Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3226 Ice Palace Elders Group

Lin Tian didn't say any nonsense, just said, "Lead the way."

"Lead the way?" Everyone looked at each other, but Lin Tian said, "That's right, lead the way to this forbidden place."

These people all looked ugly, and some people even said, "We can't go."

"That's right, the forbidden area, except for the elders, no one is allowed to step in, otherwise they will die."

"No, you should give up, don't go, it's useless." Some people said, but Lin Tian smiled at them, "You guys, can you help?"

Hearing this, these people looked at each other, then shook their heads, and the ice phoenix said, "If any of you don't help, I'll freeze them here, and then tear up the soul, so that you will never live."

These people were taken aback, and someone said, "Little girl, it's not that we don't want to, but that place is too dangerous."

"That's right, little girl, we're not kidding you."

Even the square head said, "Do you think the forbidden area is a joke?"

"Why? Don't want to?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and these people were naturally not happy, and they all showed helpless faces. As for Lin Tian, ​​​​smiled, "Then, I have to wrong you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian went directly in front of the square head and directly entered the soul seal.

The square head that was frozen there, was imprinted into the soul by Lin Tian in this way, but he didn't dare to move, he still said anxiously, "What are you doing?"

"I didn't do anything, just let you lead the way." Lin Tian said with a smile, and the square head became anxious when he realized that his spirit had been controlled, "You, how could you do this."

"How about me?" Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, and Fang Fangtou panicked, but he couldn't get rid of it, so he could only say, "Okay, I'll take you there."

After finishing speaking, the square head was about to take Lin Tian and the others there, but all the disciples were shocked, "Brother Shan, you."

"I can't help it." Square head said helplessly, and after Bingfenghuang untied the block head, he took Lin Tian and the others away, and those disciples tried to persuade him.

But Fang Kuangtou has already been imprinted with his soul, and there is no turning back, so he can only silently lead Lin Tian and the others into the Jianyou Ice Palace.

But after walking a certain distance, the sound of a flute came, and the square head was shocked, "It's over, it's the third elder."

"What? Is there someone guarding it?" Lin Tian asked, and Fang Cui head hummed, "Well, it's the third elder, Xiedi, known as the old evil monster."

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, but Bingfenghuang and that Shengyue Tianqin suddenly felt hallucinations in front of their eyes, as if their whole souls were floating, and then they smirked.

Fang Cuitou said anxiously, "Look, they are affected by the sound, and they are about to go crazy."

Lin Tian knew that these two people were not weak, but he didn't expect to be affected by the sound of the flute, so Lin Tian took out a guqin and played it.

The sound of Guqin sounded crazily there, and then Shengyue Tianqin and the two became sober, and Bingfenghuang still said, "Who is it, come out for me."

At this time, a huge cloud and mist fell from the sky, and there was a handsome man holding a strange flute.

When the man put down the flute, he stared at Lin Tian and the others with cold eyes, "Who are you and why did you trespass here?"

After speaking, the man was still staring at the square head coldly, and the square head bowed his head, not daring to make a sound.

Lin Tian said, "We are looking for someone."

The evil flute said coldly, "Looking for someone to find our forbidden area? Do you think I will believe it?"

Lin Tian took out the painting, pointed to the person on the painting and asked, "Do you know him?"

That evil flute flashed cold eyes, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

"It seems that you know each other." Lin Tian was a little happy, but that evil flute said coldly, "Knowledge is knowing, but why should I let you in?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian laughed, "So, she's inside?"

"So what?" Xie Di asked back, but Lin Tian said, "Then I will go in by myself."

"If you dare to take half a step, I will make it impossible for you to leave here." The evil flute said frantically, but Lin Tian ignored the other party's warning and deliberately walked forward.

Xiedi's eyes flashed coldly, and countless voices emanated from him, and that powerful voice was directly approaching Lin Tian's soul, as if it was going to destroy Lin Tian's soul, and Lin Tian smiled evilly, and then rushed over at once, Completely ignore each other.

Xiedi present was startled, he never expected that a Golden God Realm would ignore him and even run into it.

So Xiedi turned around and flew in, and the ice phoenix asked Shengyue Tianqin, "What about us?"

"Keep up." Shengyue Tianqin wanted to see if there was really someone like herself, so she quickened her pace, and Fang Kuitou said depressedly, "What should I do?"

At this moment, Lin Tian was standing on a snowy ground, and there were many people standing on countless stone swords around him. These people were all elders, and they all stared at Lin Tian coldly.

After Xie Di came, those people were still puzzled, "Ye Di, why can't you even stop a person in the Golden God Realm."

"Evil flute, did you release the water on purpose?"

"Evil flute, this is not your style."

"Shut up." That Xie Di gave a blank look, obviously he didn't like the chatter of these elders, and these elders could only look at each other, as for Xie Di staring at Lin Tiandao, "Boy, with these elders around, don't you think left."

"Where is she?" Lin Tian only wanted to know where Tian Luo was, so he asked coldly, while the evil flute said coldly, "Why did I tell you?"

"Don't you say it?" Lin Tian turned around suddenly, staring at that Xiedi, and Xiedi said coldly, "Of course."

Lin Tian had no choice but to go to Xu Mie, and the evil flute waved his right hand, and a microwave hit Xu Mie, and Xu Mie was scattered.

Xie Di also said self-confidently, "You can't do what you can."

Lin Tian had no choice but to borrow the opponent's strength and hit several palms again, but after Xiedi felt something was wrong, he began to question, "Why do you have such great strength?"

"Then you have to ask yourself." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he fought against the opponent again.

This made Xie Di have to resist, but those elders watched the show, and some even said, "Ei Di, a little guy, you can't handle it?"

"Evil flute, your skills are a bit weak."

"Evil flute, can you do it?"

Xie Di got angry, and still shouted, "If you have the ability, come and let me see how powerful you are?"

Those people didn't take it seriously, and an old man said, "If I come, I will come."

After the other party finished speaking, he threw a black ring in his hand, and flew directly to Lin Tian, ​​intending to put Lin Tian's spirit there, but Lin Tian's phantom scattered, and the other party didn't know which ring to put on.

Not only that, Lin Tian also grabbed the ring with one hand and said with a smile, "Let's keep this thing for you!"

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