Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3215 flame extinguished

The blue elder said coldly, "I will let you know what is scary."

In the next moment, everyone disappeared, but in this space, the cold air swept in from all directions.

These cold airs can be transformed into various arrow rains.

Those arrows flew towards Lin Tian and Shengyue Tianqin one by one, and Shengyue Tianqin was a little worried after seeing these arrows, "This, it should corrode the soul."

But Lin Tian didn't care, and said there, "You step back first, and leave these to me."

After Shengyue Tianqin stepped back for a certain distance, she stared at Lin Tian, ​​curious in her heart, "How will he solve these arrow rains."

At this time, Lin Tian leaped over and looked at the rain of arrows, just smiled evilly, and then the rain of arrows fell on Lin Tian one by one, but Lin Tian was fine.

Shengyue Tianqin was startled, she couldn't believe that Lin Tian just resisted the rain of arrows.

The Elder Lan in the dark and the disciples of Shishengshan were shocked, and they looked at Elder Lan one by one, "Elder Lan, is this guy a monster?"

"Elder Lan, why isn't he afraid of the rain of arrows?"

This vicious woman also wanted to know, but no one told her, so she said in a frenzy, "Give me another try!"


Then everyone stepped up their efforts, and then a rain of arrows flew towards Lin Tian again, and Lin Tian stood there and said, "Don't waste your efforts, it's useless!"

Soon, these attacks fell on Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian was fine. This made the blue elder flash coldly, and shouted to the disciples, "Separate the space."

"Separate?" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Elder Lan hummed, "Yes, separate him from that woman and threaten him with that woman."

Everyone quickly understood that the next moment, the space between Lin Tian and Shengyue Tianqin separated immediately, leaving behind Lin Tian empty.

This made Lin Tian startled, "Where are people?"

Then the cohesion resumed everywhere, and Lin Tian stood in the inn, but there was only one person, and there was a map-like animal skin in front of Lin Tian.

At the same time, the woman's voice said coldly, "Boy, if you want her to be fine, come to the designated place."

After finishing speaking, the woman's voice disappeared, and Lin Tian fell into deep thought, still holding the animal skin in his hand, "Mistake."

Then Lin Tian turned and left here.

At this moment, in an ice cave, that Shengyue Tianqin was trapped in an icicle, and the elder Lan smiled around the icicle, "Don't worry, that kid, I'll save you soon."

Sheng Yue Tianqin wondered, "Are you using me to threaten him?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Elder Lan said with a smile, but Sheng Yue Tianqin said, "He and I are just ordinary friends, so he won't take risks."

"But I heard that he is already on his way." The elder Lan said, but Sheng Yue Tianqin frowned, "You think that, you can take him down."

"Do you know what this place is?" Elder Lan asked with a smile, while Sheng Yue Tianqin was curious, "Where is this place?"

"Here is the Shenyou Ice Cave." Elder Lan said with a smile, while Sheng Yue Tianqin's expression became serious, "Ice Cave?"

"Yes, the ice cave has an extremely cold airflow inside, and I will lead him to the deepest point, and then he will be frozen." The blue elder said with a smile.

"He won't fall for it."

"With you here, he will definitely be fooled." The blue elder said with a smile, but Shengyue Tianqin didn't believe it. As for the blue elder, he took out a scroll and threw it into the air, and then in the midair, Lin Tian could be seen nearby.

"Look, he is near here, he will enter the cave soon, and then follow my guidance, and enter the depths of the cave little by little." The blue elder said with a smile.

Shengyue Tianqin's expression turned serious, "I never thought that people in Shishengshan would be so despicable."

"Who am I? I am a famous poisonous widow in Shisheng Mountain, can I not be despicable?" The elder Lan said proudly, and Sheng Yue Tianqin was so angry that she couldn't speak when she heard this, but she couldn't contact Lin Tian, ​​so she could only stare at the scroll.

At this moment in the picture scroll, Lin Tian is standing in front of several roads.

When Lin Tian was thinking about which way to go, the voice of the elder Lan said with a smile, "Boy, choose the far right."



"What if I don't?" Lin Tian asked back, but Elder Lan said coldly, "Do you think you have any other choices?"

"Of course." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he disappeared completely and disappeared into the picture scroll.

"Where are people?" Elder Lan looked solemn, but Sheng Yue Tianqin said with a smile, "You underestimated him."

Elder Lan snorted, "He will definitely do what I ask, otherwise."

"Otherwise, what's the matter?" At this time, Lin Tian suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and the elder Lan was startled, "You, you didn't choose the one on the far right."

"You let me choose, so I have to choose?" Lin Tianxiao asked the elder Lan, and the elder Lan turned cold, "You have no choice."

After finishing speaking, Elder Lan waved his hand, and the whole person was chilled, and then everyone in front of him disappeared, even Shengyue Tianqin disappeared.

"Boy, as I said, you have no choice." The elder Lan's voice sounded again, and Lin Tian activated the "God's Eye Technique", "Do you think you can escape?"

"Nonsense." After Elder Lan finished speaking, he disappeared, and Lin Tian kept chasing after him based on the traces left by the other party.

About half an hour later, Lin Tian saw floating ice blocks everywhere, and the Shengyue Tianqin, which was in the corner at the moment, had already frozen into ice blocks.

Lin Tian hurried over, a ball of flame hit her, Sheng Yue Tianqin gradually recovered her speech ability and said anxiously, "Get out of here quickly."

But at this moment, Elder Lan's voice laughed in the dark and said, "It's too late."

At this time, countless ice blocks around blocked the exit one by one. Not only that, but the surrounding cold air was increasing, and this cold air had the tendency to kill even the Fire King.

"What kind of cold air is this? So powerful?" Lin Tian was a little surprised, but Shengyue Tianqin said tremblingly, "This is one of the Shenyou Ice Caves, and these cold airs are called Shenyou Cold Current. Without strong strength, it is impossible to survive here."

Lin Tian comforted, "It's okay, I'm here."

Shengyue Tianqin didn't dare to ask extravagantly, and even said uncomfortablely, "I, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it out."

Elder Lan laughed in the dark and said, "Boy, the mysterious cold current is a very terrifying cold current. Do you think you have a chance to escape?"

After Lin Tian heard this, he laughed there, "Do you think this coldness can scare me?"

"This? I think your soul can't stand it anymore?" The blue elder laughed, and Lin Tian condensed the flame again, but the flame flickered for a while, weakened again, and finally went out.

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