Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2970 understands many things

The leader's wife was shocked, and quickly stared at the demon king and asked, "Are you alright?"

"It's so uncomfortable!" The demon king was very uncomfortable after being injured by Lin Tian's judgment light, and the leader's wife was anxious, and she stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Who the hell are you? Why are you only in the Golden God Realm, so terrible?"

"Isn't it too late for you to ask this question now?" Lin Tianxie smiled, but the leader's wife panicked and said, "Wait a minute, I will not let this hatred go away!"

After finishing speaking, the leader's wife took the demon king to the sky, wanting to leave here, but they couldn't leave no matter what.

This shocked the leader's wife, and she looked around, "What's going on here?"

"I can't leave." Lin Tian stared at the leader's wife and smiled, but the leader's wife didn't believe it, and wanted to continue to sprint with the demon king, but she still couldn't leave.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "The space you built is very strong, but after I modified it, it can be used directly."

"No, it's impossible, this space can't be transformed." The leader's wife still couldn't believe it.

But Lin Tian ignored it, and released countless ghosts, and shot out the light of judgment one by one.

After the demon king was hit by countless judgment lights, he immediately fell to the ground with a "boom" and then twitched.

The leader's wife's expression changed drastically, but Lin Tian stared at her and said with a smile, "This time your deity, what else can you do to escape?"

"If I could leave, I would have left!" The leader's wife knew that this space was unique, and once she entered, she couldn't use any teleportation, but she led Lin Tian here in the first place to trap Lin Tian, ​​but who knew that she had caught up with herself.

Lin Tian knew what the other party was thinking, so he smiled there, "What? Regret it?"

"Boy, I can give you whatever you want." Knowing that she couldn't fight Lin Tian, ​​the leader's wife began to play the emotional card.

Lin Tian smiled at her when he heard this, "Anything is fine?"


"Will you tell me about Tianfeng's whereabouts?" Lin Tian smiled, but the leader's wife panicked, "Except him, I will help you if you want to know the whereabouts of anyone else."

"Oh? Really?" Lin Tian stared at the leader's wife, and the leader's wife nodded, "Yes."

"But I just want to know the whereabouts of Tianfeng." Lin Tian deliberately stimulated all kinds of things, and then paid attention to each other's inner thoughts one by one.

The leader's wife has always been afraid of a place in her heart, and this place is where Tianfeng goes.

But the leader's wife didn't know that Lin Tian was spying on her thoughts, so she still refused to answer Lin Tian, ​​until Lin Tian said, "Heaven and Soul Realm, Wanling Valley."

The teacher's wife widened her eyes, "How do you know?"

"You told me." Lin Tian looked at the leader's wife with a smile, but the leader's wife panicked, "No, I didn't!"

"Yes." After Lin Tianxie smiled, he immediately began to "bomb" the other party with Void Extinguisher.

The wife of the leader was able to resist these attacks at first, but after Lin Tian attacked many times, the wife of the leader gradually became unable to support it, until Lin Tian seriously injured the wife of the leader, Lin Tian entered a soul seal again.

I saw that the leader's wife had a blank memory, and Lin Tian's eyes flickered strangely, "Do you have a voice in your head?"

"Yes, that adult's." The leader's wife said nervously, but Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "Tianfeng, you also sent him to Wanling Valley?"

"Yes." The leader's wife nodded, and Lin Tianhu asked, "How long has this Tianfeng joined the Holy Soul Sect?"

"Almost five thousand years."

"What?" Lin Tian flashed a strange light, and the leader's wife explained one by one, "Five thousand years ago, my lord asked me to find him, and I saw him in a soul city, and introduced him to the Holy Soul Sect."

Lin Tian frowned when he heard this, "Then he returned to Hunfan City afterward?"

"Yes." The leader's wife said kindly, and Lin Tian asked again, "Then what happened after that?"

"After that, I don't know anymore. After all, he is not under my control, but that adult's."

Lin Tian fell into deep thought, while the leader's wife said nervously, "I've said everything that needs to be said."

"Then you are teaching those things in the holy soul, and you are also paying attention to that adult?"

"Yes, he wanted to control the Holy Soul Cult, so he asked me to deploy there, but I didn't expect to be destroyed by you." The wife of the leader said depressedly.

Lin Tian thought for a while and said, "Then when was the last time he gave you an order?"

"The last time? It's been a long time, and I don't even remember when." The leader's wife said anxiously.

Lin Tian asked after understanding, "Then what's going on with this demon king?"

"It was entrusted to me by adults to manage."

"My lord entrusted you to manage it?"

"Yes, he raised a lot of demons, including those in the Wild Soul Area, and this one too." The leader's wife said one by one.

Lin Tian shone with a strange light, "It seems that this guy's strength is at least eight or nine star gods."

"He is really scary." The wife of the leader felt uncomfortable when she thought of that person, but Lin Tian calmed down and looked at the wife of the leader, "I will hand you over to the Holy Soul Church, but how to answer is up to you."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he opened the space, and the demon king who was seriously injured by the leader's wife followed helplessly from behind.

At the moment in the town, that Shangguan Xi was still saying, "Father, you said little junior brother, when will he come out?"

The leader didn't know, but the bone elder teased, "I see, I can't get out."

"Stop cursing him." That Shangguan Xi said contemptuously, while the bone elder smiled wickedly, "The Devil King? How powerful? Can he handle it with a Golden God Realm?"

Just when Shangguan Xi was about to say something, Lin Tian, ​​the Demon King, and the leader's wife appeared.

"Look, I'm back." Tiancheng said excitedly, and Tianbei was also full of joy, but Shangguan Xi immediately became alert, "What is this woman doing?"

Unexpectedly, the teacher's wife said with an ugly expression, "I will go back with you, and I will accept your punishment."

"What?" The leader and Shangguan Xi were puzzled, while Elder Bone and Fifth Elder also looked puzzled.

Lin Tian said to Tiancheng and Tianbei, "Let's go."

"Oh." After the two said in unison, they immediately followed Lin Tian's pace and were about to leave, but Shangguan Xi said anxiously, "Junior brother, where are you going?"

"I went to your Holy Soul Sect to find someone. Now I know the whereabouts of that person, so I plan to find him. As for what I promised the leader, I have also completed it." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he pointed to the leader's wife.

When the leader looked suspiciously at Lin Tian, ​​and then at the demon king, he was very curious.

Shangguan Xi was a little bit reluctant, "Junior brother, if you leave, then I will be bored."

"What? Are you afraid of being bullied by others?" Lin Tian smiled helplessly, while Shangguan Xi said awkwardly, "That's not true."

Lin Tian looked at her with a smile, "Don't worry, go back to Holy Soul Sect, I don't think anyone will dare to embarrass you again."

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