Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3213 different factions

When Lin Tian finished reading it, his expression became solemn, because this order was an order he gave before he stepped into Shenyou.

In other words, Shi Shengshan began to target himself, not others.

This made Lin Tian suspicious, "Could it be that the suzerain knew that I was coming?"

However, Lin Tian was even more puzzled, how could he arrest himself since he had never met the suzerain.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian knew that there was only one possibility, and that was that the suzerain was either related to the owner of that voice, or it was related to the stone statue that made people pretend to be him.

"It seems that it is necessary to meet your suzerain for a while later."

Li Sanfeng didn't know what Lin Tian was thinking, but he said, "Now, let me go?"

"Yes!" Lin Tian hummed, and Li Sanfeng said with a sigh of relief, "That's good."

But Lin Tian let him go and said to him, "You have to do me a favor."

"What's busy?"

"Help me investigate, your suzerain, why did you arrest me." Lin Tian smiled at Li Sanfeng, and Li Sanfeng was surprised, "This, this is not a joke, is it?"

"It's not a joke, but it's true." Li Sanfeng was taken aback by Lin Tian's words, and said with a strange expression, "This, this is a bit difficult."

"So, you don't want to?"

"No, it's not, it's just too difficult." Li Sanfeng said in fear, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "I believe in you, it will definitely be possible."

Li Sanfeng looked helpless, "You have said that, can I say no?"

"No." After finishing speaking, Lin Tian let Li Sanfeng leave, and Lin Tian walked out of the stone and came to Shengyue Tianqin.

Shengyue Tianqin looked at Lin Tian curiously, "Where is that person?"

"Escaped." Lin Tian said casually, and Sheng Yue Tianqin sighed, "This kind of person is just difficult to deal with, so be extra careful."

Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "It's okay."

"This time it's three stars. Next time, I'm afraid it will be four stars, five stars, or even stronger." Shengyue Tianqin was not as calm as Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and said, "Let's hurry up."

Seeing that Lin Tian was not afraid of anything, Shengyue Tianqin had no choice but to say, "Then let's go."

So the two continued on their way.

Li Sanfeng came to a fortress, which was a stronghold of Shisheng Mountain.

In this fortress, Li Sanfeng saw an elder there, his whole body, like an old tree root, entangled in a chair, until Li Sanfeng came in, the old tree root asked, "Sanfeng, are you back?"

"Yeah." Li Sanfeng said awkwardly, but the old tree root said, "I heard that you tracked down that kid's whereabouts?"

"It was tracked down, but this kid is not easy, he even wounded me." This Li Sanfeng even deliberately showed the wound to the other party.

After seeing it, the old tree root sighed, "It's very pitiful."

Li Sanfeng said depressedly, "No, now, I don't dare to see him again."

"Tell me, where is he, I'll go meet him for a while."

"I'll let people watch, and I'll tell you when he stays somewhere." Li Sanfeng said, and the old tree said after humming, "Then you go to heal your wounds first."

Li Sanfeng couldn't help Wen Liu, "Elder Shu, tell me, who is this kid? Why did the suzerain encircle and suppress him?"

"This, I don't quite understand, but after the suzerain gave the order, all the elders didn't stop, and directly brought their own forces to stop that kid everywhere. It's just that we were unlucky and ran to us." Old Tree Root said helplessly.

Li Sanfeng sighed even more, "This guy is indeed too difficult to deal with."

The old tree root didn't take it seriously, "It's just a Golden God Realm, it seems to scare you."

"Elder Shu, you haven't seen it with your own eyes. This guy is really difficult to deal with." This Li Sanfeng sighed, and the old tree root saw that the other party was frightened, and quickly said, "Go and cultivate."

"Yes." After Li Sanfeng finished speaking, he turned and left, while the old tree root was meditating there, and even muttered, "If I catch this first, then I will make a lot of money."

Under the leadership of Shengyue Tianqin, Lin Tian passed through countless snow fields, and finally came to a snow city.

Although the city is cold, it is very lively, and Lin Tian can sense that there are many people staring at him in the dark.

That Shengyue Tianqin also found out and said, "Did you find out?"

"I found it, but this has no effect on me." Lin Tian said with a smile, but Sheng Yue Tianqin said, "But, I always feel that this time is a little different."

"What's different?"

"It is rumored that there are several factions in Shisheng Mountain. The last time I saw it was from the Earth faction. This time, it is probably from the Water faction. Rumor has it that the leader's elder is a very vicious woman."

Lin Tian snorted, and then learned from Li Sanfeng's memory that there are indeed several factions in this Shisheng Mountain, and these people, when hiding, are like water waves, they are the rumored water faction.

But Lin Tian smiled indifferently, "This elder had better not mess with me, otherwise, I won't be polite to her."

Sheng Yue Tianqin explained, "In the city, they won't do anything at will, but it's hard to say outside the city."

Lin Tian didn't think so, and asked, "Where is this Jianyou Ice Palace?"

"There is a teleportation array here, but it will only be activated once in a few days, so we need to wait a while." The Shengyue Tianqin said, and Lin Tian could only hum, "Okay, let's find a place to sit down first."

I saw Shengyue Tianqin took Lin Tian to find an inn near the teleportation array to stay.

But not long after entering the inn, the waiter came in and sent a letter, "Guest officer, I have a letter from you."

Lin Tian curiously took out the letter, and the letter suddenly turned into ice, freezing Lin Tian's right hand there.

The second child was frightened, and said to Lin Tian, ​​"It has nothing to do with me."

Lin Tian knew that it had nothing to do with Xiao Er, so he said to Xiao Er, "Go down first."

The little girl left here in fright, and Sheng Yue Tianqin stared at Lin Tian's frozen right hand and said, "This is Shi Shengshan's famous poison freezing technique, as long as it touches the thing they cast the spell on, it will be frozen."

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and when the flame flashed, the ice disappeared. At the same time, Lin Tian was fine, but the paper burned and turned into a blue flame.

Under the blue flames, there was a female figure, and said with a smile, "Boy, if you don't want to die inexplicably, you should hurry to the outside of the city, otherwise, your life will be killed by us at any time."

Lin Tian said disapprovingly, "Do you think this can threaten me?"

The woman laughed and said, "What? Are you still stubborn?"

"If you don't want to die, you should stay away from me, otherwise you will regret it." Lin Tian smiled there, and the woman was cold under the blue flame, "It seems that you really want to die."

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