Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3123 The head of the thirty-six guards

But those ghosts and ghosts present were curious about how Lin Tian avoided it.

King Tong Chong was also suspicious, "What's the matter with my spear?"

Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "A brat, he can't even hold a magic weapon."

Lin Tian's ridicule immediately angered the Tong Chongwang, "How dare you speak against me?"

"So what about you?" Lin Tian sneered, and the King Tong Chong gritted his teeth angrily, "Believe it or not, I'll kill you?"

"Don't say kill me, it's your magic weapon, you can't even hold it firmly."

"Ridiculous! My magic weapon has been with me for many years, how could it be unsteady?" The King Tong Chong didn't think so, but Lin Tian smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand, and the spear fell into Lin Tian's hands.

Those ghosts were dumbfounded, and King Tong Chong stared at Lin Tian strangely, "You, how did you do it?"

"What? Want to know?"

"Say it quickly! Or I'll kill you!" the King Tong Chong threatened, but Lin Tian laughed there. As for King Tong Chong, he was anxious, "Okay! If you want to die, I will help you!"

After finishing speaking, the figure of the child king changed, and then there were countless child-like ghosts everywhere, and these ghosts made all kinds of strange laughs, and some even cried.

These voices made the gods around them feel uncomfortable, and they gave in one after another, while the Sand King and Hua Yuan felt that these voices were too harsh, but Lin Tian smiled strangely, "A group of little kids, just want to confuse me?"

King Tong Chong gave orders to those little dolls, "Kill him!"

"Yes." Those children flew over one by one, and they moved quickly, they circled around Lin Tian's spirit, and then climbed up, but when the light of Lin Tian's judgment was turned on, those dolls screamed one by one.

It wasn't until these children disappeared that the Tong Chong King said unwillingly, "I must kill you!"

"You, don't waste your energy in vain!" With Lin Tian's words, King Tong Chong clapped his hands, and a doll immediately fell on top of Lin Tian's head, hugged Lin Tian's head, and released a powerful force.

"Boom", there was a loud noise. Everyone thought that Lin Tian's spirit would be injured, but Lin Tian let out a sigh of relief, "What are you doing wrong?"

"You." Seeing that Lin Tian was fine, King Tong Chong was dumbfounded, but Lin Tian released the light of judgment. The King Tong Chong disappeared in a vigorous figure, and fell behind Lin Tian, ​​and then hit Lin Tian with his young fists.

But Lin Tian just smiled slightly, "Too weak."

"What?" The King Tong Chong was stunned for a while, and Lin Tian turned around, and another light of judgment turned into a punch, hitting the King Tong Chong directly.

King Tong Chong was taken aback, and looked at Lin Tian strangely, "You."

"How is it? Are you scared?" Lin Tian looked at the Tong Chong King with a smile, and the spirit of the Tong Chong King started to smoke, as for the other gods and ghosts, they were all dumbfounded.

Some even murmured, "Thirty-six Wei's Tong Chongwang, can't do anything to him?"

"It's unimaginable."

Hua Yuan and Sha Wang were also shocked by Lin Tian's ability, but Lin Tian looked at the Tong Chong King, "Do you want to continue?"

King Tong Chong cried suddenly, and the crying sound was very strange, and those gods and ghosts immediately moved away one by one uncomfortable, among which Hua Yuan and Sha Wang screamed in pain.

Lin Tian muttered to himself, "These thirty-six guards are really extraordinary."

Fortunately, Lin Tian was well prepared, and saw him stabbing hard with that ghost gun. After being hit, the Tong Xun King looked ugly and stared at Lin Tian strangely, "You."

"Does it hurt?" Lin Tian looked at King Tong Chong with a smile, and the figure of King Tong Chong was looming, but before he disappeared, he said, "Your Majesty, you will definitely revive me!"

After speaking, the Tong Chong King disappeared.

Lin Tian put away his long spear, but those ghosts did not dare to come closer. As for Lin Tian, ​​he asked Hua Yuan and Sha Wang, "Where is your king?"

"It should be in the palace." Huayuan said, but King Sha said, "I heard that the king is not in the palace recently, but I just heard."

Hua Yuan was suspicious, "Then who is in charge now?"

Sand King explained, "It seems to be the old gentleman."

"Ah, is that old monster of his?"

"Yeah." Sha Wang nodded, and Lin Tian asked, "What old monster, please explain clearly."

Hua Yuan said, "The head of the thirty-six guards is the old man, and his ability can be said to be the strongest and the most mysterious among the thirty-six guards."

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, "Then I will take it slowly."

Seeing that Lin Tian was not afraid of anything, Hua Yuan sighed, "You are a monster."

Sand King wondered, "Why are you looking for the Godly King?"

"I have an apprentice who was taken away by the Godly King. I want to save him."

"Saving people? I'm afraid it's very dangerous." Sha Wang explained, but Lin Tian was suspicious, "Oh? Why?"

"The person that the Godly King wants to arrest has never been seen again." The Sand King said, and Hua Yuan agreed, "Well, it seems to be the case."

Lin Tian flashed cold eyes, "If my apprentice dies, he must be buried with him."

"Buried with him?" King Sha didn't dare to imagine, and this flower resentment became even more dignified, until after a while, Lin Tian came to the so-called palace.

However, the gate of the palace was open, but no guard was seen.

"Strange." Hua Yuan was puzzled, and so was King Sha, "Usually the palace is closed, why is it open today?"

Lin Tian doesn't care whether it is closed or open, but directly enters it.

It was empty everywhere, but Lin Tian didn't stop until he felt some breath in a yard, and he walked in.

Over there, there was an old man lying on a chair and "sleeping" while several people stood beside him.

One is An Shangqi, the leader of the dark gods, the proprietress, and some unknown gods.

None of these ghosts looked simple, but Lin Tian glanced at them, then looked at the old man, "Are you the head of the thirty-six guards?"

The old man closed his eyes and smiled, "You know who I am, aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?"

"Oh? You're not afraid of me?" The old man's face immediately showed countless wrinkles, as if a piece of paper had been crushed together.

The other gods were startled one by one, but the proprietress said to Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, don't you beg for mercy when you see the old man?"

An Shangqi stared at Lin Tian even more, "Boy, if you don't want to die, just beg for mercy, maybe there is still a glimmer of life, otherwise the old man can wipe you out with one move."

Seeing that these people were so afraid of this old man, Lin Tian smiled, "Don't say this old man, it's your Godly King, standing in front of me, I can't even kneel down."

"Presumptuous!" The old man immediately opened his eyes to look at Lin Tian, ​​and the other gods were also staring at him, but Lin Tian said disapprovingly, "What? Did I say something wrong?"

The old man's eyes showed red light, and he said coldly, "At first, I thought you were good and wanted to recruit you, but you are so crazy, then I will not be polite!"

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