Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3136 Ancient fantasy castle

After hearing this, Lin Tian said, "Let's go out first and talk to the Suzerain."

Then Lin Tian left his consciousness space, and the giant on the side, that is, the suzerain, saw Lin Tian coming out of Xue Wangyou's consciousness space, and looked at Lin Tian strangely, "You're not dead?"

At this time Xue Wangyou woke up and said to the suzerain, "He is my master, how could he die?"

"What? Your master?" The suzerain was even more puzzled, and Xue Wangyou hummed, "That's right, my master."

The suzerain said depressedly, "If I had known it was your master, I wouldn't have stopped him."

Xue Wangyou apologized, "I'm sorry."

The suzerain stared at Lin Tian, ​​"You can return it to me now."

"Give it back to you? What?"

Lin Tian pretended to be stupid, but the suzerain was anxious, "It's my axe."

"The axe was taken away by someone." Lin Tian explained, and the suzerain said anxiously, "What? Someone took it away?"

"Yes." Lin Tian hummed, the suzerain didn't believe it, and still stared at Lin Tiandao, "Quick, give it to me quickly."

Lin Tian stared at the suzerain, "Let me ask you a question first."

"what is the problem?"

"Your Ancient Fantasy sect will open a mysterious place every thousand years, right?"

"Yes, Ancient Fantasy City, an ancient city." The suzerain explained, and Lin Tian asked, "How many years is it really before the next time?"

"Yes." The suzerain nodded, but Lin Tian said to the suzerain, "Take me to that place."

The Suzerain wondered, "What brought you to that place?"


"Dream, that place is not open now." The suzerain despised, but Lin Tian still said, "Let's go and talk about it."

"So what if I take you there." The suzerain was too lazy, and even felt annoyed, but Lin Tian said, "If you don't want to go, then I will kill that axe."

Hearing this, the suzerain immediately became anxious, and said to Lin Tian, ​​"How can you be so shameless?"

"It's okay if you don't bring it, I'll find someone else." Lin Tian said, and the suzerain said depressedly, "Okay, I'll take you there."

After finishing speaking, the suzerain turned around and took Lin Tian and Xue Wangyou with him.

Xue Wangyou still laughed at Lin Tianbian, "Master, I didn't expect you to make this suzerain so afraid."

"His magic weapon is with me, if he is not honest, I will destroy it." Lin Tian said with a smile, and that Xue Wangyou was curious, "Is that the axe?"

After Lin Tian hummed, Xue Wangyou said, "Master, don't give that thing back to him, after all, this is a sharp weapon to restrain the Godly King."

"The sharp weapon should be in the fantasy city, not the axe." Lin Tian explained, and Xue Wangyou nodded, "That's right, that place is the key."

But at this time, the suzerain stopped in front of a staircase, and said, "When you go up this staircase, there is a corridor, and this corridor is currently closed, and no spirit can approach it."

Lin Tian ignored what he said, but went straight up the stairs, and the suzerain said anxiously, "Do you think I'm scaring you?"

Lin Tian still went on his own, and that Xue Wangyou smiled at the suzerain, "My master, I didn't grow up being frightened."

"You, you." The suzerain followed angrily, and kept nagging Lin Tian, ​​"When will you return my axe?"

"Depend on my mood."

The suzerain was extremely depressed, and he was still complaining, "You'd better pay me back quickly, or when you die on the passage, who shall I turn to?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Lin Tian said with a smile, but the suzerain didn't believe it, and Lin Tian had already reached the top of the stairs and saw a dark corridor.

At the same time, in this dark corridor, white starlight can occasionally be seen.

The suzerain still said, "I've said everything that needs to be said. If you want to die, don't blame me."

Lin Tian still walked in, and the powerful force in the corridor immediately squeezed Lin Tian's soul again.

Therefore, when the suzerain and Xue Wangyou looked at Lin Tian, ​​it was as if they saw all kinds of distortions in the spirit.

"What, what's going on?" Xue Wangyou was startled, and the suzerain said, "I have already warned him, but if he doesn't believe it, then just wait for death."

Xue Wangyou frowned, "My master, I will be fine."

"It's not something you just say." The suzerain said, but Xue Wangyou still said the same thing, "Then just wait."

The suzerain had no choice but to continue to make sarcastic remarks there, "No one can pass through this place so far."

Xue Wangyou didn't take his words seriously, because Xue Wangyou believed that Lin Tian would definitely pass.

Sure enough, the next moment, Lin Tian's spirit jumped several times in a row, passed through the corridor, and reached the depth of the corridor.

"That's okay too?" The suzerain was confused, but Xue Wangyou said happily, "Master, what's going on inside?"

"There is a door." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he went to push open the door, and there was a fog inside the door.

So Lin Tian said to Xue Wangyou, "You stay there first, I'll go in and have a look."


Then Lin Tian entered the mist, and the suzerain muttered, "No way, he really entered that place?"

"I've said it all, my master, it will definitely be possible."

But the suzerain was puzzled, "But it is rumored that if the ancient fantasy city didn't take the initiative to open the door, it would be bad luck for others to enter indiscriminately."

"Just keep blowing and bluffing."

"What did you lie to you for?" The suzerain was depressed, but Xue Wangyou ignored it and continued to wait there. As for the fog, after Lin Tian walked a certain distance, he saw countless god statues everywhere.

These statues emit this white light one by one.

"These are the fundamental reasons for the ghost to disappear." Lin Tian muttered after seeing that these were very similar to the light of judgment.

Not only that, Lin Tian also saw a huge palace behind these statues, and Lin Tian flew over curiously, and then saw a floating box in the palace.

The box is white, like ivory, and emits white light.

"This white light is stronger than the judgment light." Sensing the difference in the white light, Lin Tian grabbed the box with one hand, but the box was very spiritual. When Lin Tian touched the moment, the box disappeared.

Lin Tian smiled, "What? Play hide-and-seek with me?"

The box didn't say a word, as if it disappeared, and Lin Tian turned on the "God's Eye Technique" to check where the other party was hiding.

After about a while, Lin Tian found that it was hidden on a wall, and it was integrated with the surrounding murals. If it weren't for his "magic eye", Lin Tian would have found it difficult to find its existence.

But at this time, the thing found that after Lin Tian found it, it disappeared again, and Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "The reaction is quite fast."

This forced Lin Tian to look around again, and finally saw it on the ceiling in a corner, and it was inlaid with a pile of white stone walls, as if they were one.

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