Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3217 The style of painting has changed a bit

This ice phoenix didn't take Lin Tian seriously at all, and wanted to attack Lin Tian.

I saw a cold vortex appearing above the heads of Lin Tian and Shengyue Tianqin, and then the two felt as if they were about to be sucked into the vortex.

Shengyue Tianqin was shocked, "This ghostly beast is really terrifying."

"It's a bit scary, but it's difficult to hurt me." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he pointed his palm at the ice phoenix.

This ice phoenix is ​​very disdainful, and it is still condensing a transparent ice layer around its body to protect itself and prevent Lin Tian from touching him at all.

But Xu Mie used the opponent's power, so with this palm, the opponent's protective layer was shattered on the spot.

The ice phoenix was shocked, obviously did not expect this to happen, but Lin Tianxie smiled, "Almost, it's time to end."

The next moment, Lin Tian's countless ghosts dispersed, attacking the ice phoenix in various ways, and the ice phoenix was obviously unwilling, and even created countless vortexes one by one, targeting Lin Tian.

But Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and stared at those whirlpools and said, "So, you want to touch me?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian's phantoms scattered one by one, making Ice Phoenix unable to care about so many phantoms at all, and could only roar there, while Elder Lan was anxious, and quickly said to Bingfenghuang, "Master Bingniao, can't you take him down?"

"This guy is so cunning and powerful, it's hard to deal with." The ice phoenix complained.

When Elder Lan heard this, he immediately became worried, "If this is the case, aren't we finished?"

"No, I will never let him hurt me." After speaking, Ice Phoenix turned around and quickly left the city.

The people in the city were dumbfounded when they saw that the ghosts and ghosts were scared away by a Golden God Realm, and some people muttered, "What's going on here?"

"who knows."

Obviously, no one expected that this would be the result.

The ice phoenix speeded up, afraid of being touched by Lin Tian.

But what Bingfenghuang never dreamed of was that Lin Tian suddenly landed on its back, and that Elder Lan was so frightened that he ran away quickly.

But this ice phoenix is ​​huge, it wants to escape, but it can't escape, so it was so frightened that it condensed into an ice whirlpool, and surrounded Lin Tian, ​​trying to destroy Lin Tian.

But Lin Tian has countless ghosts, and even laughed there, "Do you think this is useful?"

Unwilling, the ice phoenix rushed out of the city angrily, and flew around, trying to get rid of Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian stood firmly on its back, attacked it from time to time, and smiled at it from time to time, "Surrender, surrender will not be so painful."

"No, I won't surrender." This ice phoenix was like a stubborn girl, no matter what Lin Tian said, she didn't surrender and kept moving forward crazily.

At this moment, Shengyue Tianqin in the inn in the city looked at the shadow left by Lin Tian, ​​"Where did you and that ice bird go?"

"I wanted to take it down, so I went out to play with it." Lin Tian said with a smile, and Sheng Yue Tianqin said strangely, "You want to take it down?"

"The twelve gods and ghosts each have their own abilities. It would be great if they could be taken down." Lin Tian smiled, while Shengyue Tianqin sighed, "No one has ever dared to subdue the ghosts so casually."

Lin Tian has already subdued Shenyou Guiyang and Shenyou One Horn, so he doesn't feel any pressure at all.

However, outside the city at this moment, the ice phoenix was still struggling, even covered in cuts and bruises. In the end, it was unable to fly, and fell on a hill, and then lay on the airway, "Anyway, I will not be surrendered by you."

Lin Tian released Shenyou unicorn and Shenyou ghost sheep, and then said with a smile, "I'll let them stare at you to see if you can escape."

Seeing the other two beasts, Bingfenghuang immediately became startled, "You actually surrendered these two guys?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Lin Tian smiled, and the ice phoenix said depressedly, "I won't be like them!"

"You're not like them, so how long are you going to last?" Lin Tian said with a smile, and the ice phoenix snorted, "I can definitely hold on."

"Okay, then I want to see how stubborn you are." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he chatted there.

Bingfenghuang felt that Lin Tian was just a nagging person, plus he was injured and couldn't escape at all, so he could only yell at him, but Lin Tian said, "As long as you submit to me, I can instantly restore your injury and restore you to your peak."

"Impossible." The other party didn't believe it, and felt that Lin Tian had boasted about Haikou, but Lin Tian looked at it with a smile, "Then make a contract with me and try."

"Dream." The ice phoenix snorted, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "You don't follow, then, I will destroy you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian condensed one after another, and Ice Phoenix started to feel a little scared, and even asked, "I can submit to you, but you can't order me at will, let alone insult me."

"Why should I insult you?"

"Who knows if you have a problem in your heart." The ice phoenix said contemptuously, but Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "Don't worry, I will never insult you."

"Okay, come on." Ice Phoenix was depressed, but reluctantly accepted Lin Tian's proposal, and then signed a contract with Lin Tian.

After everything was settled, Bingfenghuang stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Now, can you heal me?"

"Yes." Lin Tian hummed, and then healed the other party's injuries, and the injury on Bingfenghuang's body was healed in a flash, which surprised him, then turned around and turned into a little ice and snow girl.

I saw that the girl's skin was covered with a layer of frost, and so were her eyelashes, and her lips were snow white, which looked very unique.

"How about it, am I beautiful? Do you feel like you've never seen such a beautiful girl before?" Ice Phoenix's words suddenly changed, making Lin Tian almost turn a corner, "Are you sure, you are Shenyou Ice Phoenix?"

"Yes, I am, why? Don't believe me?" The ice phoenix even spun around, and opened his hands, the surrounding space was frozen by ice everywhere, as if the space was frozen.

Lin Tian looked at it and smiled, "The strength is not bad, but follow me from now on, don't show off."

"Anyway, I've already followed you. From now on, you have to protect my safety."

Lin Tian smiled wryly, "Protect you?"

"Well, I have offended many guys. Before I transform, you'd better protect me and make sure I can transform."

"Transformation?" Lin Tian was suspicious, but Bingfenghuang was helpless, "I have to transform once every ten thousand years. I have transformed eighty times from before to now. Once again, I can completely transform and become a great beauty. I will also become the strongest ghost beast in Shenyou, and even become the head of the twelve gods and ghosts."

Lin Tian said after seeing it being so narcissistic, "Let's go."

"Come on, I haven't finished yet."

"You speak like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on, and you will torture me to death."

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