Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3004 Vampire Temple

Lin Tian asked after hearing Patriarch Ma's words, "Where is that ancient book? Can you show it to me?"

"This ancient book is in the Vampire Temple."

"Vampire Temple?" Lin Tian frowned, because the Blood Ghost Temple has always been a deserted area of ​​the Blood Ghost God Realm. Even if he had been there before, he had found everything and regarded it as an abandoned area.

"Yes, the Temple of the Vampire hides a small space. After we saw it, we sent it there to prevent it from being lost."

"Then take me to have a look." Lin Tian said to the Patriarch Ma, but Patriarch Ma hesitated, "Are you really going?"


But Patriarch Ma said, "That place is quite weird. If you don't have the power of a half-step god, you can't get close at all."

"You just lead the way, whether you can go in or not is my business." Lin Tian said to the Patriarch Ma, but Patriarch Ma hesitated, "Well, after you go out, follow my sedan chair."

After finishing speaking, a vortex appeared in front of Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian left here with one step.

Tao Lie, who was waiting outside, heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Lin Tian coming out, "Fortunately, you are fine."

Xin Yun was curious, "What did the owner want to talk to you about?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian said, "Stay in the city, I will find you later."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian looked at the sedan chair, "Let's go."

The sedan chair jumped up immediately, and Lin Tian also jumped up, and then the sedan chair and people disappeared.

It's just that everyone was curious about why Lin Tiantian, who was in the Golden God Realm, disappeared from everyone's eyes at such a fast speed.

Tao Lie also had a gloomy expression on his face, "Just disappeared?"

"Why is his speed so fast?" That Xin Yun was even more puzzled.

After a while, Lin Tian came to a deserted hall, and the sedan chair also fell down, and he wondered, "Why did you arrive before me?"

"Isn't it okay to arrive before you?"

"It's just that you are at the Golden God Realm, and few people know the exact location of this blood ghost temple. How did you know?"

"There is only one place in the city of blood ghosts, and most people dare not step into it, and that is this area, so, I guess." Lin Tian said nonsense.

"That being said, the only ones who know this are the heads of the major families, and you."

"Okay, don't be curious about why I know." Lin Tian said a word, making the other party embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I was just curious for a while."

"Lead the way." Although Lin Tian knew about the Vampire Temple, it was a huge deserted area, and it would take at least a few days to see it all.

Therefore, Lin Tiancai asked the owner Ma to lead the way to find that hidden small space.

The Patriarch Ma was also very straightforward, he flew out of the sedan chair and landed in the hall, while Lin Tian followed and walked in together.

At this time, the vampire temple that Lin Tian saw was a little different from what he saw back then.

I saw that these places were full of vitality, and even some blood-red grass grew in some deserted areas.

Not only that, but some weak ghosts and ghosts were also seen wandering around, and the Patriarch Ma released his powerful aura, and those ghosts and ghosts dispersed one by one.

Lin Tian was suspicious, "Has this vampire temple always been like this?"

"Why do you ask that?" Patriarch Ma was curious, but Lin Tian was not reconciled, and continued to ask, "I heard that the temple of the blood ghost is a desolate place, without any life or anything of value, but now it seems that it is completely different."

"This matter has to be talked about five thousand years ago." The Patriarch Ma thought about it, but Lin Tian was suspicious, "Five thousand years ago?"

"Yes, five thousand years ago, after the appearance of that ancient book, the hall changed everywhere. For example, there was a smell of blood everywhere, and then some blood-red plants appeared, as well as ghosts and ghosts."

"Oh? That ancient book appeared, and then it caused this place to become like this?" Lin Tian asked curiously, and the Ma Patriarch said kindly, "That's right, that's exactly it."

Lin Tian knew that these weak ghosts had no memory, they would only sense the strong ones, and then ran away.

Therefore, Lin Tian didn't get any useful information, so he could only go to see those plants, and when Lin Tian was about to touch a blood-red grass, the Patriarch Ma immediately reminded, "Don't touch these plants, once they touch the soul, they will attach to the soul, and then use the soul as nourishment, and they won't leave until the soul of that person dies."

Lin Tian said after hearing this, "This is also a kind of ghost, but they are of the plant type."

"Yes." The Ma Patriarch said kindly, and Lin Tian said, "Let's go, take me to that space to have a look."

"En." Patriarch Ma took Lin Tian with him, but he always felt that Lin Tian was not as simple as the Golden God Realm, so he said as he walked, "Five thousand years ago, in addition to this incident, a major event happened in the entire Ghost and God Realm."


"The world of ghosts and gods, the human beings with gods and spirits, all disappeared, but those ghosts and gods, as well as some special groups, were not affected." The Ma Patriarch explained one by one.

Lin Tian thought of the Heavenly Soul Realm, because all the gods and souls of the gods went there, but he didn't expect that this Heavenly Soul Realm, even the ghosts and gods, could be affected, so that there is not a single god and soul here.

Seeing Lin Tian thinking about it, Patriarch Ma said, "Since then, Blood Ghost City has become more lively."

"More lively?"

"Think about it, what is the strongest under gods and humans?"

"Half-step god."

"Yes, there are many half-step gods who need to become stronger. The only way is to obtain a vampire avatar, and then cultivate the vampire avatar." The Ma Patriarch said one by one.

Lin Tian understood, and said to Patriarch Ma, "It seems that a lot of things did happen five thousand years ago."

Master Ma Ensheng said, "In addition to this, there are also doomsday legends and so on. Anyway, I always feel that something big has happened."

Lin Tian became pensive, and Patriarch Ma stopped after walking a certain distance, "Here we are."

Lin Tian came back to his senses, and saw a blood-red mist in front of him, and the Patriarch Ma said, "In this mist, there is that space, but your cultivation base."

"What? Are you afraid that my cultivation is not enough?"

"It's not easy inside." The Patriarch Ma said solemnly, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian took the lead and stepped into the mist, while the Patriarch Ma muttered to himself, "Who the hell is he? Why is he so courageous?"

At this time, Lin Tian shouted from inside, "Aren't you coming in yet?"

"Here we come." Patriarch Ma leaped into the mist, and in the mist, he saw Lin Tianzheng standing there, staring ahead.

Patriarch Ma walked over, pointed to a floating stone book in front of him and said, "That is it."

"Why did you put it here in the first place?" Lin Tian asked, but Patriarch Ma hesitated, "Actually, it has always been here and never left, but we just read it."

"Then you still said that you got it here." Lin Tian looked at Ma Patriarch and asked strangely.

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