Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3127 Can't find fault, but was cleaned up

"Really, I didn't lie!" The little doll said childishly.

Lin Tian stared at the little doll for a long time, and the spirit ghost birds looked at him one by one. After knowing that he was not lying, Lin Tian said, "Lead the way."

"Are you really willing to go?" The little baby was extremely excited, and after Lin Tian hummed, the little baby happily led the way, and said to Lin Tian, ​​"My name is Xiaoba."


"Yes." The little baby hummed, while Lin Tian asked curiously, "Then how do you know where the Ancient Fantasy Sect is?"

"I saw them going to a place by chance, but it was dangerous and I couldn't get close." Xiaoba explained, and Lin Tian was curious, "Oh? Really?"

Xiao Ba hummed, and then took Lin Tian to a valley not far from the city, and the valley was covered with fog.

"Is this it?" Lin Tian asked, and the little Ba hummed, "They disappeared when they entered here, and when I wanted to pass, I would be blocked by the fog."

Lin Tian walked over, and when he encountered the mist, the mist seemed to push Lin Tian away, but Lin Tian still walked in abruptly.

The little Ba shouted excitedly outside, "Big brother, you, can you really go in?"

Lin Tian came out and looked at him, "Follow me, don't run around."

"Well." Xiao Ba became excited, followed Lin Tian, ​​and walked in, and the fog, as if opening a way for them, no longer blocked them, which made Xiao Ba very happy.

But after a while, there was the sound of rolling stones around, and rolling from all directions in the mist, Xiao Ba was startled, "Big brother, what is this?"

"It's just some organ formations."

After finishing speaking, countless stones flew towards him, and Lin Tian grabbed Xiaoba and easily avoided those stones.

That Xiao Ba was extremely excited, "That's great."

Lin Tian was very calm, until after flying for a certain distance, he rushed out of the fog and came to an empty valley.

But the valley is surrounded, just like the mouth of a well, and at the mouth of the well, there are some men in white clothes, and these men are staring at Lin Tian and Xiao Ba coldly.

"It's them." Xiao Ba pointed at them, and Lin Tian raised his head, staring at them above his head.

"Boy, do you know the consequences of trespassing here?" A young man leaned his hands on his back and looked at Lin Tian seriously, but Lin Tian said to himself, "I'm here to find someone."

"Are you deaf?" The young man said coldly, but Lin Tian still said the same thing, "I will leave when I find someone."

"I really don't know how to live or die." The young man flashed coldly, and he shot countless darts in his hand, aiming at Lin Tian and Xiao Ba, and after flying a certain distance in the air, those darts stopped in front of Lin Tian, ​​and remained motionless.

The people on the canyon were dumbfounded, but the young man became suspicious, "Boy, you actually blocked my dart?"

Lin Tian didn't speak, but threw the dart aside, and then flew up with Xiao Ba, and stood in front of them, and these people quickly surrounded Lin Tian and them.

Xiao Ba was trembling with fright, and hid behind Lin Tian, ​​and those people laughed at him when they saw Xiao Ba, "So it's this fool."

"I guess he came to look for his lost sister again."

"It's stupid."

The young man who took the lead stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Are you going to stand up for this kid?"

Lin Tian looked at Xiaoba and said, "In addition to looking for his sister, I also want to find someone else."

"You still want to find two people? Where do you think we are?" The young man gasped, and then his soul turned red, and he released a powerful breath, but Lin Tian reminded, "You should put away your weak power."

"Weak? Boy, do you dare to laugh at me?" The young man was upset, and took out a talisman in his hand, and the talisman was shining with red light.

I saw the young man hit Lin Tian with the talisman, but Lin Tian smiled strangely, and then the flame that the talisman turned into disappeared in front of Lin Tian, ​​and the young man was shocked and backed away immediately, and the others also backed away after seeing this.

Someone even asked the young man, "Brother Xu, what should we do now?"

"Don't worry, there is nothing I, Xu Tian, ​​can't solve." This young man named Xu Tian was self-righteous, and continued to dig out other ghost charms.

But as soon as the ghost talisman was taken out, Lin Tian stood behind him and asked, "Can you really solve it?"

Xu Tian was shocked and turned around in fright, and when Lin Tian disappeared, he screamed, and he was so scared that he wanted to run away. Lin Tian wrapped him in another shackle, and said, "You are not even a ghost emperor, so you want to run away from me?"

"It's definitely enough to deal with you." This Xu Tian still said confidently, but Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "Oh? Really?"

Xu Tian wanted to attack Lin Tian, ​​but when he realized that he could not use any power, he became nervous, "Boy, you, what did you do to me?"

"It's just the power to restrain you." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he entered the soul seal, and Xu Tian's eyes widened instantly, staring at Lin Tian in horror.

Lin Tian looked at him, "His sister, you should know?"

"She, she is locked in the medicine mountain."

"Yaoshan?" Lin Tian stared at him, and he nodded wildly, "Yes, Yaoshan."

The little Ba rushed over and asked urgently, "Is she okay?"

"One of our elders is interested in her, so it should be fine to accept her as an apprentice." This Xu Tian said nervously, and Xiao Ba said happily when he heard this, "Take me to find her."

"The elder has a bad temper and doesn't like to be disturbed by others. Even your sister, she can only stay in the medicine mountain." That Xu Tian said nervously, and Xiao Ba was about to become anxious.

Lin Tian looked at Xu Tian, ​​"Just lead the way."

Xu Tian hesitated, "But this."

"Lead the way?"

Seeing Lin Tian's expression, Xu Tian immediately said nervously, "Lead, lead the way!"

Then Xu Tian led the way, and the other disciples didn't know what to do, but Lin Tian asked as he walked, "That Xue Wangyou is also with you, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Tian's face changed drastically, and Lin Tian stared at him, "I know what you think, so don't lie."

"Yes, but he is taboo. Within the sect, no one can mention him, and outsiders cannot know his whereabouts, otherwise the consequences will be very serious." This Xu Tian said nervously.

"What's so taboo? Why don't people mention it?" Lin Tian felt very strange, but Xu Tian didn't understand, "I don't know, anyway, this is an order given by the elders."

Lin Tian continued to ask, "Then do you know where he is?"

"I, I don't know." That Xu Tiankuang shook his head, while Lin Tian stared at him, "Oh? Really?"

"Yes." Xu Tian lowered his head and said in a low voice, but Lin Tian said, "You are already under my control. If you lie, I can directly destroy your soul."

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