Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3230 Three Thousand Black Kings

At this time, countless icy silks gathered around Tianluo, and these silks wrapped her little by little, and before Tianluo completely passed out, he said a few words, "Don't worry about me!"

The next moment, Tian Luo passed out completely, and Tian Luo turned into a "living dead" wrapped in silk. Lin Tian quickly penetrated his consciousness and found that she was asleep.

Shengyue Tianqin asked curiously, "How is it?"

Lin Tian said solemnly, "I don't know yet."

But at this time, the voice came from all over the space, and said with a smile, "Let me tell you, she has been cursed, and this curse is that once my power leaves her body, her soul will fall asleep by itself. And the ice thread is entwined, no one can break it."

"What did you do?" Lin Tianyin turned cold, and the voice said triumphantly, "I warned you before, either surrender, or she will die because of you."

Lin Tian said coldly, "Don't let me catch you, otherwise, I will make your life worse than death."

"You should think about how to make her wake up, otherwise she will never have a chance to wake up after sleeping for a hundred years." The voice laughed, and Lin Tian frowned until the voice stopped laughing, and then said, "I can give You show a way."

"What do you mean?"

"My meaning is very simple, that is, there is a place in the God Realm that can break this curse, and this place is in the wasteland. I won't say more about the specific place, but we will definitely meet again." The other party said Finished, laughed, and left there.

"This guy is a liar." Bingfenghuang said, and Shengyue Tianqin even reminded, "You have to calm down, you can't be fooled by that guy."

Lin Tian carefully moved Tian Luo into the space, and said, "Her soul is still there, but she has to find her physical body within a hundred years, but this physical body is probably hidden by that guy in the wasteland."

Lin Tian has never figured out where Tianluo's body is, which means that her body should be hidden somewhere, and this wasteland is a place that he cannot detect.

Therefore, Lin Tian guessed that the guy who let him go to the wasteland probably had something to do with that physical body.

But Shengyue Tianqin didn't know what wasteland was, but was a little worried, "Are you really going to the place that person said?"

"Go, sooner or later." Lin Tian knew that Nangongxue also went to the wasteland in the end, and that wasteland of the God Realm has always been the most mysterious place in the God Realm.

Lin Tian has to go there no matter what.

But Shengyue Tianqin hesitated and said, "Then you take me with you."

"I'm going too." Bingfenghuang said, and after Lin Tian nodded, he took the two of them and left here, planning to leave Shenyou first, pass through the ghost and god realm, and return to the god realm.

But when the three of Lin Tian were about to leave Jianyou Ice Palace, in front of Lin Tian and others, countless golden lights fell, and then people in golden armor appeared one by one.

Among them, Xu Tianlong in the golden robe was there, and Xu Tianlong said to the man in the golden armor who took the lead, "My lord, it's them."

Shengyue Tianqin knew it belonged to Shenyou Palace, so she frowned, but the ice phoenix said indifferently, "It's these guys again."

The leader, wearing a black helmet and holding a black spear, stared at Lin Tian coldly, "Do you know who I am?"

"I'm in a bad mood right now, you'd better not mess with me." Lin Tian said, and the leader said coldly, "I am the Shenyou Palace, the God's Punishment Officer, the Black King Three Thousand."

Sheng Yue Tianqin was terrified when she heard the name, "Three Thousand Black Kings, you can take down the terrifying eight-star god You Guizun with one move."

Bingfenghuang was startled when he heard this, "Is it that powerful?"

As for the nearby Jianyou Ice Palace disciples, they all became startled when they heard this, even the elders who were watching from the dark and dared not step forward were frightened.

"What did this kid do? He even attracted God's Punishment Officer?" Some people were puzzled, but Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, "I don't care if you are the black king three thousand, or what kind of king three thousand."

"It seems that you want to die." With a flick of the black king's three thousand spear, a crack appeared in the space in front of Lin Tian's eyes, and this crack seemed to suck Lin Tian in.

But Lin Tian avoided it all at once, and everyone around him looked stupid.

Especially the people in Jianyou Ice Palace were startled one by one, Bingfenghuang and Shengyue Tianqin were also frightened.

However, Lin Tian was very calm and was still floating in the air, "Even if you want to die, I will fulfill you."

At this moment, Lin Tian was in a bad mood, and these people wanted to provoke him again, causing Lin Tian's countless ghosts to disperse, and then countless voids in the sky were shot out.

These annihilations turned into huge fist shadows, and then "boom boom boom" hit countless people, and those people fell seriously injured one by one.

Seeing these fallen people, that Xu Tianlong was frightened, and quickly shouted to Hei Wang Sanqian, "Master Hei, this kid is too crazy."

Hei Wang Sanqian snorted, swung his spear, and all the phantoms in the air were shattered.

Everyone exclaimed, Shengyue Tianqin looked even more solemn, "This guy is really scary."

Ice Phoenix hesitated, "Then what should I do?"

"Look at your little brother." Shengyue Tianqin said worriedly, while the ice phoenix said depressedly, "This Shenyou Palace, what did they offend, to send such a terrible person here?"

Shengyue Tianqin frowned, "I guess it's about Shi Shengshan."

"These people are really unreasonable. It is obvious that people from Shishengshan caused trouble first." Bingfenghuang said depressedly, but Shengyue Tianqin had no choice but to say, "Shenyou Palace doesn't care about this."

"The best little brother, you can kill these guys."

However, at this moment, that Lin Tian stared at the Black King Sanqian, "Your power is powerful, but this power is fatal to you."

"Fatal? Don't you think it's ridiculous?" The black king Sanqian asked back, and that Lin Tian condensed the void again.

Seeing Xu Mie, Hei Wang Sanqian said indifferently, "Do you think this is useful?"

Lin Tian said coldly, "Wait a minute, you will know whether it is useful or not."

After finishing speaking, Hei Wang Sanqian swung his spear, and the target was Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian laughed strangely, and then Xu Mie shot out, and then the two forces collided in mid-air, which can be said to be right up and down.

But the black king Sanqian didn't stop, he jumped up again, and then chased and attacked Lin Tian.

However, Lin Tian's demon shadows scattered one by one, and the other party couldn't touch Lin Tian at all, but the black king Sanqian was not reconciled, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"I'm really looking for a dead end."

After finishing speaking, the opponent's spear danced around there, and then formed a space, sealing Lin Tian and those phantoms in the space.

But when Lin Tian saw this, he didn't take it seriously and said, "Small."

"Small idea? Then you should come out and take a look." The black king Sanqian thought that Lin Tian couldn't escape at all.

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