortable, and the people in the dark became proud, and some people even said to the leader's wife, "Miss, look, this kid has fallen."

Satisfied, the leader's wife walked into the formation, while others followed, and then Lin Tian saw some people with blurred faces, and the leader's wife appeared.

The teacher's wife stared at Lin Tian lying on the ground and smiled, "How is it? Are you scared?"

"Afraid?" Lin Tian sneered, but the teacher's wife teased, "Boy, do you know what poison you have been poisoned by?"

"What poison?"

"A poison that can devour the soul and corrode the soul." The leader's wife looked at Lin Tian with a smile, and Lin Tian was startled, "What? A poison that corrodes the soul?"

"Yes, are you afraid?" The leader's wife smiled evilly, and Lin Tian began to be afraid, "This."

"If you are afraid, surrender, I can spare your life." The leader's wife smiled, and Lin Tian continued to pretend to be nervous, "I'm here to catch you, how can I surrender?"

"Catch me, what benefits can you get?" The leader's wife asked back, but Lin Tian hesitated, "There are not many benefits."

"That's right, if you follow me, my Lan family can give you whatever you want in the future." The leader's wife urged.

Lin Tian hesitated, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." After seeing Lin Tian start to waver, the leader's wife continued to fool around, but Lin Tian worried, "But, I'm afraid the leader will blame me."

"Don't worry, if you hide here, if I declare to the public that you are dead, he will naturally not be able to blame you."

"Yes, I have the imprint of the holy soul in my body."

"It's simple, I have a solution." The leader's wife continued, and Lin Tian excitedly said, "Oh? Really?"

At this time, the leader's wife took out a pill, "As long as you take this pill, you will be fine."

Lin Tian stared at the elixir, he guessed that it must be able to control people, so he nodded in order to paralyze them, then took the elixir and took it.

The leader's wife was really overjoyed, "Haha, with this elixir, you can't betray me."

"Thank you, the leader's wife, for looking up to me." Lin Tian said politely, and the leader's wife said with satisfaction, "Let's go, take you to my Lan family's cultivation place, I guarantee you like it."

After finishing speaking, the leader's wife led the way, and at the same time, the leader's wife sent someone to spread the news, saying that Lin Tian was dead.

At this moment, everyone outside the ancestral hall didn't know what was going on, until the Lan Patriarch received the news, the corners of his mouth curled up, "It seems that it's time to end."

"What do you mean?" Shangguan Xi asked urgently, and the leader also stared at Patriarch Lan curiously.

Patriarch Lan sighed, "He died inside."

"What?" Shangguan Xi's eyes widened, and Tiancheng and Tianbei couldn't believe it even more. As for Elder Gu, he said in a downcast, "Tell him not to be crazy, is it okay now?"

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