Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3006 Doubt

Regarding this question, Ma Jiazhu only said, "I also want to know this question, but he won't tell me."

"Then, how did you meet him?" Blood Feud was very curious, but Patriarch Ma explained the matter, and finally said, "So, he said he wanted to come to see you."

"He, doesn't he have any other purpose?" Blood Feud became worried, and Patriarch Ma asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

"Think about it, his origin is unknown, and he can shake the blood curse, but he is so kind to help my father, don't you think it's strange?"

"You mean, he is so kind and has other purposes?" The Patriarch Ma was suspicious, and Xue Qiuen said, "Yes, I think so."

"Then, we have to ask later." Patriarch Ma hesitated, and the blood feud was suspicious, "Do you have a plan?"

"Where is your father?"

"The unique space of our blood family."

"Then go in, is it because no one can leave?" Patriarch Ma asked curiously, and Xue Qiu asked curiously, "Are you planning to trap him inside and force him to question him?"

"I don't want to, but I want to know why he wants to help your father, but this has to be seen first, whether your father can be cured, if not, then just pretend I didn't say anything." Patriarch Ma said.

Blood Feud understood and said, "That's fine, let's have a look first."

After a while, the blood feud brought Lin Tian to an independent space, and in this space, Lin Tian saw a spirit with shackles everywhere, and at the same time, the whole person was mad and roaring there.

Blood Feud sighed, "Father, I'm here."

But the other party has lost his mind, and he doesn't care who Xue Qiu, Lin Tian and others are, but instead roars there.

"Did you see it?" Xue Qiu said helplessly, and Patriarch Ma immediately looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Little brother, do you have a way to cure it?"

"Yes, but you have to avoid it, or it will easily disturb me." Lin Tian said to them.

After the two looked at each other, the blood feud was a little worried, "This."

"What? Are you afraid that I will kill your father?" Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, and the blood feud said with a look of embarrassment, "I didn't mean that, just."

"Just what."

"You are only at the Golden God Realm. I'm afraid that my father will go crazy later and accidentally kill you." The blood feud explained, but in fact he wanted to stay.

But Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "Don't worry, I dare to stay, so naturally I won't be afraid of your father hurting me."


"Go out." Lin Tian said again, and Xue Qiu had no choice but to say, "That's okay, we will leave."

Afterwards, Blood Feud brought the Patriarch Ma out of the space, and Patriarch Ma asked curiously, "Can you see through the space?"

"Our space is closed. Only by entering can we know what's going on inside, otherwise we can't know from outside at all." Blood Feud explained.

Patriarch Ma had no choice but to sigh, "Then we can only wait."

Blood Feud could only nod his head, but Lin Tian released the phantom to transform the surrounding space first to prevent others from trespassing.

After everything was done, Lin Tian stared at the mad old man, "Old blood monster, you said you, how many years have I not seen you, and you have become like this?"

The old man had already lost his mind, and he didn't know what Lin Tian said, but continued to go crazy there.

Until Lin Tian cast the Blood Shaking Curse, the vampire avatar fused in the opponent's body was immediately restrained, and the old man gradually regained consciousness, and then looked around, "What's wrong with me?"

"Of course you are crazy, and you were sealed here by your descendants." Lin Tian smiled at him, and the old man was startled as if he remembered something, "I, am I crazy?"

"What do you think?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and the old man hurriedly checked his soul, and found that the avatar's power was gone, and asked in surprise, "What's going on here?"

"I used the Blood Shaking Curse to suppress your avatar and make you regain consciousness." Lin Tian looked at him with a smile.

The man was shocked, "You, who are you?"

"What do you say?"

"The Curse of Shocking Blood, only Emperor Lin can do it, how can you do it at the Golden God Realm?" The old Patriarch stared at Lin Tian strangely.

Lin Tian smiled, "Are you going to be trapped talking to me like this?"

The man immediately said in embarrassment, "This."

I saw Lin Tian stepping forward, breaking these shackles one by one, and the old Patriarch stared at Lin Tian strangely, "How did you break it?"

"I have my own skills." Lin Tian looked at the old Patriarch with a smile, and the old Patriarch asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

"Old blood monster, didn't you find anything?" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he released the true appearance of his soul.

"Lin, Emperor Lin!" The old Patriarch looked at Lin Tian in shock, and Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "I haven't seen you for more than ten thousand years, why did you become so embarrassed?"

"Me." The old blood monster became embarrassed, and Lin Tian sighed, "At the beginning, I reminded you several patriarchs that the blood ghost avatar must not be cultivated to the limit, but you are lucky, it only took a few thousand years to rush to the eighty-first level of the half-step god?"

"This, in fact, we don't want to."

"Oh? What happened?" Lin Tian remembered that these Patriarchs had only just half-stepped God Venerable in the past, but they had to reach the eighty-first level. According to Lin Tian's guess, it would be difficult to do it within a few million years.

That's why Lin Tian wanted to come and see after Patriarch Ma said that other old Patriarchs had gone crazy.

As for the helplessness of the blood family’s hometown, "Five thousand years ago, a strong ghost aura appeared in the blood ghost temple, and this ghost aura was full of blood light, which is very suitable for cultivating vampire avatars. But we went there and found a strange stone book."

Lin Tian was curious after hearing this, "Oh? Then your avatars have all been promoted?"

"Yes, we are naturally happy when we hit the eighty-one level, but after returning to our respective homes, Patriarch Mao went crazy first, then Patriarch You, followed by me."

Lin Tian became suspicious, "What about Patriarch Ma?"

"Master Ma, I don't know. Anyway, I'm the third one. I naturally don't understand what happened next."

Lin Tian was suddenly curious, "Then, this Patriarch Ma has a body of eighty-one?"

"Yes, the four of us are all over eighty-one, and we left together."

Lin Tian blinked, very curious, and the old Patriarch of the Blood Family asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Master Ma is fine."


"It seems that I have to ask this Ma Patriarch carefully, but in the meantime, don't reveal my identity." Lin Tian said, and the old Patriarch of the Xue Family was curious, "Why?"

"I always feel weird." Lin Tian felt that things seemed a little strange, but he was still not very clear, so he wanted to find out more about Ma Jiazhu.

The old Patriarch of the Blood Family was suspicious, "What do you think happened?"

"All three of your patriarchs have accidents, but he is the only one who is fine. Do you think it's strange?" Lin Tian smiled wryly, but the old Patriarch of the Xue family said in surprise, "This is very strange."

"Then wait a minute, ask for me, but you still keep my affairs a secret."

"Okay!" The old Patriarch of the Xue family nodded, and Lin Tian put away the phantom at this time, and then walked out of the space.

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